Lucifer , wouldn’t do this , and I’m sure he wouldn’t be as specific as to give you the corona virus , here try this meditation I posted and see if it helps
Oh they do. Open your real eyes please. But if you don’t believe me this is fine. One day I’m sure you will.
Lucifer runs the infernal empire , he doesn’t have time to possess someone for no reason , would a king go to any citizens house himself to Fuck with them?
Whether you believe it’s him or not. He said so. But I think now I’m in full need of help so if anyone can help me from distance that will be appreciated because you will probably save a life.
Any impostor or parasite can say they are a certain entity , they do it all the time , many posts about that,
It was coming in the kundalini snake style through the chakras. Started from down to up to my head.
Just try the meditation and call on the angels, no ones going to remove it for nothing
So please if anyone can help me from a distance with this then PM me, I’ll tell my exact name and whatever info needed.
I was calling on the angels all day per names and lot of different styles, I asked them to help me, to remove this entity from me etc, I was praying, and everything else and meditating, this still happened. It doesn’t work.
It’s not a one and done thing , the attachment grows stronger Over time, such as it dissipates over time if you are treating the issue
But it’s literally inside me I can feel that it’s very hot inside me and outside of my body it’s cold. It can also do things inside my body, and doesn’t let me sleep. So if I don’t get a solution very fast it will probably kill me.
Use your visualization your intention your will your energy to get rid of it , visualize it burning in flames , do my meditation , everything is mentalism,
The way I see it, this entity that has entered into your life has so for a reason. That reason is to test your resolve, strength and power as well your mental and emotional fortitude. If you want to get rid of this entity, you and only you can get rid of it, this is your test, your intiation into the realm of magick…you have rituals given to you. It is imperative that you banish this spirit yourself. If you past this test you will be on your path. Believe in yourself, believe in your power and your reslove and believe can fight this. Fearing it feeds it, making it stronger, take the fight to this enitiy and banish it form your sacred space.
And if I don’t pass this test, I’ll die? Well thats very nice… I didn’t want to be in magick that much as to ready to die for it.
I started to do this meditation when you linked it, I just finished it but I don’t know if it worked, everything feels the same.
I never said that…you are putting words into my mouth…if you don’t pass the test then the path of magick is not for you. There is always a way to do things…I am just saying it as I see it. Everytime you show fear you feed the entity…I am trying to empower you and help you to believe in yourself
It was more like sarcastic, about who comes up with a test like this. I’m not scared actually, I even wrote before I’ll fight it and I plan to come back from this.
It’s cuz they think it’s movie magick. lol. My Rule of thumb. Don’t mess with the nonphysical realm without some researching on it or anything that is unknown without safety precautions. Little steps. People like to leap without looking. Not only that. They want magick to be the cure of all rather then working on self and mundane way. I see so many people asking for help using magick yet i see that the solution can be dealt with proper communication or by route of mundane ways. Many solution is working on self but they want magick route. AS if it’s instant downloading knowledge to oneself or social skills to oneself. Work and effort is required. Newbies think it’s instant results.
New members are usually the unstable ones. They come wanting a quick fix. Almost every newbie jump to advance stuff without reading a basic book on magick is what i notice. They ask without researching or get background info or doing their homework on realistic magick. To those newbies. magick will give them more trouble then what they started with. It’s like handing a child a gun without proper training.
And then they come here asking how to fix it. lol after going pass the point of no return.
It wasn’t sarcasm and nor was there any malicious intent. You should know if you go down the LHP that all mages/sorcerers do work with entities as they provided valuable knowledge and wisdom which helps you ascend…all I am saying is that most of the spirits and indeed the gatekeepers will not make it easy for you. These beings know and see everything and if you want to be a living god then they have the knowledge, wisdom and to tools to make you you one but you have to want and believe in it and believe in these amazing spiritual beings who just want to help you become great.The aleternative is to go RHP and use magick in that way.