Abaddons relationships?

I’m actually quite drawn to him, but I couldn’t think of anything to call him for. I enjoy hearing about him, there’s not much personal information on working with him. It doesn’t seem like he’d be thrilled to be called for a chat over drinks. Of course I could be very wrong, that’s just my impression.

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Yeah that’s true, he doesn’t like to have to deal with many people because he thinks they are annoying… he also told me one time not to talk too much about him because then people get the idea to work with him too. But if he really calls you and you have a reason to contact him (maybe just for an offering?) then just try it :slight_smile: he will definitely let you know if he wants it or not ^^


It would be hard to describe at this moment what kind of relationship is Ours.

My very first evocation of Him was fast and very effective. It was not a big surprise, for I felt His presence (or Him in other ways), so I started it because this feeling it wouldn’t gone away otherwise, and because I want to, naturally.

He was… well… difficult. Sometimes He act rigid, serious and cold hearted, and suddenly He became romantic and say/did ribald things which had me blushing. He easily chamed me and played with my desires, but I keep it in mind that His emotions and how he act can change within a second. But I feel something deeper towards Him, not just “lust and desire”.

There is some interesting quote of Him. He let me to share these, but that’s all at the moment.

When We’re talked about my actual Demonic lover. He told me, if his presence will balk me in my development, there is no place for him in my near. I almost cried because of the thought, then He simply said:
Stop crying!
Suddenly this emotion has disappeared from me, after I’d heard His voice in this tone.
Your future is not in MY hands. It is in YOUR hands.

The main question is not “will I accept you as a disciple”.
The main question is "Will you accept Me in your (this) life?

Let’s play something… […] After you finished your tattoo of my Sigil, feel free to touch me.
I wonder… how long can you resist?

Can’t wait to get His sigil as a Tattoo. March 20.
And I want to know more about US as well, because He whispered me things about our past.

Either way, when I started meditate to call Him (second time), I felt a silky, delicate touch on my lips.


I know him under Apollo and he’s always been a friend and I’m happy to keep it that way. I find him to be a really stable entity which was much needed in my life when not much else was.

I only got his dark side a few times but it’s cool we worked through it

I’m also of greek ancestry and view him much the way my greek ancestors would have. Within the greek pantheon he was one of the most beloved of the gods for his light

But his dark side was definitely noted and most sacrifices were done to keep him happy

So you know he wouldn’t destroy stuff and send tons of plagues

But I don’t think that means he’s unstable or on edge (in my experience) it was just noted he had a dark side that wasn’t all poetry and lyre strings

And since most people who work with Abaddon recieve the Apollo gnosis (or find it within research. I had the opposite Apollo is Abaddon gnosis) I feel comfortable sharing this

Hope that helps you testing your theory


Hm. After looking up what a locust looks like, I’ve been around quite a few for seeing them the first time. And we’re both weirdos. First I find out Loki is not only contacting me but knows a hell of a lot of shit, then Abaddon… things are going to get interesting for me…


Funny story. I have an imaginary friend named Abaddon, but he isn’t the real Abaddon. I’ve had this friend since I was 6, he first showed up when I was in a car accident, and he really helped me through a hard time when I was being abused by my mother. My imaginary friend shares the same hatred for my mother that I have. My imaginary friend is half angel and half demon, can cause wicked crazy hallucinations, can alter reality itself, and manipulate gravity. He also has schizophrenia and Dissociative Identity Disorder. He still hangs around, helps me when I have low self-esteem and high self hatred by telling me to stop telling myself such hurtful things.

I HAD NO IDEA that Abaddon was actually a real being! I hope he isn’t offended that I have an imaginary friend with his name.Once I found out that Abaddon was a real being that could be called on, I instantly felt drawn to him, instantly wanted to connect with him. I really want to call on him some day.

I have chronic nightmares every night ever since I was 4, so they don’t scare me anymore really.
About two or three years ago, a figure in a black hood started appearing in my dreams, watching me and following me. Any monsters present in my dreams stay far away from this figure and me, and they stop antagonizing me and leave. I somehow instinctually knew the figure is Abaddon, but I can’t figure out if it’s my imaginary friend or if it is the actual Abaddon himself. There is one thing I have absolute certainty of: I feel safe around the figure.


Thank you for sharing this. Felt exactly the same from him last month during a divination session. While he acknowledged my presence, he didn’t push through with any sort of working. He has also expressed the same sentiments of not wanting to interact or work with humans much. Which, as an introvert, made me like him more lol.


That is amazing! Perhaps Abaddon has been with you all along- under a different kind of guise until you were ready to work with him. Or perhaps this was some entity sent by him to be with you until the time for him to come into the picture came into play.


That’s awesome!

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You really think so? You think this may be a sign he would like to work with me? I would love to! I’m going to practice magick, start small, then work my way up to evocation. I hope Abaddon accepts me.

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I personally believe he does. You have the passion for it, as I can see, so definitely go for it!

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Definitely going to try, but the only tools I have are myself, my hands, and pen and paper, as well as his sigil. I was thinking of making some sort of circle with 5 small rocks I have, not sure if that would work though.

Only way to know for sure is to give it a whirl and see where it takes you

I agree with Tiberius. Your intention is the main ingredient in this. I personally always use a sigil with a candle, and those alone always do the trick for me. It’s okay to be practical- you don’t need fancy tools to work your magick, although it can help depending on the spell and goal. You can also use his enn to call him closer: Es Na Ayer Abaddon Avage. Don’t worry too much about pronunciation. He also likes the dark and quiet, so setting that atmosphere is good.

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On a side note, I named one of my cats after Abaddon a while back. I call him Abadabs. He’s a handsome black cat. He likes dark spots, and he’s very mischievous.


He’s so cute haha

He’s a brat. Acts like my imaginary friend in every way though so I fully expect it lol.

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I did decide to try to contact Lucifer for the first time. I wrote Lucifer a letter asking him to teach me quite a few things he specializes in, like astral projection and spirit communication. I intend to send it to him by writing his sigil on the back then burning the letter.

I am still very much interested in doing the same thing for contacting Abaddon, however I currently have no other basis except that I feel a very strong connection with him and my imaginary friend as well as my cat share his name, so I’m questioning if contacting Abaddon solely for those reasons would upset him.

If you are coming from a place of genuine interest and a genuine desire to form a relationship, that is okay. I bother Abaddon with my noob questions, and he doesn’t mind. He just jokingly gives me that deadpan, “what now?” look haha. What you can do is ask him if it is truly him that has been in your life, and what exactly he wishes to do with you if he is.


It it extremely difficult to try to light a fire when the only tools you have require your hands to be nerve wrackingly close to your fuel source and you happen to be utterly terrified of getting burned. Unfortunately living with other people so I can’t go looking for one of those long distance multipurpose lighters I know we have because they would insist on knowing why and I wouldn’t dare provide them and answer. But I’m not giving up on finding it.