Darkness: We All Possess It


Yasssss! I know where I am going this weekend.

Bye peeps!

I simply have no more to write!





Don’t talk.

Crows beat the drums.


Poof: :blue_heart::large_blue_circle:



I am she who is illuminated by lightning

The fire which stirs is from my own essence

I am she who emerges as a power of divinity

She who drinks of the open wound

My body may be joined with others

That peace is found with them inside me

They think it is they who take away

Yet it is I who grow strong

I devour all in the lair of darkness From which I went forth

Crowned by Samael, I went down

To the place of shells

Where darkness was eternal in its brilliance

I saw those shells, void and empty

I knew that I might fill them

By teaching such spirits how to drain and grow strong

To initiate their spirits in the path of the Lion-Serpent.

This darkness received me well

It gave me covering while I slept

I gave me substance when I hungered

It gave me a fountain to drink from

Let us rejoice in the darkness

For one may not know Light without Darkness.

Let the Lion-faced Archon teach me the wisdom of thirst

The religion of devouring

The darkness which nourishes all

The darkness which takes all away

Hail thou, O spirit of the eternal serpent

(Source: PRAYERS AND HYMNS TO DEMONESS AZ – Black Witch Coven)

Something interesting happened in the mist of meditations this evening.

Go down to the depths further…


Spirit: Drown yourself until you no longer exist.

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When a source leads you down a path you’re not ready for; yet, you know in your hearts of hearts this is your path.

I do not log on every single time I need to research something. Whomever and whatever is driving me to the point of another awakening, leads me to the exact sources and things I need to learn from.

The points make sense.

And yet, I find myself still wanting to keep silent about my pathworking, and yet, doors open to little pathworkings of new insights of who I am.

There comes a point when you know the peeps that your guided to learn from are the real deal.

While I mostly tune into the bohemian type witches who are like me, the darker stuff is playing more of roll in my path.

Though, I’m still silent on what I am learning. As it pertains to my own path. And no one needs to know every single detail.

Learned: Isolation is not the key to recovery nor change.

Staring at ceiling half of the night, realized changes are part of growth.

Finally decided to just stop talking and slowly move forward into being social again.

I have also decided to put my research on hold, not to offer assistance to anyone else (for the time being) in my personal life. I’m not a door mat. And why help others if they aren’t going to take the help seriously?

I’d rather just be silent. And no one know what I am doing.


…now I am wondering if I come across as completely arrogant…

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We all do electronically, at some point.


Clarification comes.

I no longer post or comment, as I’m tired of the walls and intrusive thoughts of others.

Although my thoughts have been kept private for the most part, something has happened that has me questioning weather someone or something is trying to communicate with me. Or if I am simply going through a subconscious change. Or if I am being sought out by a parasite or an imposter.

I’ve seen the same sigil twice in a dream, two months apart. Last night, it was more intense than before. Different dreams, same sigil.

I did ask Spirit if someone was trying to attack me: The answers is no. And even if they were, I know and understand how to cleanse. And to break ties.

I’ve also had to ask if I am putting off the inevitable and procrastinating by not contacting the spiritual coaches that have been approved for learning purposes. Spirit stated: Seek to see the sigil again.


If you’d like someone to call it first, hit me up in PM.

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Apparently, the red rock keeps calling.

My thought process: The body is a triangle.

How is this possible?


Can you describe the sigil, and have you been experiencing bright flashes?

What I have been able to see:

In the second dream, the lines were connected to a heart. When the last line went down, it eventually went flat.

You know how there is a beeping sound on a heart monitor in a hospital, I could clearly see this. I am not sure if this would be considered a bright flashing light.


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That reminds me of a constellation. :thinking:


I had a few minutes, before bed. Something came through while I was showering and doing my night time routine before bed.


Thank you for your input.

While I love the messages of the Egyptian Pathworkings, I will need to be patient with this.


I’ve circled the ones it could be. I agree with you and someone else I have messaged that it’s somehow linked to the skies. It also syncs big time with other things that have come through in recent months.

Noted: Will wait a couple of days.


:warning: Proceed with Caution :warning:

This warning has been flashing in bright neon lights in my thoughts since Wednesday afternoon. I am at the peek of my understanding and clarity - and facing something I thought I would never face.

Children are coming to live under my roof, along with their Mother. I’m related by blood to the children - teenagers - my brother is their father. While I am not bound to secrets; I am bound to privacy in the matter. However, you do not allow people who are good and have integrity go homeless under the circumstances. They had no choice.

Anger and rage keep bumping to the service towards the injustice inflicted. While I cannot inflict baneful magic on my brother, I can cut ties with him. Completely! I cannot turn my back on the innocent. So, they will come live with me. The house I live in is big enough. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

My sister-in-law and her children are full devoted Christians, I am not. The flashing warning signs are clearly put up and realizing where boundaries must be set up. Spirit told me today to not give up the Master bedroom to my sister-in-law, as the alter will need to be reset in the privacy of the room. Since there is a bathroom in the room, it will be easy to cleanse before and after rituals.

I never thought I would need to cloak those I love from the misunderstandings of witchcraft.