I kind of asked this question a few months ago but for a friend of mine. Never really got a response. Now it’s about me. There is someone who could help my career tremendously, if only I could actually physically meet the person. Without demonic intervention, I will probably never get close to him. Who would you recommend I work with to 1. meet this person, and 2. ensure that they really like me when we do meet, and 3. be more than willing to help my career.
I read that Hicpacth can bring the p…
Can you use magick to bring someone somewhere?
Not really sure if this should be in a different sub forum but a while ago I was looking to find the address of someone. I was advised to look at the mundane and employ a tracer or equivalent
Fast forward several months and even some of the best tracers can only find out of date addresses for this person.
Is there anything I can do magically to assist. I had thought that this person might be cloaking themselves magically but they have never been a practitioner of magic.
He couldn’t drop off t…
When you call upon spirits do you bother to call them on certain hours assigned to them or do you not need to bother with that? Do you need to face a certain direction when doing so?
I do not have the correspondences for the different spirits or know if you need to bother calling them at a certain time.
Just a few I found with a few different search terms. If none of those are to your liking I am sure you can dig a little deeper or rephrase the title and bump it so that someone else who has done this can advise you better.
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