Oh my goodness! That’s amazing I feel so friggin overjoyed!
Just one word for this post… ‘WOW’… Thanks for sharing dear
Do you by chance have a prayer/ chant that is simple with anytype of candle use for me to be able to talk to her? I kinda want to be her companion and wanted to see if she can help me out with something.
Hey so this might be a weird question, but I guess nowadays what’s weird depends who you ask. So I am a trans female, and I wanted to make sure that praying or asking Lilith for protection or something along those lines wouldn’t be offensive to her.
It is not at all offensive, Lilith is embracer of the exiled, the persecuted, those who aren’t what society calls “normal” as she teaches one to be who they are and be proud of it, wishing for people to be free to be their true-self. Love yourself, be who you are and be that person with confidence
Welcome @Kirby It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so please click the link below and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:
I have a question. Do you know a prayer from Lilith that is simple for a newbie . A prayer that summons her in a way or where I can have a convo with her? I don’t have an alter nor the material.
The first calling or prayer to her I used I slightly felt her presence. I personally have had extreme results with her enn used in the dukante enns thread.
I have not however tried the latter incantations after the first but I do have love for Lilith as I remember my promises to her. And I believe that she is protecting me from alot right now, however I also feel anger from her for my own personal reasons
So if I just need Lilith to be like a mother to me but also a friend what would she want in return if you know
Looks similar to the one I saw, I haven’t seen it since that night. But it still feels like a good omen.
It is a good omen, spiders are weavers of fate, magic and destiny, associated with prophecy, feminine wisdom, feminine divine, building solid foundations, as well creation and destruction/rebirth
Is it disrespectful that my roomie and i nicknamed the spider Frankie. We ask Frankie not to bite us, and thank Frankie for staying in our home and ratings bugs.
Yeah, I always greet them and say “go find a corner, so I don’t step on you” or I place them in a nice spot in the hallway, if they find themselves in an area were i may lose track of them and accidently stand on them (thank the Goddess though that has never happened…I’d feel so bad if it did).
As a child I was taught that if u kill a spider, it had the right to come back and eat your eyes. So when I was small I was scared of them. Now I respect them and think they are beautiful
So another weird question I guess, I’ll probably asking a lot of weird questions, after praying to Lilith is it strange to feel a sense of clarity or enlightenment almost, or is it a more of thing that differs person to person?
Thank you
Guys, I’m new to all this. But does Lilith hear prayers or your thoughts towards her?