Azazel66613's Journal

@Azazel66613 Another Important thing to do
to work on

Use King paimon method to change minds - Channeled technique
To Influence Guardia Into Letting You Practice Fasting/Sleep Deprivation (and also Wear Black Nail Polish this one lacking a Ritualistic/Magickal Nature)

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I don’t know why the FUCK! you would forget to place YOUR OWN! Magickal To Do List of The Great Hekate in YOUR OWN! Given Journal!

@Azazel66613 Oh! I almost forgot!

You SHOULD be Studying Pharmakeia/Herbs/Herb Magick/Poisons…You Know like all tge Shit you were fascinated with and Studying when you were 15?..before you knew anything about Hekate’s Association with Herbs!
(Preferably Medieval and Ancient Herb Knowledge)

To Induce Trance
quote=“Solis, post:47, topic:29259”]
Kaithu… Sailorie… Nathuth… Deime.

Mara Dendar For Astral Projection!

Petition Hekate for Magickal Empowerment/Magickal Strength
Also Petition Hekate for ability to manifest

Petition Hekate for Astral Empowerment…Not Physical…

When Petitioning Hekate after she is successfully summomed for Astral Empowerment to alter the physical say unti her these words…
"O, Hekate, Dark Dread, Thou Three Faced Terr0r,
Hearken, Hearken unto I, thou humble Magickian of the Nothingness, I, that which is brought up out of the Nothing, I thou humble Magickian makest unto thee this request, Give power Unto me in the Astral that I should make witchcrafts and sorceries, and manifest my wishes into this illusion of a carnal nature, which I am Dreadfully bound, this is what I wish, O Dark, Wytch Queen Hekate, of the three ways

Learn how to soul travel


To Enter The Void State.
@Azazel66613 Mother Fucker How The FUCK​:skull: Did You Forget To Add This One?:skull:

Invocation of Pazuzu
Intended for a Curse

I had a Dream That I Knew There was Going to be a Solar Eclipse So I took a mirror metal tray and I had it on the ground which I was low upon, I awaited the hour that the moon would blot out the Sun which (This Was Quite Soon) When The Solar Eclipsed Occurred I watched it happen through the mirror

I had a Dream where Iooked through the window…I saw a planet that I thought was Venus but Ended Up Being Mars Then I saw an Orange Planet for Some Reason this was Venus the and then the Solar System Started Rotating Quicly like a Merey Go Round, I saw all of the other planets Saturn being the one I remember. We were rotating so quickly that we were about to throw each other out of the solar system (or atleast fuck up the arrangements)
…then we stopped

The Planets Appeared Large and Close Up

The advice given by @fapa79 and @E.A is so useful that it must be recorded in this journal


I must give my deepest appreciation and gratitude to the very bottom of my heart to @C.Kendall and @E.A for gifting us with these rituals and mystic wonders.

Perform the @E.A King’s Rite and then Perform @C.Kendall Black Flame Meditation

A very special Thanks to @C.Kendall
Now @C.Kendall @E.A and Other’s have gifted us with special knowledge that I must save and keep in my journal

My Sigil I just created for Money

(This Sigil Has Yet To Be Used)

Sigil of Gamaliel
(Created By Me)

A Very Special Thanks to @SeekerofK
(I needed this information)

How to attain Gnosis of a Spirit? A little Guide for starters

Spirits, Evocation & Possession


How to attain Gnosis of a Spirit? A little Guide for starters

Spirits, Evocation & Possession

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Jul '19

Hello everyone,

So lately I have been seeing in some post, that a lot of newcomers have issues to enter in contact with spirits and ask other people to do the communication for them instead. Because of this I decided to make a post about how I personally attain gnosis of spirit and communicate with him.

First of all for this it is not necessary to have clairvoyance and clairaudience. I mean, it helps, but if you can only sense the energy of the spirit, it is alright. And actually this practice will help you to develop all your senses. But what is important here is to have trust in yourself, because what you will surely need is raw claircognizance (or in other words intuition)

First and before the contact you may want to investigate about the entity. This can be helpful to build a rapport with the spirit, but if you want to attain your own gnosis you should read the minimal amount necessary. Maybe just the necessary information for the invocation… This could be the enn, chants, cardinal direction and possible offerings.

