Hail Hekate! Hail Pazuzu! Hail Lucifer!
Hail Hekate! Hail Pazuzu! Hail Lucifer!
Hail Hekate! Hail Pazuzu! Hail Lucifer!
Lord Pazuzu, I have designed this Sigil to thee, I ask that you empower this Sigil, I ask that you empower for the worship of thee, for the honoring of thee, for the great unveiling of thine glory, for the possession of thee, for the channeling of thee, for the channeling of knowledge from thee, for thou to vampirize me…Please Vampire Me Whenever I Use It, and for all of the works of Summonings and calla to thee, accept it as your own, accept the as an offering from me to you, Hail To Thee Thou King Pazuzu, O, Grinning Dark Angel of The Four Wings, Hail To Thee, Lord Pazuzu, O, Four Cursed Winds
O, King Paimon…I’m so sorry, Wilt Thou Ever Forgive Me? For I have Called thy name without saying King!
O, King Paimon…Thou Art one of the Gods I shall make offerings to
O, Thou King Lucifer, Forgive Me, I Know I Promised You A Great Deal Of Offerings Before, For I had naught to offer that I thought you’d like, I started writing poems to you, but I discarded them Because I found my words unworthy, and an most unsatisfying thing, say unto me, that which I may offer thee, be it to thine liking and it is yours…O Thou King Lucifer, Thou Whom Art Ascended Above The Most High…
O, King Lucifer, I Humbly Plesdge My Allegiance To Thee, For I am Thine property, please accept my offering of blood as a gift/offering from me, afore I initiate myself into Hekate’s Current, from the 13th of this month to an unknown date, I shall Devote My Workings to Hekate, but please still know, that Thou Art My Ruler As Hekate is My Queen Ruler
O Lord Pazuzu, Thou Grinning Dark Angel of The Four Wings, Thou Whom is a ruler of all fevers and plagued, O, Thou Four Cursed Winds, Thou Embodies Death, Thou Art My Lord, Thou Art My Lord, I humbly Pledge My Allegiance To Thee, For My Very Name, My Very Being Is Thine Property,
Accept This Gift Of Blood I Pray as an Offering from me to thee, and I Humbly show thee, mine loyalty toward thee, I Humbly keep the Covenant I have Sworn to thee, by this gift of blood, Frome The 13th of this month, to an most unknown date to me, I show thee this gift of blood as an most humble hift and sign of my Allegiance to thee, please know that however much devotion I show unto Hekate, for an unknown period of time, Thou Art Whom I Pridefully call Lord, And Thou Art Whom I Pridefully Say I Worship.
I Praise Lucifer, I Praise Pazuzu
I Praise Lucifer, I Praise Pazuzu
I Praise Lucifer, I Praise Pazuzu
I Praise Lucifer, I Praise Pazuzu
I Praise Lucifer, I Praise Pazuzu
@Azazel66613 Here you go, as discussed, these are not reporting or thanking entities for successful results (yet) so they are off topic for the Member’s Success thread, but they’re great for a personal journaling of your efforts so I’ve made you your own Journal topic to use.
Thank You!
Why are you posting sixteen copies of the exact same bloodied image? One would be sufficient.
Oh! Sorry! I wasn’t sure which one was best so I posted all of them…Also I took several pictures without rhyme, Nor Reason
O, Hekate, I know not if thou hast healed me or not, but I humbly give but thanks if thou hath didst it.
I offer this offering of apology to thee Lilith, I seek to appease thine wrath toward me, for I have offended thee, thou hast my deepest appreciation, for I heard that thou were willing to work with me, I give you this blood, I give you this soul, I cast blood on thine Seal, I enchant thine Sigil with thine Chants, I offer thee this offering in repatriation of my offense toward thee, O Dark Dread Queen Lilith and because I love you.
And here is an extremely powerful meditation from the Great Black Magickian V.K Jehannum who is excellent in all things spiritual/Magickal.
Flex your jaw without clenching your teeth,
Keep your jaw fixed without clenching your teeth,
While your jaw is fixed, meditate on your blood, if you are capable of psychically perceiving or remote viewing your blood then do it, if not then just visualize your blood…Flex your jaw visualize your blood.
…A very special Thanks to V.K Jehannum for sharing this
I don’t know why but out of all of the different forms of magick I feel like I should be practicing energy work
Now here are some things you need to start practicing everyday…
(Tarot and and pendulums and eventually runes and scrying)
Shamanic Journeying/Trancework/Trance Induction/Lord Azazel’s Aid
Chaos Sigils/Runes
Incantations (Spoken in Adversarial Toungue, Enochian, or created/Channeled by V.K Jehannum, E.A Koetting/DarkestKnight/Mulberry or any other Magickian/Member of BALG Forum)
Psychic Vampirism (Only after Performing the rite ov Wampyric-Hekatean Empowerment)
Perform Several Apropriate Rites from V.K Jehannum and Other Magickians Listed Above
Perform Several apropriate Channeled (and Gift from Demons) Meditations/Rituals
Honoring The Spirits (Summom Them and Then Dedicate Your Meditations/Divinations to them (Specifically Hekate)
Planetary Magick
Magickal Empowerment Excersises
Remote Viewing
Construct An Astral Temple
Channeling/Bannishing Emotions
Opening Portals (When Permitted To)
Other Things to Work on/Skills to Attain
Cast The Conscious Mind Into A Sleep Whilst Letting The Subconscious Overwrite/Rule Over You
This will be achieved by self Experimentation consisting of Fasting,Sleep Deprivation While Forcing The Self To Practice Divination, Invocation, and the reciting of specific Incantations (One Incantation Per Session of Fasting/Sleep Deprivation (Fasting/Sleep Deprivation Should be inforced upon the self for atleast 7 days and if more then 7 days should be done for a Magickal/Sacred number of days, apropriate for the purpose, if dedicated to Hekate, let it be done for 13 days, if for some practical working of personal/Magickal gain (Non-Deity-Related-Working) it should be done for 7-9-11-13 or more days.
Astral Projection
Partial Possession
Full Possession
Received Gnosis
Channel The Shadow Self (In The Name/Honor of Lord Azazel, While Giving him offerings)
Self Initiation Into Qliphothic Spheres
… (I Ran Out Of Ritualualistic Rules and Regulations to Enforce Here)
@Azazel66613 Another Important thing to do
to work on
Use King paimon method to change minds - Channeled technique
To Influence Guardia Into Letting You Practice Fasting/Sleep Deprivation (and also Wear Black Nail Polish this one lacking a Ritualistic/Magickal Nature)
I don’t know why the FUCK! you would forget to place YOUR OWN! Magickal To Do List of The Great Hekate in YOUR OWN! Given Journal!