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Perhaps the time is now? It’s working for me reflection of demons in my cyrstals screen black tv
Thought on it the TV screen like black mirror or black cyrstal ball interesting.

Last night I had astral attack saw the demons despatch them

@Asmogus … that’s cool. I’m glad it’s working for you. My path lies in a different direction right now … the Ahrimanic current from Kurtis Joseph’s new book “Black Magick of Ahriman”.

I purchased her Qliphotic meditations. Read about half, couldn’t quite get into it again. This was something that turned my life inside out two years earlier, so I wasn’t needing another trip down that hole again just yet. She did a fine job. I already had Kenneth Grant’s and Thomas Karlsson’s work on the matter, not to mention a lovely gem, Nightshades by Jan Fries.

Looking forward to Mr. Joseph’s work.


Cool I’ll check it out how r u finding it working well
Have u got link

Awesome, @Rahnoren. I have a passing familiarity with the Qabbalistic practices and it just wasn’t for me. I think it was that whole Solomonic magick mindset I was exposed to around it.

My journey took me back to Sumer because I was trying to find answers about how mono-theism took hold and set up the control structures we’re facing today.

I was being prepared to work my way through the Tree of Life using the Babylonian Babili model, but that kind of changed when I had my experience the other day.


Well, you can read about some of the unusual experiences I’m already having over in this thread …
What’s Your Take on the Concept of Masks

Here’s the thing … Rahnoren and I just pre-ordered our books, so they haven’t showed up yet. But of course, that didn’t stop Ahriman from starting to work with me on this stuff.

Sure. Here’s the grimoire I’m talking about …
Black Magick of Ahriman

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Cool checking link now
Asenath given it a good recommend has to be powerful

@Black_Coyote … so how are the divinations going? Anything else clearing up for you?

i like her tree of qliphoth. i never had qliphothic meditations but id like to own it one day. now what i really want is the black book of azathoth

@Rahnoren … so what’s your path looking like right now, Ra? I’m always impressed by your insightful posts.

You’re really into the Cthulhu current, right? How’s that working out for you?

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sorry went to do something.
seems i need to have a chat with luci.

um cthulu current. yes i am in that, well sort of. i want to get started but i really have no clue where to start

lately ive been very eclectic

Have a good chat.

Nothing wrong with that. A winding path is still a path … even when you can only see the next step in front of you. :slight_smile:

true. on the bright side i now realize what i am to do. just spoke with some spirits. basically a mix of what the deck suggested and what i wanted. to focus on luci whilst working with the necronomicon current on the side with seere and paralda. Ive been given my instructions now its time to get off my ass and get to work :stuck_out_tongue:

whos skulking around? lol

I’m online right now for a while if anyone wants to chat. I may have to leave quickly when someone shows up. Could be a couple of hours, though.

you still on?

Not at the time. Sorry.

But I am back for a bit now.

oh ok.

i was just watching s ben qayins new video

Oh? What’s it about? I’m not really into his currents, but I like him. He’s got some really useful ideas and comes across as a very intelligent guy.

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