Hey All,
In order to work on my senses, and kick my development into gear, I’ve taken it upon myself to call 5 spirits and do a Q&A, not just to see if I can but to gain some knowledge.
I thought I’d post the results on the forum for your perusal, and maybe to help assuage any doubts I may have about what I hear.
Last night was Day 1, and to kick things off, I chose the Archangel Raphael.
I used the sigil from the Mastering Evocation workbook.
At 1130 PM I sat on a chair within my UC, facing East, and used EA’s cloud exercise and a countdown to get into an altered state.
Once I was in the altered state, I stood and performed the gesture of Parting the Veil.
I sat back down and, after steadying myself by focusing on my breath for a few moments, I took Raphael’s sigil in my left hand and gazed at it.
I should note that I didn’t have any candles appropriate to the spirit so this was performed with the light full on in my room.
After a few minutes of gazing, the sigil seemed to obtain a 3D look to it. Lines lifted off the paper and seemed to waver.
I raised my eyes and looked in front of me and called out, “I call thee Raphael, Divine Healer, to appear before me in beholdable form and speak in a voice I can hear and understand.”
I returned my gaze to the sigil and repeated, “Raphael, Come.”
At this point I was swaying pretty hard in my chair.
After a few moments, I heard an internal voice say, “I am here.”
I continued repeating the call, until the voice said, “I am here now. Stop.”
I took a few moments to steady my breathing, and and asked Raphael if he was present. I got a rather impatient, “Yes.”
I thanked the angel for coming and asked if he would answer some questions.
I didn’t hear a response, but I got the internal feeling of a nod, if that makes sense.
This is what I received:
DK: Are you able to heal animals as well as people?
R: Of course. I am the Divine Physician.
DK: I have a friend whose cat is ill. Can he please help his recovery after we are finished here?
R: I will.
DK: Thank you, Raphael. Are you able to heal mental ailments as well as physical ones?
R: I am, though it is easier to mend the physical for the mental is more insubstantial.
DK: I seek physical immortality. Is this really possible, and are you able to aid in this?
R: I know. It is possible and I am able to help in a fashion.
DK: In a fashion? What do you mean?
R: Immortality is so much more than being immune to disease. It requires much of one.
Some time within this exchange I thought I had lost the connection so I once more gazed upon the sigil.
R: I am still here. There is no need to continue to gaze at the symbol.
Dk: I am sorry, Raphael. I do not trust myself.
R: I understand. Do not doubt.
DK: Thank you, Raphael. I seem to have some sort of unidentified ailment with my legs that makes them feel constantly fatigued. Can you tell me what the issue is and how I may remedy it?
R: This I cannot do. You are not ready.
DK: Not ready? For what? Whatever this is, it greatly hinders my physical expression.
R: No, it does not. You hinder the pursuit of strength. You must work on yourself through your energy and chakras. Make yourself as strong as you are able.
DK: Thank you for the advice, Raphael. Is there anything you want to tell me regarding my Ascent?
R: If you truly desire immortality, then do as I told you. Work with the chakra and strengthen your energy bodies. Do the work and call upon me as you will.
I once again thanked the angel and gave him the license to depart.
During this exchange I closed my eyes and tried to “see” Raphael in my mind’s eye. What I got was the impression of a sphere of light.
That’s it.
One of the reasons I doubt this exchange is the question regarding my mystery ailment. I don’t know what’s wrong, so it seems odd to be told “I’m not ready” to hear the cause from an external entity. If the voice is my own, then it would have no idea.
The whole ritual took about an hour from start to finish. Spirit #2 tonight.
Any advice from the more experienced out there?