My Journals which are currently in use and are logged every now and then.
❅Old Norse ❅Black Magick of Ahriman
I offer free readings and scans on here through PM or here:
Tarot Decks I use - should you inquire for a reading from me
Moonology - Oracle Deck
Astro Starcodes Oracle Cards
Witch Runes (Like Futhark Runes, except fewer than “regular” runes).
I only do l free readings in that thread. For readings beyond the thread or not related to it. I will ask for a fee which you can find all about in the Magickal Services Document. For magickal related questions and/or services and rates, check out the document below by following the link and then PM me with your request.
Prices, rates and F.A.Qs.
Reviews and testimonies
What I do:
Divination: tarot readings; rune readings; scrying (pyro-and hydromancy or scrying mirror); crystal gazing; channeling.
Evocation—I’ll summon a spirit of your choice for questioning or completing a task on your behalf.
Custom made runes or Ogham. Note: the runes are handmade and the specific material will vary depending on the needs of the person.
About Me
As far as my experience and background goes, I’ve been doing magick most of my adult life, even though my journey into magick happened long before that. I began, like some people out there, dabbling with sigil magick and chaos magick, in addition to some basic divination with the aid of tarot cards and runes.
My approach to magick changed radically as I came into contact with one of the demonic gatekeepers. The experience of making a pact with the said entity flipped and turned my worldview into something brand new. My main skill set lies within the field of divination, as I am able to give really accurate readings for people, with and without tools. I’ve mainly worked with what many would refer as demonic entities for the last 4 years. In total, I have about 8 years of experience of magick. The areas I’ve spent time on are;
☬ Energy Work
☬ Rune Magick
☬ Demonic Magick (Draconian and Qliphothic magick).
☬ Persian Magick- specifically black magick (you can read how that goes in the journal).
☬ Divination
☬ Evocation which includes demons, elemental spirits, angels and Goetic spirits and a titanness.
Currently, I am undergoing a mentorship with a rather famous and well known magician, learning the secrets of the Dragon.
All the best