Can you recommend any book of strong curses?

Namaste! :pray:
Can you recommend me a book of strong curses? I’m interested in very advanced rituals.
I have “Magickal Attack” and “Angels of Wrath” - I respect Gordon WInterfield, those rituals didn’t work for me.
‘Demons of Wrath’ by Corwin Hargrove - too simple. His newest book - I didn’t buy, read lots of negative opinions.

I need something very powerful. My target is a really evil man who did lots of harm to the people - and to me. I did everything I knew on him - Glasya Labolas, Andras rituals, Magickal attack rituals. The only ritual that slightly worked on him was the first from ‘Book of Abaddon’. This guy lost his job and moved far away from my place.
I thought I was relieved for a year. But he appeared again. Just the day before New Year’s eve, I put a post on my company fanpage and this idiot wrote lots of offending bullshit in the comments. I blocked him and deleted this, did all the curses I knew again on him.
But I want something more extreme. This man is really insane, psycho and a stalker - he never forgets about the people. I want to terminate him for good - I want him dead, jailed or put in the asylum. All the police and court matters can’t help - in my country you can be offended in public and nobody does anything about it.
I know that voodoo might help, but I can’t find any useful source.
Can you help me with a book/ a ritual? white magick and binding won’t help here.
What do you think about these books:
Miss Aida - Cursing and Crossing: Hoodoo Spells to Torment, Jinx, and Take Revenge On Your Enemies
Monique Joiner Siedlak - Blood Magic


Baneful Magick by EA Koetting. It’s by far the most comprehensive book available. It doesn’t just have rituals but it also goes into the mechanisms behind them.

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Wow, I don’t know if it’s system error but it costs 5000$ on Amazon…

Hmm…the Kindle edition doesn’t seem to be available anymore :thinking:

Back when the Collected Works was first released, BALG also released pdf copies of each book so if you do a Google search, you might be able to find the free pdf in the wilds of the interwebs.

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Yes, I found it! I’m not into piracy but hey - 5000$ it’s even not my spare money. I also found S. Connolly - Curses, Hexes & Crossing: A Magician’s Guide to Execration Magick - it also looks interesting, but I read one of this author’s book and was totally disappointed. He wrote a book about money magick that had very simplified demon’s evoking and most of the book was like ‘go to work, set up your business’ - I know, but looking for money magick, not an obvious psychologic advice :rofl:

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In my opinion, the most perilous and darkest book I’ve encountered is “The Book of Smokeless Fire” by Sben Qayin. There are numerous reasons for this belief. I highly recommend that you read it and see if you can apply its teachings.

Oh, I studied it. Lots of nonsense text and a few rituals - I checked it on this forum - and people wrote it didn’t work.

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The Book of Smokeless Fire is an edit of Shadrach Nineveh’s Book of Deadly Names - those are not friendly Djinn, as it tells you in the text: they won’t want to help, and it takes more effort and aggression than most people want to deal with to force them to do it. Given there are other ways that don’t need you to take that risk, it’s an acquired taste, shall we say.

You could also try searching the forum for “curse” tutorials, I didn’t make a collection for them yet but we have a lot and they’re free. This forum has 12 years of info, you will find something if you work the search feature a bit.

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There is a class of Vedic baneful mantras called “Maran Mantras” which are brutally effective. I don’t work with any of the Vedic deities or teachings or anything like that, but I have worked with that Mantra on two occasions.

They are simple to use since you simply need to recite the mantras while either focusing on the target or an image, or visualising them, or whatever else. No complex ritual setup and they work.

If/When you use them say them with as much anger as you can to empower the working more.


Hello @tox1n ! I practise 7 different mantras everyday :slight_smile: so I’m really close to the Hindu Deities. Especially with Ganesh, Kali and Lakshmi. Can you send me examples of such mantras? Of course I’ll look into it. The most hardcore mantra I found (studying many sources) is ‘Om Kreem Kalikayaye Namaha’ and I’m gonna practise it on this guy until 40 days (which will occur on February 13th)

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Thank you! :heart: I’m gonna look into it and try them as soon as possible.


Check out a site called “Prophet666”, he has quite a lot of mantras there and it’s where I initially found them

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so use spells to induce impotence, conjure insanity, you can also throw some nightmares and hauntings at him
or cause a painful sunburn even though I don’t know what the current weather is like in your area
there are many ideas…

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he’s insane, so giving him nightmares would make him even more dangerous. He’s a sociopath so he doesnt know what fear is. That’s the problem.
But impotence… which demon could do that? Beleth?
I did everything I knew on his health - to make him sick, dying, being weak, destroy his beloved car (I don’t know if he still has it, I don’t have any info about him for over a year, maybe some things happened to him). For whole 2024 I lived in hope that he either was dead or started new life. But no, he fought me again by the end of the year. I’m happy he lives about 200km away right now but he has his mother in my neighbourhood… Hopefully they hate each other but… You know what I’m afraid of. I don’t want to see him anymore.
The strange things is, he is the kind of guy with protection. He never believed in magic, he laughed at it, his IQ isn’t too high… but most of my curses on people worked, those people either disappeared from my life or started having bad luck, problems. But this motherfucker is resistant. I am 100% sure the demonic possession takes big part in this case. Did lots of exorcisms on him, but what the hell of a spirit supports him?
I know from experience that magick from the different culture might work in such cases. I remember achieving great protection and banishing from many regional entities and I met… a girl in 2022… who dealt with voodoo. SHe tried to bind me and did some curses on me - with no reason, just for training or making me her slave - that’s a very long story what happened in my life then. But the strangest case was my messenger deleting conversations with people for a week into past, before I had argument with her… If not such a bad story with her, I would surely ask her for help with this guy :sweat_smile:

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you can easily remove the protection
just burn a black candle with his name and rub it with peppermint and salt pasta before your curses ,Mint is not for cursing, but it will remove protection that could block your work

or put him in jail when he gets in trouble with the law, whether he beats someone up or attacks them

or if he bothers you, use an anti-stalker spell to make him lose all interest in you or cause his interest to shift to another person

I did a lot more advaned spells to remove his protection. Hope it’s working, now I’m looking for a fatality hit.
I wrote in the beginning of this tthread that the law wouldn’t help. He threatened my friend and his family, my friend took prints of screenshots to the police and they rejected and told him ‘go to the court’. If he did, that psycho, waiting for the court hearing, would take fatal revenge.

so try other spirits who are known to deal with justice and deal with such problematic people

Tomorrow I’m gonna start the ritual that @Mulberry uploaded here.
Today I will try to make him impotent, with Vepar. it’s a great idea because this guy is a sexoholic (probably have some pedophile past, I heard rumors he molested his cousin when she was a little child). Making him impotent, it would decrease his ego, which would be helpful.


You can also use a spell to stop the rapist:

Pickled cucumber, cut lengthwise, put a piece of paper with his name on it, tie the cucumber together with black thread, pierce it with 9 safety pins and wrap it in aluminum foil so that the shiny part reflects the cucumber

and put it in pickled cucumber water and freeze

Add alum powder, cayenne pepper, chili pepper to the pickle water and mix this mixture

wrap his name paper in a paper towel and tie it with black thread and soak this package completely in the mixture select the and wrap it in aluminum foil so that the shiny side is inside and let it freeze

use both it causes him big and painful “intimate problems”

leave the packages in the freezer for as long as you want he to suffer

  • Alum can be purchased at a store that sells baking and cooking supplies