Amon ALWAYS deliver fast! Ex-return /reconciliation

Hi I would like help with this

the phone case is only because when you charge your phone the energy will also charge the opened sigil, therefor “feed/charge” your prayer and kind of give Amon energy at the same time :slight_smile:


Can you do that by listening to their enn and meditating?

Of course you can , recommended actually

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Once the spell is successful, can I remove the picture from my case? We’ve been successfully getting along for a little over 2 months now and I feel confident that we have a solid and steady relationship. So, what can I do going forward?



May I please ask what do you mean by the phrase “amon bring what you want with illusion, not real feelings”.?

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if the person left you, it is for a good reason right?
even if you do not understand the person’s reason, the person has her/his mind made up right?
maybe, the person was unsure and can eventually come back on her/his own , right?

Now when Amon brings the person back, if the person was unsure of the break up, things can be worked out, but if the person was really against you the person will come back to you not knowing why they came back and still angry at you, in the case of a strong mental/strong will even Amon cannot make the person come.

by illusion i mean that if you did not work on your own behaviour, and thought about why the break up happened in the beginning, the person can come back but nothing will change, the person won’t apologize, and might come a little bit like a zombie at first not knowing why they are back.

was i clear enough?


sure, you can burn it :slight_smile:

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But did that only work for you because you already had a strong relationship with Amon? Because you did not offer him anything and didn’t evoke him. So should people do that if they never worked with Amon before?


You were clear enough thanks.

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i did not have a “strong” relationship with Amon before, i had called him once and he fullfilled my request in a few days therefor confidence between him and I was build
but on this special case for me it was unbelievable and i told him that as thanks i would speak " for him" when needed, but i don’t even know a tenth about him but that he is an amazing spirit to work with.

connect with him everyday for 7 days, create a bond with him, be dedicated to him the way you are dedicated to make the other person come back it’s an exchange, it’s energy


Y’all as soon as I stopped focusing super hard on whether or not I deserved help from Amon, my ex asked for me back. So Amon’s the MVP!! I cannot even begin to say how thankful I am.


Last night I called on Amon for help. Whilst listening to and reciting his enn, I wrote my petition on the back of a photo of my ex, drew Amon’s sigil over his face with both our names inside, I also repeated the petition and sigil on a piece of paper and drew the sigil on the back of my left hand. I chanted the enn before blowing air over all three sigils, then placed the photo inside my phone case for charging and the piece of paper inside my pillow. As I usually do, I requested signs through my dreams that my call for help had been received.

When I woke this morning I remembered a dream I had. I was walking through a forest and saw what looked like a giant stick figure suspended between the trees (kind of reminded me of this sort of thing - It looked natural rather than man made and the branches looked incredibly thick and strong, connecting with the other trees. Then my view changed and I saw a curved tree which appeared to have protrusions that looked like breasts and on the lower part of the tree that ran horizontal there were sitting two giant eggs. When I walked away from the trees there was a beautiful sky (sunrise or sunset I’m not sure but beautiful oranges and pinks) and a lake among the trees with ducks on it in the distance. It was so beautiful I had to take a picture with my phone!

I’m now trying to figure out the significance of the symbols in the dream but struggling a little bit and wondering if there is something obvious that I’m missing! Does anyone have any thoughts?

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Hello! I tried this and also I called him using his Enn, sigil and offerings but I’m not sure if he understood what I want . I didn’t feel his presence or had any dream. I was very respectful when asking and also when I dismissed him.
How can I be sure he heard me ? How many times do I have to try to call him?

Trust that he heard you and trust in your magic. =) There will be no evidence - you have to be sure and confident.

What happened? Can you share?

@Alexane22 what is your progress on the enslavement spell, is it possible to share ?

Mandrake roots

Well to be honest I don’t even remember what that enslavement was about but whatever it was it did not work anyway :rofl:
Been working with Demons of magick by Gordon Winterfield lately, I’ll see how it goes :slight_smile:


oh! u mean it wasnt this one ?