Beginner book suggestions for spirit work

I have read many books of this magick for a long time and I just want to work in the field of spirit work. I don’t want to worship anyone. I have read some books where there is talk of demons worship. I don’t want to worship anyone or anything. I have been an armchair occultist for many months. Now I have decided to start a new life with the new year.So does anyone have any book suggestions that I can work on for my first few months or years.I am a complete beginner so please suggest some books that will help me understand the path.

And I apologize to the admins if I have repeated the same question and spammed

I am not very confident to post here but if I have done something wrong please let me know.I know everyone is very friendly and helpful.

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People ask this form time to time, we don’t remove these threads as the people who respond tend to change and there’s sometimes new suggestions that are super helpful, and they tend to to be so easy to find in the search as the words “beginner”, “recommendation” and “books” is a bit generic and lots of posts come up that aren’t book recommendations at all.

To help with this we have created a bunch of “collection” thread where we link post we liked so they don’t get lost. We have one for book recommendations here, and the 6th link down looks like it has ideas specific to beginners.

I would also strongly recommend you work with something like Robert Bruce’s Psychic Defense Handbook to get you your basic energy working, energy sensitivity and ability to defend yourself in place. It’s ideal to know how to fix a common problem, especially like having an unwanted entity bothering you, before you summon anything.

So, you’ll want to get your spiritual hygiene sorted out, and start work on developing your astral senses.

All our collection’s and links to member-tutorials as well as the educational BALG newsletters that used to be put out are here: getting started with magick guide, notables, and tuts.


If you don’t mind i would like to ask one more question that how can i really know that my arcane sense are fully open or developed ?
Sorry sir I’ll not bother you again

Experience really. You’re right there’s a high risk of what remote viewers call “analytical overlay” which is where the conscious mind, desperate to have everything identified and understood, starts making things up and leading you wrong - it’s pretty much always wrong. :slight_smile:

There’s a few ways to work around this and keep it real.

  1. practice in a way where you can get feedback to verify. As you do this you learn the feeling of something that’s correct vs made up, and you also track your accuracy as it increases which helps you build confidence.

  2. Write down impressions. When you get thoughts about what it could be, write those to the right of the paper (associated with the left brain) to “put it aside” - this way you have acknowledge yourself, and it’s not ignored but shouldn’t come back to keep bothering you.

  3. Don’t try too hard to make up your mind and fix all the uncertainty. I use what I call “working models” - run with an idea, but be open to changing it up if it’s not supplying results. Some things I just leave open as possibilities and don’t act on them unless or until I get more impressions, data or signs that I’m in the right track.