Abramelin Square for manifesting money

could anyone explain why the square in the book of abramelin is incomplete? isnt it incomplete

In The MacGregor Mathers version, the squares are incomplete because mathers used an inferior manuscript (a french version) to translate from which left squares incomplete. If you buy the most recent version of the book by Georg Dehn, he has a more complete version which he translated from a German manuscript


So is this the correct one ?




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Can you mix other spirits into this like dragons for example or is this specifically Oriens territory

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Yesterday I created a square but did not do it and the visualisation correctly. So this morning I burned it. Can I create a new one today. Or should I wait. I’m new to this please.

Yes, you can create a new one.

Thank you. Where do you keep you squares? I’ve kept mine in my wallet but I just realised that I only have my wallet on me during working hours? After that it’s in the table.

Usually in my pocket.

It’s fine as long as it is somewhere near you.

Thank you for clarifying.

Sorry but I think I’m doing something wrong. Two weeks and nothing has shifted. Maybe it’s not working for me.

Well two weeks ago I did one and nothing happened. So last night I thought it wasn’t working and tore it up and put it in the rubbish. Later that night I checked a lottery ticket I buy and found out I won $9.80. Not sure if it had anything to do with me tearing it up.

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This is an illustration of Lust for Result ending.
You were worried about it working, and when you tore it up, you had stopped thinking about it.
And then it was able to work.

This of course, is all out of my ass, by the way.
I have NO idea what I’m talking about.

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You could be correct though. I just thought that as nothing was happening that maybe it’s not working. But who knows.

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The reason this square may not work for some people is stated right below the square itself.

It says;

(a) The Symbols of this Chapter are manifested only by the Angels or by the Guardian Angel.

(b) ORIENS alone performs this Operation.

(c) The Familiar Spirits can to an extent perform the Operations of this Chapter.

This means that you need to do the Abramelin Operation first. The same op that Aleister Crowley failed to perform at Boleskine House :smile:

Abramelin Operation in short, is about getting in touch with your Guardian Angel so the angel converts a demon into your bitch for you, to do your bidding.

In this case, Oriens is the demon. It’s an ancient demon of wealth.

You can watch square 28 until letters dance out of the grid that you’ll still need your Guardian Angel or an angel to turn Oriens into your bitch.

The point of the whole Abramelin 2nd book is to do the operation. Without doing the op, you can still try to contact an angel but why in Heaven an angel wants to go for a particular demon in hell and turn it into your bitch :interrobang: Because you repeated all combinations of segor one zillon times? Because you asked nicely?

That, or you summon Oriens itself and you make a pact with it, which probably will end up with you turned into Orien’s bitch. :joy:

Sacred Magic of Abramelin: The Third Book: The First Chapter: To Know All Manner of Things Past and Future (sacred-texts.com)

Do I have to meditate on square (2, 3) To know things appertaining unto the Future?
Bring me wisdom to know all manners of things in the future lottery results .

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