Would translating the Demons Enn to english still work,if you where to say the enn in english instead of italian?
Why do you want to, if I may ask?
And, someone correct me, but I dont think they are italian
Since I don’t know or speak italian I was hoping to be able to translate the demons enn to english. Like this one for example Renach Tasa Uberace Biasa Icar Lucifer
I dont speak it either… Dont focus on the words and what they mean, just do your best and know youre calling him
It’s the intention behind it not the pronunciation. That is what I have been told. As long as they know you are trying to contact them you’re good and not just talk about them. The old “we’re talking about you not to you” kinda thing. As long as they can tell we are calling to them and not just saying their name.
The enns are in an unknown demonic language that were channeled by various people, so I don’t think they can be translated to English… unless maybe if a demon translated them for you.
It’s not Italian.
As said before, it’s an unknown language.
You can kinda guess some of the meanings though, for example:
Lirach Tasa Vefa wehl - protect this soil.
Renich tasa uberaca biasa icar - protect the surrounding sky.
Jedan Tasa Hoet Naca - protect our circle.
Ganic Tasa Fubin - protect the flame.
That’s what makes sense to me personally.
I did some experimental translations a while ago based on the theory they were like a mix of slurred Enochian and words that have similar meanings across dofferent human languages, like the same word meaning “candle” “pearl” or “white” in several different languages, aka something that shines.
it needs someone with a real passion for the topic to pursue it further, I have too many “unknown unknowns” when approaching this topic, and a full schedule of studies that come ahead of it, sadly.
Okay thank you.You are amazing
Would spelling out the Enns workas well?
Just say them as given, no need to make it more complicated, repeat them in your mind if you can’t state them out loud.
I personally need to keep things quiet so good to know. I usually whisper though
Why go off piste when you are a beginner? There are plenty of instructions on this site on how to use these enns. There are even videos on youtube on pronunciation…
Think about it, you want an extremely powerful business partner to invest in you and you don’t even make an effort to learn a greeting in his native language?
There is no need to sell your soul. This has gems you can use to get started here
Also remember to introduce yourself here
Remember pronunciation isn’t that important in Magick what matters is the intention same can be said with magickal tools, robes and etc
their there to tell your subconscious mind that something important is about to go down and that you gotta put up your “A” game
Don’t get the wrong idea either magickal tools work great as extensions of the elements and our energy but they are not necessary most of the time but they definitely help.
My point is when it comes to things like this
and other things like that don’t worry about that the universe is like a big ass calculator doing all the other stuff for you! all you need is the basic input and the intention!
That and don’t worry they are not hard to pronounce.
It has been said so many times, and I will be the first to admit- Your own language will actually be more effective, unless a Demon teaches you in a differing tounge. i use what enns I can find, when i cannot, i use my own language until- a demon teaches me otherwise. out of respect i try to find the closest culture which the particular entity comes from, and will try to form an enn from that closest language. But, Entities are far more impressed with the Sincereity of your effort, than seeing you waste good ritual time trying to make them happy in a differing language. but then , i could be dead wrong also!
Something interesting for you guys… a while ago I put “renich tasa uberaca biasa icar Lucifer” into google translate and clicked through all the different languages. When I got the the language “Xhosa” it translated to the english words “you will be able to call Lucifer”. Which I must admit, gave me MASSIVE chills up and down my body. TODAY however I checked again when writing this comment and it for whatever reason has changed a bit and now it translates to “you are here to call Lucifer”. I’m sure some of you will find this just as interesting as I did. Hopefully this sparks some sort of convo or something interesting. Check/try it out for yourselves and let me know what you think!
Have a great day/night fam <3
I m iItalian and Enn are not in my language.