Can someone help me please with how to invocate Lucifer

I try many times use his sigil i wrote in page and meditate saying his enn I don’t understand why nothing works i dont feel anything or see anything

Have you developed your psychic senses? Without either naturally sensitive or developed senses, you probably won’t sense much. (which doesn’t mean Lucifer’s not there, you are just not able to notice it)

Are you naturally sensitive to energy, meaning do you often have occurrences where you feel someone’s presence before you see them? This is also something you can develop. But if you are not sensitive to it, you will probably not feel much. (Again, Lucifer might’ve been there you are just not able to notice it)

Do you usually reach an altered or trance state easily when meditating and did you reach such a state while doing your invocation? Altered states are pretty crucial for summoning spirits. Especially evocations and invocations

I don’t mean to discredit all those people who claim to only chant an enn 3 times, look at the sigil sideways for 2 seconds and the spirit is there fully invoked… Just opening the sigil and chanting an enn is perfect for petitions and/ or involving the energies of spirits within spells/ operations. Invocations is a different thing. This is the energy of a spirit merging with your system
I might be wrong and there might be some very fortunate and talented people among them. But I suspect there’s a bit of imagination gone wild at play when you think this is fully invoking a demon/ spirit. .

Here’s a brief overview of the key points how I’ve done my more succesful invocations.

Do the necessary prep work like, cleaning and cleansing your space. Decorate your altar and space with suitable images, candles and sigils etc. Gather all the tools you will need. Protecting yourself and your circle etc.

First you need to raise your energy, however you prefer. Kundalini, black flame etc. any energy that will enhance your magick.

After that I light the incense (optional) and candles (optional) and spend some time meditating to get into a trance state. At the same times I try to connect to energy and characteristics of the spirit I want to invoke.

When I am in the trance state I go in further and take some time to visualize really becoming the spirit I try to invoke.

After that I open the sigil with the intention of opening the gateway between myself and the demon and I call and invite the demon
Sometimes I do this in silence, but usually I either just chant/ vibrate the demons name, or something like: “Come Lucifer Come” or the enn or some formula I copied from someone else or wrote myself. I repeat this until I feel a serious energy shift. This usually takes a while.

I then invite the spirit into body and mind. Again either by a formula I got from somewhere else or something I wrote myself. This usually goes quick. Paired with uncontrollable shivers or even spasms (rarely, but it has happened) It should really feel like a foreign energy tries to adapt to your system.

After that I proceed with whatever the goal is for invoking the spirit.

And to end this post.
Don’t worry if a ritual doesn’t work. Journal your experiences and go over them at a later time to try and see what you can change to make it work.

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Welcome @Ostap It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves so before you make any more posts, please click here and tell us about yourself and any experience in magick you may have.

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What, exactly, are you trying to do? Are you trying to invoke, which is calling the spirit within to take on its qualities, or evoke, which is the summoning of a spirit to physical appearance?

Before we can troubleshoot what might you might be doing wrong, it can be helpful to know what it is your intention is and what you are trying to accomplish. Are you just looking for a spirit to appear to prove its real, or are you wanting some kind of material result?

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I have one wish but with this problem only spirit can help me i choose lucifer because i know many information about him so i try talk with him but problem is i dont feel anything i try invocate him few months i did everything right i make wrote sigil in page and do meditate then say his enn but nothing happen

I do invocate right try do it few months but don’t get any results and i see peoples there get talk with demons i feel jealous and hate because its unfair why nobody of them come to me only to others

After having “opened” the sigil of a spirit by gazing at it, to achieve a goal imagine the situation as already real and concentrate on the related emotions: relief, joy…
To obtain an information, write down a question before opening the sigil, then do so, read your question and take note of what pops up in your mind: it’s the answer of the spirit.

@Ostap This post appears to be part of this conversation, so I have merged the topics. The answers also overlap.

As others have said, to be able to sense the entities when they come, which they usually do, this is a skill that takes the right input from you, and development of your astral senses. You could be surrounded by spirits yelling out you but if you are deaf to them it won’t matter.

Have you been doing anything to build your psychic aka astral senses t all? If not take a look at these free tutorials and see if you can pick up a daily practice to develop them.

On the other hand you don’t need to sense them to get magick to work, but the method is in how you do it not so much what you do. Do imagine the result as being here now, don’t just say a chant and focus on the chant, that’s useless. read more around the forum as this is a common problem and it’s been discussed so many time and so many ways, if you look it up you are bound to find a way that suits you better than the rest.

You didn’t answer my question. Are you summoning inward or outward?

I try both before but i want more outward because i want see, feel, hear him but i dont know why nothing works

How i can grow my astral senses? Or to feel everything better i already listen third eye music for open it but its don’t give results

I have hard situation and can’t buy altar or candles i read some other peoples text there they say just using sigil say enn meditate and after this they see lucifer its means i dont need items i write lucifer sigil in page and i know how to meditate right i vibrate his name not just once i try it few months i dont understand what wrong

It’s because magick isn’t as easy as some people make it seem, and you have not spent any time learning how to do it correctly or building the necessary skills. It’s called an art for a reason. It requires some basic knowledge and foundations to be successful.


Like I said: try the tutorial. “Tutorial” means “teaching or explanation of a subject or task”. That’s the whole point of linking that thread for you - start with opening the link and reading through it.

Please stop making duplicate topics for the same conversation. You have asked again the same thing you asked here. We’re the same people still logged in reading these posts it doesn’t help you to repeat the topic.

Again, we have an entire collection of tutorials for free here, start with reading the ones I linked, or use the search for more.

This is not a problem. These are props and not at all required to do magick.

Try this tutorial on tool-free magick or look into methods such as New Avatar Power or the Law of Attraction.

First off, are you sure it’s his sigil? A lot of online occultists are using the sigil of Agalierap, don’t ask me why. Lucifer’s actual sigil is:

And his enn is Jedan tasa uberaca biasa icar Lucifer.

Your 3rd eye is probably closed. Work with Samuel Sagan’s guided meditations to find out if you can see a light by breathing the way he describes. If not, do energy medicine drills to build your energy bodies and circulate energy.

The read Lucifer & The Hidden Demons by Theodore Rose. The method in there will work for you.

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This sigil will be hard for wrote in my page can i write sigil without this circle around him? And my third eye closed but i do meditate listen music for open third eye but its don’t open still

That’s right, you don’t really need an altar, candles and tools.
They do help, especially with ritual work. But you can do without. That does mean training your senses and a good understanding of how to reach a trance state gets more important.

Don’t compare your succes and failures to others too much. As I said before, I think with people claiming that just drawing the sigil and just saying the enn a few times will fully evoke or invoke a spirit for them there’s a combination of misunderstanding what an actual invocation or evocation is and feels like and a lot of imagination gone haywire.

Learning to get into an actual trance state takes time. Developing your astral senses takes time (go to the links some others have posted). Just listening to some 3rd eye stuff on youtube is not enough on it’s own. I’m afraid to actually learn this stuff takes time, effort and motivation.

Even then you might not be succesful. The system of opening a sigil and chanting an enn might not really work for you. That’s ok, it’s someone elses system that might not be compleyely suited for you.
That’s why it’s important to journal your experiences, especially your failures, and go over them at later times to see if you can tweak or change some things to make it work for you.

I did it right or i need try again?

I don’t have much time i need faster i can lose everything if i dont get what i want why you all don’t understand i say i have hard situation if i dont will talk with him or get advice from him or he would change my life everything will be good i try open eye before its dont open i don’t have time for reading i need action not words