Called whore of Babylon and born to be concubine

Yesterday I had the most strangest thing happen to me , last night and it was concerning my purpose and position in hell I guess. It started off normal encounter with my incubus , sex and stuff but then I gor possessed by him or something cus he started from moving my arms and legs to talking thru me . Then after a few more minutes I assume , I become fully under the influence of another entity . Then they began to speak in unison almost, beginning their introductory as fallen angel …then saying their names . Kokabel was one of them and then Raphael, Gabrielle, Micheal and Azriel . Then one spoke and told me , that I was born to be his concubine and called me whore of Babylon ??. He also welcomed me to the beginning of the end of time then left my body all of them laughing in unison.but I also forgot to say when my ubi was possession me he was speaking in demonic tough and speaking over my womb area and this angel was talking laughed and said fucking hell in disbelief of my purpose to him . ( Idk which one was talking when he said concubine )I need help understanding . This is also linked to me carrying someone’s demonic seeds . They mentioned this too.( Likely the devil’s or something) This shit makes no sense , I can’t picture myself as this person they speak of , I wasn’t raised up for this position or anything like most witches or wives of Satan were . I only had strict Christian upbrings and even now …I expect this is happen to someone who is knowing and practitioner and experienced or something …not me ?? Someone please clarify this for me. Lastly the ubid people sre talking about are nephilim children from the watches , i had learned in recent years and it makes total sense.their similar practices and motives and stuff along the nature or birthing and lusting and wiving …one really last thing , I remember my mother teliing she had s dream of the anti christ with blue eyes and devil dressed in suit at her door asking for me , and she let them in . Now she’s saying they are inside of my previous boyfriend’s body . He carries their spirit and was sent by lucifer to me. That’s all I know as of what goes or can help make sense of this shit idk that’s it … I’m kind of worried NGL


Banish and cleanse, and never let some disembodied jackass tell you who you are. What are you a sovereign being or food?

Why? Why are you allowing randoms to take control of you? Were you working in a cleansed space warded against trespassers?

And you verified who they were… how? Did you get them to show you their seals? Did you have your incubus verify? Why not? Why are higher beings being weird with you?

Unless you’re been reading a lot of Crowley and the Babalon working lately, in which case it’s a parasite reading too much into that to fuck with you. I have to say, this is really unoriginal energy and probably not in your interests. You can’t hate parasites enough they’re like the tiktok of the astral.

The laughing is a bit of a giveaway. Happy and full parasites do that.

Consent matters, and only lesser entities feeding on you don’t care about it. I’m not impressed with you incubus at all right now, if it loved you it should be protecting you from this shit.

It makes perfect sense if they’re your usual parasites given waaay too much leeway from having poor spiritual hygiene practices? Did you cleanse after this happened? Why not?

An experienced practitioner would have protections up so this bullshit doesn’t happen and me, well, I’d eat them for breakfast and they wouldn’t dare.

My advice from here: first get indignant about your sovereignty, and stop letting randoms walk all over you, then banish and cleanse. If you want individually summon, in a cleansed and safe space, each of the angels with these claimed names and ask then if it was them and what they meant by it, set proper boundaries and refuse any and all permission for ANY entity to fuck with you without permission in future, on pain of death.

Get the book in the first link here and work through it - having attracted this you will get more, they will be back after you banish and you will now have to learn how to protect yourself much better and stronger. Preferably before they turn your life to shit.


No I didn’t allow any of this , it just happened , I wasn’t using magic or ritualistic stuff , I was just using my thoughts. They didn’t hurt me or anything and lastly they all just talking in unison at once and I didn’t ask for sigils bc I was under the influence . My thoughts were blank nearly .all I could think about was is this real. I never had something like this happen to me before. I wasn’t doing anything outside of my normal. Everything just came as a surprise . I don’t have any ritualistic stuff to even ask them to reveal themselves toe in sigil , what methods do you use for that ? Im still a babe in magic .

Well I think imma use the the search bar for their summonings , if I can find them .and then I’ll ask them then.and thanks for your replies . Trust me , I’m just as unimpressed at my ubi , usually hell help protect but that’s why I figure maybe it’s real , bc lesser demons have to obey higher ups like the fallen. But anyways thanks again .

I don’t see any relative topics for fallen enns I can do,
That ive hear the names of .

Ok, don’t do that yet… get your protections sorted out first. At the moment you have no tools to verify that you don’t have impostors.

Use the link above, read the first 5 linked posts to get the lay of the land and most common techniques - these are your spiritual hygiene 101 crash course, and you need to know all of it. get that book and work it, it’ll teach you energy sensitivity and start building your astral senses as well as teaching you instant protection methods.

