Dantalion help

I was summoning dantalion the other day by gazing at his sigil for a few minutes and then finally chanting his enn. However I noticed after I chanted his enn just once in a loud, clear tone. I felt something come over me almost like I was high a little and underwater. And smoke was literally coming out of my mouth. I later realised it wasn’t smoke, it was that my room had a substantially lower temperature compared to other rooms in the house when it was not even that cold outside! Literally I was gazing at the sigil and when I chanted I saw smoke flow out my mouth the point I thought it was my incense which was half way across the room. Is this a sign he was present any help would be appreciated. I called him to simply offer dandelion tea and a biscuit due to me being disrespectful to him before, however now I feel like it’s peaceful when I think of him. And I feel his warmth again, is this a good sign?


In my experience, Dantalion appears extremely quickly and often (aside from an instance or two), makes his presence known and undeniable. My first ritual (ever) with Dantalion I was reciting an opening and he was like “I’m here” and I just made him wait until I was done with it and had said the enn a few times and got into the right mind space.

I think so.


This is bang on! I’ve had the exact same experiences with him.

What @meow said. Yes it is.

It’s also a good idea to take things further and work with him. You’ll be surprised at how much you can advance. Just make sure you’re respectful. He likes coffee, wine and Macadamia Nuts.


I read somewhere that Duke Dantalion likes to have his offerings upfront and will not fulfill your charge to him unless he gets his offering before her fulfills said request, as someone that works with him so frequently, do you find that to be true?

Why did you delete this. It’s funny you say because from experience, yes! he does prefer them in advance. Shows you trust in him to fulfil the request and not scam you.

Lol he’s an interesting spirit but yes you are correct. :slight_smile:

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I accidentally deleted it then just reposted it😬

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