Clairaudience with my HGA

Hello, I am currently trying to contact my guardian angel using the protocols given by Damon Brand in his book “Magickal Destiny” and a few more things I decided to add because I figured it would make the contact more effective. Although I have received some signs that might indicate that my HGA got the message, I would like to be able to converse fluently with him, I don’t have money that I can use to get divination resources like tarot or pendulums so my best option is to practice clairaudience. The problem is that I don’t know any meditation or exercise to help me develop it, in fact the only meditation I know is the one used to enter gnosis in chaos magick. So could you tell me about meditation exercises (that don’t require me to buy anything, like some apparatus or incense) that I can use to practice my clairaudience? And also that is preferably silent as I would like to be able to hear my angel speaking to me. Thank you for reading and I apologize if I sound too demanding.

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You don’t need to have money to create your pendulum, a shoelace and a simple ring, works !!, use your imagination, consecration that’s important.


Umm, thanks for the tutorial, I’ll definitely use it but I still want to train my clairaudience because it will be very useful for the plans I have.
Any advice?

There’s a YouTube channel, “Light of Venus”, it’ has clairaudience exercises can be useful, maybe you can start there


hello, here you can find good info Unofficial Tutorials: Developing Astral / Psychic Senses Collection and here An Old Man's Advice on Third Eye Development, if you want to focus on clairaudience then try vishuddha chakra (throat chakra) meditation.


That’s awesome. I’m going to link it into the Collection as I didn’t even know it existed, and then it will be more visible - people ask for 3rd eye stuff a LOT.