Anyone want a ”reading”? Help me figure this out

Why I put ” ” on the reading is because I don’t know what it is or what it’s called.I’m guessing most people would use tarot cards or something for a reading but all I seem to have to do is just be prepared for a question and I get visions and feelings from just reading the question.
is it a form of divination? I mean it’s got to be but what’s it called? maybe it’s obvious but I have no idea.

But yeah if there’s one or two who wants a ”reading” I’d be happy to do it so I can practice. Don’t just send me the question right away since I do need to be prepared for it so I’ll tell you when you can send it. Note that I am practicing so it may or may not be accurate.


Alright I’m in… Tell me when you’re ready

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I think its eyelid scrying and a mix of mediumship qualities?? If I’m not wrong… I also have the ability at times to use my sense of smell

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Sounds interesting…and intriguing !
I’d like to give it a shot if/when you are up to it :slight_smile:

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I’m in, this sounds interesting, let me know when you want to try. Thank you.

I’m down.

I still take requests if there’s more who wants to have a question answered

I’m down

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I want one!

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I would love one, thank you :slight_smile:

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We also have an ongoing thread for this, where you will also find people wanting scans.


I’d appreciate a reading. Thank you!

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I would like one also. PM me if you need any info. Thanks for this.

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Sounds wonderful I’ll gladly add my name to the list plz just @ sign me when your available.

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Im up for this. Pm me if you need info or something from me.

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That sounds very interesting. I’m game if you are.

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Didn’t think about that since I have no idea what kind of work this is. Some have said a form of scrying though.
I’m haven’t done a lot of research at all into divination. Just know that there are some forms of it like tarot card reading, scanning, scrying but don’t know anything about them except for the tarot cards

doesn’t seem like I’m able to pm you. Your profile is not public, guessing that’s why

Hi there, this seems interesting. I’m in if you still need someone!

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Yeah, sorry, I forgot it.
Now is changed to public again.