Hi Everyone,
I am a dedicated LHP Practitioner and have been for many years now. I have had much success with Infernal Magick and the current state of my life reflects that as most things in my life are in order and going extremely well. Around December of 2020 I had the opportunity to enter a raffle to win a free magickal painting (Portal) of Odin that was channeled by a skilled magician. Lone and behold I won that raffle and took that as a sign of Odin directly calling on me to work with him. It is an honor to be called by him and I intend to answer that call with the utmost respect. Ever since the portal arrived I have felt an extremely strong calling to step into the Norse Sorcery path and learn the runes. I have also felt a calling to perform the Eye of Odin ritual. I have no experience in this and was wondering if anyone recommends any good books to learn the foundation of Norse Sorcery and the runes without any of the dogma that comes with a mystical religion. Like something with a LHP Godhood undertone as that is what I resonate most with. It seems that whenever my life is going well a tough teacher comes to me to help me break through barriers to the next level of ascent. I welcome Odin but definitely want to do my research to honor him as I initiate and step into this path. Any advice or recommendations are welcome.