During orgasm (while I'm had sex with my Demon), I saw 2 other Demon. What does it means?

So I had sex with my Demon lover, but at this time when I’ve orgasms, I saw two Gods in those moments in front of my eyes.

The first one was clearly Lucifer, what does not really surprised me, I love Him tragically and deeply connected to Him, but the second was Prince Sitri.

How and why!?

Some days ago we’re discussed about Him and His behavior, the way how He sometimes teaching others, and I was so, well… offensive from at point, I guess. In my emotions towards Him what I sensed are was something like… rejection, defiance (?) resentment to what He represent.

Then I forgot Him very fast. It’s clear that we have lot of in common, but when I’ve heard of Him first, despites I know we are similar in some way, He was simply antipathetic to me (maybe because of my ego - I’ve tried to clear my mind after).


Demonic dogging? :thinking:

I’m being semi-serious though, it’s likely they were sharing the energy raised.


Hm… It may make sense, indeed. :thinking::wine_glass:

But I’ve never worked with Sitri before, or evoked Him at all. I wouldn’t be surprised or bothered if Belial, Abaddon or Chernobog would do this (as Lucifer now), I would share with Them this sweet energy cocktail gladly, but Him?

It is something “revenge” on me or a sign, or what?


I think it is an invitation from Sitri to you, to work with him.


Hm, well lets be honest… I was very disrespectful with Him in mind, I don’t know Him well, at all, but is He’d be willing to work with me and give a single fuck to me after all those bad thoughts? :roll_eyes::unamused:

( Or He just planning to rip off my poison-fang after all :woman_shrugging: )


I think you’re taking a religion-like approach to this, by worrying whether your own ego is getting in the way of adoring these beings: that may not be relatable for some of us, but the key issue is that demons like Sitri work willingly with others who don’t look up to them or respect them in that kind of way.


I think you’re taking a religion-like approach to this

No, not at all. It’s just formality, nothing more, Dear. I can disrespect or feels antipathy, even hate towards lot of Gods (and I do, you just simply can’t see this because of my mask, and because why sould I spamming about my destructive feelings?).

It’s like when you show your nice, kind and deeply respectful cheek to everyone, but you are ready to stabs in the back all of them, no matter what kind of entity is He/She.

I can remember the time when Pazuzu has annoyed me, and I sworn to Him that I’ll make His life miserable :rofl: I bet you never heard and see a chick offending a God like me in those 15 minutes (and my hatred and disrespect towards most of Goddesses are horrible).

So if you thought that I approached Them in that way, you are terrible wrong.

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Possibly just getting lost in translation there. :slight_smile:


Yes, possibly. :roll_eyes: But I’m not sure. Because I referred our later discuss as well, where you think that I’m respect Them in that way (like a religion). Yes, this is the right answer.

What I’m getting at is the ides of showing respect being, to them, a pre-requisite of having any positive interaction.

Yet Belial as i mentioned pushed me into fighting him on our first meeeting, so, our idea of respect you might show a human (NOT fighting them on first meeting) is different, they care more about internal qualities than external trappings.

Whereas in a religion, the religious are expected to go through the motions even if having a crisis of faith or having problems they could rightfully blame their concept of “god”/Allah etc for.


Maybe Sitri just wants that ass…

And is that really so out of character for Sitri?


. . . :flushed::sweat_smile:

And is that really so out of character for Sitri?

You mean, the first part of your comment?

If yes, then… based on what I know about Him at the moment, lust, desire and this kind of fun stuffs are really fits for His character. It just a bit surprising to me that I didn’t do anything more than just reading about Him. In fact, even reading about Him has a big effect on me, but then I forgot Him fast.

In similar situations I’m always very mistrustful.

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