Advice from King Paimon

Thank you for directing me here.

Today I fixed up his altar. I’m burning two types of incense, turned on the oil diffuser with sandalwood, gave him offerings of lemongrass green tea, a cup of espresso, and sprinkled some rose petals as a symbol of my love/adoration for him. I also wrote him a letter in regards to my impulsiveness the other day, and felt it was appropriate to draw some blood to show that I am serious and truly respect him.


Why am i just coming across this thread now? Love it.


A few more things that King Paimon said I may share here.

Mind power:

You choose your thoughts. You must pick very wisely which ones you tend to, and be ruthless with the ones that do not serve you. The same goes for people. [side note: King Paimon is brilliant at removing toxic people from one’s life!] It is to no one’s advantage if you repeat the same negative mantras over and over in your head. Negativity cumulates in your system like poison, and you can become addicted to it. If you cannot discipline your mind to think thoughts that serve your well-being and your positive development, how do you expect your so-called external reality to change? Thy will be done – if you know thyself and know thy true will, and thus power. You are capable of overcoming your greatest mental obstacles with a blink of an eye if only you will it. For this, however, you must do something that most people are terrified of: face yourself in solitude.

Equating spirits/ deities:

You may find it convenient to draw parallels between a spirit and a deity from another pantheon, for instance. Do not make the mistake of thinking they are the exact same entity. They are not. You can find relations and correspondences that will help you understand aspects of your work, the spirits and yourself. But you are not correct in assuming that one spirit is the exact same as another. Different names alone have different energetic signatures, let alone the different cultural currents. We may come from the same source, like a ray of light that is fragmented into many different colors by a prism. But each ray is seperate, with its own attributes, its own identity. [He has told me this before and wanted me to repeat it in this thread] Deities have changed, have become syncretized or demonized over time and in various forms, but each new facet that has been established over a certain period of time is in and of itself an individual spirit and needs to be respected as such, even if they do originate as another. There is a vast intelligence behind that which you call spirit world, of which your mind is not the originator, but receptor and active participator.

Studying with Him:

I show myself to each practitioner in the way they can understand me the best. I teach everyone what they need to know according to the pace and intensity with which they are able to absorb the knowledge and unlock their own capacities. The knowledge about me, or spirits and deities in general, will gradually unfold over time according to your own work. I will not hand you knowledge on a silver platter, and everyone will have different starting points as well as focal points. This is one of the explanations for seemingly contradictory accounts by different practitioners. Some will hear a booming voice when I speak to them, others will hear music, while others will have a very different experience. Do not doubt your experience when you feel its validity in your heart and you can feel its effect on you. Spiritual work will change you over time, like the thoughts you cultivate or the food you eat. Let the results speak for themselves. Put your beliefs to the test, decide for yourself, and do not be afraid of losing what has become familiar to you.

A word of warning for everyone who claims to be close to Him, but isn’t:

You know the truth. I am watching you.


@Lux_Tenebris each passing day i get more confused.

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(just here to say :+1:t2: to this very very very good thread)


Thank you @A_Pariah! Haha yes, He is watching. :wink:


I don’t know what you’re referring to unless you get more specific.

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I resonate so much with most of his points and learned new ones, King Paimon has amazed me with his wisdom , and i have not even worked with him yet


@Lux_Tenebris I’m referring to him,maybe it’s just my mind,or i’m just not seeing things clearly yet.Well,i don’t know for sure yet.

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Ok, that’s still quite vague. Maybe you just need time. One great thing (among many!) King Paimon has told me is to not move forward if you’re unsure about what you want or where you stand. There’s nothing wrong with feeling confused, it can be a great source for later progress.


@Lux_Tenebris i’m not confused about the way,the problem is him(or me),i think i created in my mind things about him that aren’t real(i think he knows it or not),i’m trying to understand what all this is.

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If you can find a way to communicate with Him, that’s one big step in the right direction. Try to ask Him whatever it is you want to know, He will understand if you truly wish to learn. If you have constructed something in your mind that isn’t real, you will get His input on that, too. If you are willing to listen. Maybe you won’t like what He tells you, or you’re afraid He might tell you something that shatters your ideas of Him. Or maybe you’ll be surprised at what He has to say. One thing I can tell you for sure is that He greatly appreciates sincerity, and you can rest assured that He won’t let illusions stand for long. He is all about shattering false images, exposing lies (and liars) and showing what’s real.


Hail King Paimon :+1:


@Lux_Tenebris i’ve called him several times and all that comes is just silence(this should be around a year ago,well the story is long).

Then maybe it’s not Him you need to be working with, and His silence is the hint you ought to take. I don’t know. I’m afraid I can’t help you with your specific situation, but maybe you should make a topic for that where you explain a little more about your relationship with Him or what you have tried/ are trying to accomplish, and what happened in a little more detail etc., so that others can chime in and give you their opinions.

What I have to share here is what King Paimon is willing to give to others who can use His advice, and I am not supposed to relay messages from Him or anything of that sort. It’s really His gift to everyone who needs and appreciates His inspiration, and I do hope that you find the answers you’re looking for, eventually.


@Lux_Tenebris thanks

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He’s so wise.
I have huge respect for King Paimon. :crown:
His words give so much strength.


I couldn’t agree more. He has my deep respect, gratitude and love.


[Having received a few messages from people asking me to speak to King Paimon on their behalf, I am answering these people publicly in hopes that others might also find it helpful:

I do NOT do that. King Paimon has explicitly told me that He wants people to come to Him. This shows Him that you’re serious, despite your “skills” not being too advanced yet (or maybe you only think they’re not). He is very understanding of your (perceived) shortcomings and does not criticize you for being a beginner, or for making small blunders. He will criticize you for not doing your work or for being intentionally disrespectful. Here’s what He said:]

Always speak to me directly. I see you, and I see your motivation. When I answer, you will know it is me. Always speak honestly. Do not be afraid.

[This here is my personal advice that King Paimon has encouraged me to give: If you feel like you’ve made a mistake, just apologize! Don’t fall on your knees begging for forgiveness. Simply man or woman up and tell Him you’re sorry, no need to beat yourself up about it.]


wise words, golden words!