Bune Sigil

So this Friday evening I’m thinking of contacting Bune just by opening his/her sigil and lighting an orange candle! It’s to ask for more money to come my way by means of extra work. Has anyone had success with Bune just by using the sigil. Thanks


She is amazing!
be confident :slight_smile:
there is a music/summoning video for Dutchess Buné on youtube i watched it maybe 10time in a row and one week after i got 1000€ unexpected!


Oh wow thankyou


I meditated last night to her sigil and this morning got a job interview for a better job position. I have been looking for better opportunities without any luck. I highly recomend Bune


Thanks for the positive experience☺️


Bune is very attractive, beautiful, and sensual. She has helped me much.


Thanks, have you got the link at all, as there are several on there


Working with bune this week has been very beneficial as I was looking for better financial opportunities . After a long time of no luck I have now a really big opportunity to run my own lil businesses here in NYC . I’d like to give thanks to BUNE


Wow that’s great, thanks for sharing

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My thanks to Bune for helping to relieve my financial burden.


Greetings everyone: this is a YouTube video for getting in touch with Bune and for those seeking assistance with Bune and prosperity. I’ve found it recently by seeing above suggestions and I also have had very good success thus far. She is awesome!

[Mod note:
The video link broke - and this member is not here to find another, sorry. Scroll to the end for info from CyberLord on how to make contact, or see more tutorials for many ways to make contact here: Unofficial Tutorials: First Contact from Sigils to Evocation Collection - Mulberry]


Yes, Bune has been very helpful. :wink:

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Hello ebdr,
From your post looks like you had the pleasure of working with Bune;
I have done 3 rituals but nothing yet I feel very positive about it and I didn’t see his presence but I sure felt his great energy around me.
I worked with other demons before and my first time with Bune, it won’t be the last; however from reading and watching videos on YouTube , you know everyone tells a different way of invocation/evocation but not one has really said nor wrote as to the best time to contact him and how long it would take for a response from Bune.
I know everybody is different and I’m very patient, being a satanist patience is a must.
But if you could kindly tell me more on how to invoke/evoke, I would be so grateful.
I need to know best time to summon him, and exact time.
Thank you so much
Blessings to you


How did you work with Bune exactly? i am really interested but dont know where to start

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I see you have just joined the forum.

Please post an introduction here:

It is one of our few rules. Let us know a little about you so we may be better equipped to answer any questions you may have.

Hello, my name is Anya, i am from the caribbean and i am basically new to magic. i recently started looking into it to fix my finances because i work hard 7 days a week with no improvements in my life so i’ve decided to try magic.


I meant in the thread I linked, not this one, but don’t worry.

Our mighty @Lady_Eva can move this post to the appropriate thread with her mighty mod powers :slight_smile:

I work with / talk with and have interactions with Bune just about every single day. She comes to me as a feminine presence, not masculine. There is other info out there which kinda points this direction also. But regardless, Bune, has helped me immensely. If you’d like to know more please don’t hesitate to ask. And if you wants to keep things private, send me a private message.

Bune has demonstrated gentleness, kindness, generosity (manifesting money), lots actually, can and will prove if really necessary. She has really helped me and been a steady companion all through the challenges of life’s recent struggles. I work now with a total of 6 so-called demons. But Bune knows for sure my loyalty is always going to be there for her.

Any questions please ask. I’m always greatful to help anyone in anyway that I can.

-// Alan Elohim


i need help