Detecting LARPers

Now, if only one could create a thoughtform that automatically detects them :sunglasses:

I think its name is common sense and discernment :wink:

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We seem to be actually doing pretty good at getting rid of them here.


Sorta :eyes:


how to avoid falling victim to LARPers? Simply never trust anyone, and do everything yourself.


And be able to scan and always avoid frontload.

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oh my seconded! :rofl:

Beautifully written :heart:

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I like messing around with and teasing larpers :grinning:

Actually, I wish I did that, but I more or less offer practical wisdom :muscle:

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Have you read this book of the magick of solomon by Carroll P. Runyon ?

defeating gods
Sex maniacs

The shills and NPCs will never know the difference between real magick and mental masturbation.


Thereā€™s a difference between truth and fancy but you canā€™t be a real magician if you deny the power of psychodrama.


MFW People think any of this is actually happening right now.

I am kind of worried I come across like this

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I always hope that I wonā€™t be lumped in with this particular group (LARPers). I was already old when I even found out what that means. Having said that, Iā€™m a newbie in so many ways. Iā€™m grey-haired. Got wrapped up in magick of various sorts as a kid. But still, Iā€™m afraid that I come off as just some embarrassing noob who doesnā€™t know dick about magick. And in so many ways, I donā€™t. Iā€™m just this person whoā€™s trying to make sense of the (illusions of) the world around me. Please believe me when I say that I donā€™t know anything. Still, Iā€™ve been given some weird information that I hope to pass on. I didnā€™t bother breeding. Donā€™t have kids, so maybe somebody will listen to the things Iā€™ve heard passed down from people now rotting in the clay. But please, donā€™t take me for something harmful and horrible. I mean no harm to anyone.


Larpers play an important role in the occult community. Since everyone is out in the open with what they practice the larpers have become the way of dulling down the truth for the masses. The average Joe is going to look at a forum like this and say weā€™re all larpers. And heā€™s never going to give this stuff a second glance. The truth is larpers help keep this stuff secret when itā€™s out in the open. And I like that.


Yeah I had also taken a fascination with the occult from a young age but being raised in a restrictive church/cult made it quite challenging. I know that sometimes my imagination can run wild. But honestly a lot of my dreams are still to vivid to be just dreams. But please donā€™t lump me in with larpers

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Baneful magick would possibly be made illegal, but the rest? I donā€™t think so. At least not outside extremely religious communities.

I know that witchcraft carries the death penalty in several Islamic countries for instance, such as Egypt. However, in such countries, pretty much everybody believes that Witchcraft is real and there is an entire industry built around those for instance who can purport to remove Jinns.

How are you sure about this? How does someone go about regulating such a thing? Does that mean thereā€™s good magick and bad magick? Where does the line get drawn?

Baneful magick

What about love spells? If you take someoneā€™s ability to consent away with a love spell would that mean youā€™ll get charged with rape?

I mean thereā€™s just too many examples anyone could use for the purpose of this discussion. I just picked the one with the best knee jerk reaction. What a media shit storm that one would create. If it was accepted by the government and science it would be out right illegal.

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Given how our legal system works (in the West, at least), I donā€™t think even Baneful Magick could be made illegal, there is simply no practical, empirical way to prove a connection between a casting and the outcome in the physical world. None of it would stand up in a court of law. Now, of course if you talk about religious courts and witch-hunts, the mere accusation is enough to find someone guilty and punish them.

I would be interested to see how this works in India. It has a legal system built on Common Law, like much of the English-Speaking world, but it is also a society where magickal workings are widely seen as real and an accepted part of everyday life. Many politicians for instance, would sacrifice a goat or a chicken to Kali in order to influence the outcome of an election. Has there ever been a case where the outcome of an election for instance, has been invalidated because of suspected magickal manipulation? If anyone knows, do chime in.

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I thought you were referring to a world where everyone accepted magick as real. Magick as something that could be proven.

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