Detecting LARPers

Well! Whatever floats the fantasy, right?

However, part of Magick is the infamous imagination. How often we forget where we all started from and knowledge.

Growth pains - they are for everyone.


Good questions and on point! :dart:

Thank you for correcting me.
English isn’t my first language.

Then we shouldn’t discuss the topic because you and others find it “ bothersome “
I thought this was a place of debate were such subjects can be discussed openly without prejudice, where people can meet and exchange experiences; instead there is mockery and pretensions…
I’m done

How do I delete my account?

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It is, but not when people post stuff that has been detected as misleading and therefore potentially dangerous to newbies. This has nothing to do with not wanting to discuss bothersome topics. If I don’t care for a topic, I mute it and move on. Works like a charm.

Yes, but not when these so-called experiences reek of fiction and several people, when called out and challenged, behave like petulant children lashing out at people who have put forward civilized, fair criticism.

I haven’t mocked anyone. If you had read what I and others have written, you wouldn’t have come to this conclusion.

You can read into it whatever you want. Nobody can stop you from misinterpreting other people’s words. If any of this sounds like mockery and pretense to you, that’s your own interpretation and not reality:

@Lady_Eva can delete your account for you.


Ah, I see you’ve read my content.

Real talk, I forgot LiveJournal even existed until now.

I agree. This dialogue brings me back to my original post:


I’m curious about a situation to detect larpers.

Say, we consider a hypothetical scenario where
a) One of my friends LARPs about having an ego-boosting personal interaction with a certain spirit (either it be romantic, or confrontational, where the LARPer has ‘defeated’ a spirit or whatever BS he feels whets his ego and
b) I actually AM coincidentially on good terms with that spirit.

In that case, can I not hold a dialogue/conversation with said Spirit - and ask the Spirit if s/he has had any such interaction with my friend?

Do spirits answer questions like these? or are such subjects about a Spirits’ interactions with another human off limits to other humans?

You can ask the spirit. I did and got confirmation on my suspicions, but I also got it from other people, and in some cases, the spirit offered a different view that I hadn’t thought of and put things into perspective for me.

They’re not off-limits, but generally speaking, another person’s interactions with, say, my spirit husband aren’t of any concern to me. I don’t care if someone marries Him or wins the lottery with His help or whatever relationship He has with others. But if someone claims to be His one and only “legit” spouse, for instance (which is ridiculous in and of itself), or that He supposedly told her He doesn’t get along with another spirit that is well-known for having a very close relationship with Him, and I ask Him about it, He isn’t shy about telling me that this person is full of herself and is making things up in order to get validation from others, because she’s childish and insecure.


Thanks - this certainly gave me perspective.

This I understand. To think of limiting a timeless ancient spirit (that traverses multiple worlds) to remain ‘monogamous’ is a little childish - and such people claiming ‘exclusive status’ are as you say - egoistic kiddies looking for emotional validation et al. I am talking of a different angle to it when I asked that question however.

Say… hypothetically, I want to do baneful magick against some person in collusion with a spirit. Now if the recipient of my baneful magick already has a relationship with the spirit I’m colluding with - Will this spirit tell me of the complexities of this operation?

This is what I meant by “are a spirits’ dealing with human beings off limits to other humans”

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I see what you mean. Good question… I know I would definitely talk to the spirit beforehand, but I’ve never been in that situation, so I can only guess that the outcome would depend on the other person’s type of relationship with that spirit, and how strong it is. But as for getting information from the spirit about another person, I think it’s definitely possible in such a case.


In my experience they can advise you against workings against that person/flat out telling you that they won’t support your way (been there…). So I suppose there are limits.


An ounce of a real experience is worth more than a lifetime of imagination I believe. Sometimes it’s the scarcity that allows us the ability to value the experience. Keep at it

Hi healing heart i have something to ask if can you dm me

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I think LARPERS are just attracting things into reality by bringing their desires over the bridge. I mean this is a magic forum afterall; what do you expect? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Sadly a lot of them want to seem cool or attract attention


Bump. The community need this thread.


Thanks so much for this post now i can be safe from those fakers😊

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