Only after you can make a clean and warded space, like using a circle, and know how to get rid of unwanted entities i case there’s an issue, do you want to start summoning.

Stop all of this, you’ve attracted randoms and you have no tools yet to deal with them, got back to the above protection basics and get that done first. It won’t take long and you’ll avoid a lot of heartache. having parasites feed on your emotions can bring bad luck, destroy relationships and make you sick, you’ve caught it in time so you can get that fixed and then you can pick up where you left off.


And if they do confirm , what does it mean for me ? What do you make of it , what should I expect to happen …like people show up at my door or something lol :joy:

No you can tell them to fuck off.


Okay…didn’t expect that response lol :joy: .wow I thought warlocks and witches liked and respected the fallen and stuff …sorry I hope this wasn’t offensive.but yeah I was gonna do that anyways , I’m a pretty stubborn cookie.

This is the Babalon working - it’s historical, it’s been and done and it was voluntary, and nothing really happened. This is the old name-dropping trick - parasites always claim to be big-names and they are nobodies, most of the time they don’t have names. from “beezebub” to “Hitler” to [insert fancy name drop here]

The astral is full of things that want to eat you. As above so below… There’s only one thing you need to know about parasites - they lie. All the time, it’s what they do.

Nobody in their right mind respects a parasite - they are the ticks and mosquitos of the astral, they are vermin - you kill them, you don’t let them eat you.


Awesome :slight_smile: Teach them a lesson they won’t forget and you’ll never have to worry about them again.

If you need it here’s some technqies for getting rid of them.

Then after that just talk to known names entities that you personally invited and verified. It’s a VIP club and lesser astral entities don’t make the cut.

To be clear, don’t assume these are who they said - “fallen angels” aka the watchers are not lesser parasites, they are higher beings, not earthbound, and have better things to do than feed on humans, they have their own sources of energy, imo.


You ARE special. Special enough to be one of the humans to understand the truth about existence or be granted that opportunity. But not special enough to be the “only one”. That is a manipulation technique and statistically, very unlikely.

If anyone here truly was the “only one” of something important I think they’d know it in their bones and also keep it secret just because of the prevalence of lying, feeding parasites.


Trust me I know this much ,I wasn’t trying to imply that I was one and only kind that was chosen to be a womb or something , I know there are women that are seasoned to be wombs for demonic seeds and still are waiting their turn to bare those seeds and other stuff. I wouldn’t care for it if it were true or not . No one makes that decision for me but me .

I appreciate you logic I know many would like to believe that they are singular in the sense of their purposes but arnt , many of us hold the same opportunity and will and if not by purpose then by end result . And something like that is not really secret just to just the person but a society awaiting the time to put action to its practice and will. So it’s really not a secret just not exploited like everything else like marriage between entity and human. Otherwise there would be interferences before it even started . I think its not suppose to ve secret to the ones who work in those areas , it’ll be told to them or fact already , so as to prepare for it to happen . But if it were told to random people or opposing people of its work and purpose then yes it is kept from them as a secret .

I not going to lie I didn’t think you were still active on here , loved your experiences you shared on here by the way.

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I also want to note only one of these is a name of a known fallen Watcher (Kokabel) the others are the archangels. And let’s just say, if we are going by the lore, archangels would in no way want you having children with the fallen or any angel. So I would very much question whether these beings were who they claimed to be.


Thanku! People need to test the spirits. They Lie & can claim to be anyone or anything & Look like Anything. (I.e.- aliens, ghosts, Ascended masters, etc) Archangels or any angels certainly don’t work this way


While the Antichrist is not yet on the world scene,( but certainly alive) Ive heard from a lot of sources that he will be a Muslim :thinking:& be a direct descendant of Mohammed & will maybe talk with a stutter? Guess we’ll see. His kingdom will be in the Middle East. Supposedly the Muslims long awaited savior they’re waiting for- the 12 Imam Mahdi will be the Antichrist to Christians & force Islam on everyone or ( world religion at the time) or get Beheaded. I hope we don’t see any guillotines anytime soon


If none of you believe me than ask them for yourself specifically the devil or kokabel.
I have but little explanation for what occured out of random. I don’t think its some mockery of any sort , it’s gotta be something . This hasn’t been a issue or anything before , I have protection , but somehow this seeped out . I always have a high guard protection far as meditative goes and I hardly do spell work to attract such things.ans lastly I didn’t attract this by movies or anything to influence me imagination .
As I said before i didnt ask for this nor wanted or cared for this . It was out of mind qnd sight .

Perhaps the devil or Lucifer knows something ,he came to me before in favor of using my womb eventually for his seeds , whatever those are idk??. Perhaps some women who were tasked the same ahould be more of help to me .I know there are women practitioners who can be of much help .