I would also recommend to do a banishing and clear the spiritual area to keep away impostor spirits.
I recommend too the seal of manifestation that was channeled by @Micah:

The Seal of Manifestation General Discussion

It has one Simple function: To prevent/Kill any impostors or wandering spirits that are interfering or could interfere with your evocations, Invocations, possesions, or magic. I originally made this as my own personal consecrated seal for Azazel. But then i was like, “I could make a seal outta this for another purpose” So this is the result. I offered it to the Infernal Divine and they Accepted it. Its no longer mine. Its theirs now. Specifically, Azazel and Hecate stepped forward to cons…

To attain gnosis I make a banishing and then I do the Void Meditation and I start to focus on my own energy. After that I use some words of power to create a magickal ambient. When I feel enough energy was built up. I start saying the pray or chanting of the spirit, and I open its sigil.

Now comes the interesting part. Relax dont make any effort, just let any image to come into your mind and go with it. You can also give some input by start imaginig something that reminds you of the spirit (the sigil, a place, a situation,etc.) at first you will have to give some input, but then it will take life by its own. While in this state you can ask the spirit what you wish to know.

To feel some of their characteristics it is similar as when you have a first impression of someone. You just see them, and your mind automatically associates some trait to it. Actually you dont need to see them, you just have to feel their energy.

Now if you want to channel a sigil or chant for the spirit, first invoke it. To do this I recommend the invoking chants of V.K. Jehannum, or you can use the following fill in chant: 54

If it is not a demon, just by saying the name of the spirit with intent can work.

While doing this feel the energy of the spirit building up, and feel them get inside of you. Visualize how you get outside of your body and see yourself. See how you body changes and assimilates the form of the spirit. Now start chanting in glossolalia and pay attention to the sensations you get. You will notice which words resonate and will start making a sentence. And voila, you got your chant. For a sigil just let the spirit show it to you while meditating. It will appear just like that or sometimes, while encountering the spirit through the visualization he will draw it for you.

Some Tips:

If you dont have any name or sigil, meditate on the feeling of the energy and let the sigil and name pop out of your mind the same way I described above.

While invoking a spirit, start listening music, until you find a song that makes “click”. That means the songs resonates with the spirit (or in other words the spirit likes it). With this you can use the song for invocation through listening, singing or dancing to it. (Fun fact: This way I made a playlist for my succubus companion, and it seems she likes Aerosmith and The Smashing Pumpkins)

If you are not quite sure, you can use a pendulum, and a pendulum ouija (just look for it in google images and you will find a lot of designs you can draw on paper) I would recommend to enchant the pendulum to block trickery and to block your own subconscious influence.

If you are more a Tarot card guy like myself you can use this spread while invoking:
First Card: Personality of spirit
Second Card: How can the spirit help you
Third Card: How can you help yourself
Fourth Card: How can you recognizance/honor the spirit
Fifth Card: Which weakness should be developed in the physical plane
Sixth Card: What are your spiritual gifts
Seventh Card: How is our spiritual relation
Eight Card: What should I keep in mind
Nineth Card: What advice do you give for my ascension
Tenth Card: Last words

Hope to be helpful,

Best Regards,

Glenn the Ghoul

A Very Special Thanks to @Glenn_the_ghoul
(I Needed This Information)

I asked Lilith to place the following Enchantments

The Pendulum is Forbidden to lie to me Enchantment

My Subconscious and Conscious is Forbidden to Alter The Motions/Answers of the Pendulum Enchantment

The Pendulum is Enchanted to Help me Develop Clairaudience Quicker Than Normal

Sexual Magnetism Enchantment

Trance Inducing Enchantment

In The Name of Queen Lilith I am Forbidden to Control Motions and Answers of the Pendulum
As I have Spoken So Mote it Be