Neo-Pagans/New Age/ Goody-Two Shoes Witches Misguiding Begginers

I could attempt to Invoke an entity or Chaos itself before attempting to create/Cast a Chaos Sigil…
Just an idea

You do know chaos magick has nothing whatsoever to do with actual chaos, right? It’s name derives from chaos theory mathematics.

And as I said above, a Spare-style or “chaos” sigil is fueled by your subconscious mind. Why do you insist on making things more complicated than they need to be?

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Oh! Sorry! You did say that…I assumed that if I Invoke a spirit it can help/Empower me while making the Magick

A lot of the things you want Wiccans and Neopagans to discuss are tackled in Silver Ravenwolf’s books, especially in her ‘To…’ series (To Ride a Silver Broomstick, To Light a Sacred Flame, etc). Granted, Silver Ravenwolf gets a lot of flak because of her bubbly writing style and her tendency to simplify everything for her target readers—most of whom are baby witches and '90s kids----but they do cover the basics of magick in general.

But to be honest, Wicca doesn’t really make use of trance and astral work that much. It’s a different occult practice altogether from what you have in mind. Just like in the medical world, you shouldn’t really expect Western modalities to be holistic like Traditional Chinese Medicine because they’re two different practices rooted in two separate paradigms.

My suggestion is you should find a magickal system that aligns with your personal philosophy instead of trying to turn a practice into something that is isn’t.

And calm down.

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And because there can never be enough, I am wishing you Love and Light(bringer)… @Azazel66613

I feel you frustration…
Although not as much, but since I was an armchair occultist for many many years. I feel like I had been missing a very simple, but crucial point/ connection that has never really been properly explained through the scholarly route and only clicked when I started my practical journey.

As much as I like to s**t on the love and light community and the type of lightworkers and wiccans that are scared of their own shadow (yes… deeper pun very much intended)

I think it is something that is lacking on a broader scale. Since a lot of these things like meditation and altered states are seen as such an obvious and basic skill for magick. The more advanced practitioners tend to forget to mention their importance in their work.
As for explanation how to work with sigils. As stated in earlier posts on this thread, a lot of systems work with them differently.


Thank You All, and you guys are invited/more than welcome put your thoughts or comments in my journal (I’d appreciate it if yall wanted to, if not It’s not the end of the world)


Normally, the goody two shoes go crazy :rofl:

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How So?

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Because, they don’t acknowledge the darkness within them and when the hard times hit - they crack.

If we never experience things in this life or acknowledge the ugly or dark side of ourselves, our bodies and mind can break mentally, emotionally, physically, and, yes spiritually.

If the ecosystem of our bodies is unbalanced - we are unbalanced.

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I love and only acknowledge the darkness within and without, I am loathed by humans and beloved by the darkness, the darkness loves me…the darkness loves all of us

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I don’t think it’s reasonable to call either Wiccans or any of the people above “goody two shoes”, so what are you talking about?

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Darkness can only exist because of the light. It’s born of the shadows the light casts and is only an absense of energy. Don’t get too hung up on dark vs light, you need energy to work with, and “nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so”.


You know out of ALL of the different forms of magick…I keep thinking of energy work for some strange reason…call me a psychopath :crazy_face:

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Most definitely not a psychopath.

Energy is needed in most magical workings, as it allows us to move forward and gain perspective to level up to our next call of action.

If our energy is dormant and we never move, then we become antsy and may do something we regret.

We can also transfer that energy… though if you’re an empath, be careful.


One unnecessarily rude post removed. This an adult forum we don’t act like children here.


Yes. I think they are inseperable. Everything is made of energy. Energy cannot created or destroyed, it only changes form. Magick is the art of changing energy so it manifests differently, that is all.

“Energy working” as a term tends to be applied to changing the energy of your or another persons energy body, but when you develop this and can feel and read your own energy, you start to feel how situations and the official and emotional and mental letters affect that energy, and Vice versa, and how its all connected. You use energy to do magick, ergo if you can understand and control your energy you can do magick better.

Don’t forget the mass energy equivalence equation. For phydical particles traveling at the speed of light, their energy is calculated easily from their rest mass times their velocity squared - and we can treat them interchageably as either particles or waves of energy.

That equation is a simplified version of the energy momentum equation for figuring out energy for objects not traveling that fast. Everything can be understood as complex systems of energy as waveforms interacting together. Energy–momentum relation - Wikipedia


It’s kinda strange how I get these strange ideas and urges in magick…it’s almost like getting advice…but no one gave it to me…unintended, self-given advice…

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So when it comes to entering Trance States I’ve always tried to reach the void state…it’s the only form of trances of ever attempted

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Darkness is a shadow cast by the light illuminating an object. The interesting question is more along the lines of- if I am in the shadow, what object is casting the shadow? And what is the difference between the light itself, the object illuminated, the illuminated side, the darkened side of the object and the shadow? How do they interplay and relate?

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I wish I could put my thoughts into words like this. Mine just come out in colors on a paint canvas, where I learn the lessons of energy, light and dark. :pensive::butterfly::seedling:

Interesting feed.