Catholic here

Hello!!! First off I am a catholic with an interest in the left hand path. Do I believe in the Christian God? Yes. Do I believe he is good? Yes. Do I believe in Satan? Do I believe Satan is evil!? Idk and that is the journey I find myself in. I want to find out for myself. And not just believe he is evil because I’m told he is.

Ok, So, I was just told that I have to say more for a proper introduction. I have very brief experience with magic from a Wiccan perspective which I dabbled with when I was in high school, then I came back to God which my family was very happy about. I will never forget an experience I had on 2 separate occasions at a metaphysical shop. On both times I was over at the book section looking at the different books and I kid you not on both times a book on Voodoo came flying off the shelves and landing at my feet. The lady there said "It’s calling to you."To this day I wonder about that moment.

A part of me wants to just dive in and free myself from the shackles that weigh me down. But, the other part that stops me is this still small voice “don’t open that door.” It feels like I am walking around with the angel and devil on my shoulder. Is it fear? Years of Catholic indoctrination? I am not sure. But, I do want to question and explore. I would like to ask if anyone knows of a good book that explains more of who Satan is. And my understanding of Satan is he is the same as Lucifer. If there is a difference I would like to be guided to the proper resources. Thank you!!


Welcome to BALG! I hope you enjoy your stay here and that you learn a lot :hugs:


Welcome. Most people here have a Christian concept of good and evil, thus the material you can find using the search button will be friendly with your religion


Just a heads up dear Lucifer and Satan are two totally different beings. The Bible just has it wrong. It’s referring to the fallen angel (Lucifer). Ur he isn’t Satan.

Also welcome to the group I am an ex catholic.



Do you have any experience in magick? You haven’t actually told us anything about yourself beyond your religious affiliation so this doesn’t meet the requirement for a proper introduction.


Welcome @Edith_Guzman. To BALG . Would like to know if you ever worked with magic of anykind before it’s not in your intro . I do hope that you find your path and answers to your thoughts on who you are .


Hello! I only finally worked up the courage to make an account here myself! I grew up Catholic as well and as @Angelb1083 mentioned, learned that Lucifer and Satan are two different things. I am still exploring as well, but with every question, I was brought back to BALG.

Wishing you all the luck in you’re journey. The people here are amazing teachers.


Thank you!!

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So, who is Satan? Is there a part on this site that describes the difference?


Redid my intro. And my experience with magick is not that much. Briefly practiced when I was dabbling with Wicca. My first book was To Ride a Silver Broomstick.


Welcome to the forum!

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Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience.

I reccomend you watch these videos to find the answers you seek.




He’s One of Lucifer’s/ infernal’s demonic Gatekeepers. There’s a lot. Just search either of them. Think of Satan as a infernal angel of death. Where as Lucifer is Emperor of the infernal empire.

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Thank you so much for this!!! I will definitely be giving it a listen!


This might help with some of your Lucifer questions.


Welcome to the forum!


21 posts were split to a new topic: How Did Lucifer Become The Bible’s “Big Bad”?

Welcome to the forum.

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I have never been on here till today. I stumbled upon this forum when looking for info on incubus encounters.:grin: