5 Days, 5 Spirits, 5 Q&A's

Hey All,

In order to work on my senses, and kick my development into gear, I’ve taken it upon myself to call 5 spirits and do a Q&A, not just to see if I can but to gain some knowledge.

I thought I’d post the results on the forum for your perusal, and maybe to help assuage any doubts I may have about what I hear.

Last night was Day 1, and to kick things off, I chose the Archangel Raphael.

I used the sigil from the Mastering Evocation workbook.

At 1130 PM I sat on a chair within my UC, facing East, and used EA’s cloud exercise and a countdown to get into an altered state.

Once I was in the altered state, I stood and performed the gesture of Parting the Veil.

I sat back down and, after steadying myself by focusing on my breath for a few moments, I took Raphael’s sigil in my left hand and gazed at it.

I should note that I didn’t have any candles appropriate to the spirit so this was performed with the light full on in my room.

After a few minutes of gazing, the sigil seemed to obtain a 3D look to it. Lines lifted off the paper and seemed to waver.

I raised my eyes and looked in front of me and called out, “I call thee Raphael, Divine Healer, to appear before me in beholdable form and speak in a voice I can hear and understand.”

I returned my gaze to the sigil and repeated, “Raphael, Come.”

At this point I was swaying pretty hard in my chair.

After a few moments, I heard an internal voice say, “I am here.”

I continued repeating the call, until the voice said, “I am here now. Stop.”

I took a few moments to steady my breathing, and and asked Raphael if he was present. I got a rather impatient, “Yes.”

I thanked the angel for coming and asked if he would answer some questions.

I didn’t hear a response, but I got the internal feeling of a nod, if that makes sense.

This is what I received:

DK: Are you able to heal animals as well as people?

R: Of course. I am the Divine Physician.

DK: I have a friend whose cat is ill. Can he please help his recovery after we are finished here?

R: I will.

DK: Thank you, Raphael. Are you able to heal mental ailments as well as physical ones?

R: I am, though it is easier to mend the physical for the mental is more insubstantial.

DK: I seek physical immortality. Is this really possible, and are you able to aid in this?

R: I know. It is possible and I am able to help in a fashion.

DK: In a fashion? What do you mean?

R: Immortality is so much more than being immune to disease. It requires much of one.

Some time within this exchange I thought I had lost the connection so I once more gazed upon the sigil.

R: I am still here. There is no need to continue to gaze at the symbol.

Dk: I am sorry, Raphael. I do not trust myself.

R: I understand. Do not doubt.

DK: Thank you, Raphael. I seem to have some sort of unidentified ailment with my legs that makes them feel constantly fatigued. Can you tell me what the issue is and how I may remedy it?

R: This I cannot do. You are not ready.

DK: Not ready? For what? Whatever this is, it greatly hinders my physical expression.

R: No, it does not. You hinder the pursuit of strength. You must work on yourself through your energy and chakras. Make yourself as strong as you are able.

DK: Thank you for the advice, Raphael. Is there anything you want to tell me regarding my Ascent?

R: If you truly desire immortality, then do as I told you. Work with the chakra and strengthen your energy bodies. Do the work and call upon me as you will.

I once again thanked the angel and gave him the license to depart.

During this exchange I closed my eyes and tried to “see” Raphael in my mind’s eye. What I got was the impression of a sphere of light.

That’s it.

One of the reasons I doubt this exchange is the question regarding my mystery ailment. I don’t know what’s wrong, so it seems odd to be told “I’m not ready” to hear the cause from an external entity. If the voice is my own, then it would have no idea.

The whole ritual took about an hour from start to finish. Spirit #2 tonight.

Any advice from the more experienced out there?


Thank you for posting this. Is this the first time you have summoned a spirit?

There are times when spirits can’t or won’t tell us things because we need to figure them out for ourselves, and doing so is an important part of the key process of empowerment.

So, that actually sounds plausible to me, the only thing to add (and this is where newagers and white-light healers get flummoxed) is to ask “What can I do to become ready?” and questions like that - in other words, don’t take it as a “No” dead-end answer, ask what the next piece of the puzzle is.

Your own mind would be more likely to confabulate or tell you something to protect your ego, and not what he’s saying here - that you need to work harder.

If you search up “spiritual causes of diseases” and terms like that, a lot of it looks like newage victim-blaming, people in a muddle with the Divine Paradox etc., but still some of the lists are useful to trigger ideas, and one of the ones I found listed here is “Leg: Carry us forward in life.”

It’s not exactly a stunning revelation, but it might be worth going to your astral temple (or just inside your body) and asking your legs, their nerves and muscles, if they have anything to tell you.

Aside from that, the Archangel Raphael has directly intervened to heal my dog on a few occasions, and also other animals, so the answer he gave you on that fits with my own experiences fwiw in that area.

So, that’s my feedback, looking forward to the next one! :slight_smile:


This is true. Sometimes they have taken an oath of secrecy with the other spirits to not say anything, for whatever reason, and other times it’s because they want you to figure it out.

One time I was so fed up with the spirits not telling me something I wanted to know that I finally just sat down and said alright damn it, this ends now! LOL And the information I had been asking about for several months finally just came to me in just a few seconds. Found out, the other spirits were not at liberty to tell me. I needed to find it out on my own, so I basically spent months on end asking other spirits this question and being rejected only to discover that a bit of “soul searching” was all I needed all along. The answer could’ve been mine several months before that but I was too blinded to realize the answer had to come from my own searching.


Wooo, I’m still coming down from my ritual but I thought I’d write it up.

Q&A #2 - Pendralion, Grand Demon of the Second Kingdom of Flames.

This time, I did a couple things different that were specific to the spirit.

I began with the cloud relaxation exercise and countdown again, but once I was in the altered state, I stated the first lines from Lady Eva’s Invocation of Inner Divinity: In the Temple of My Mind, In the Silence of My Soul, I am ready to do the workings of My Desire.

In EA’s evocation course, he opens the sigil of Sastan without opening the Square of the kingdom first, as stated in KoF, but for this ritual, I decided to open the Square of the Second Kingdom, before that of Pendralion.

I had previously printed off the Square so I gazed at it and chanted the incantation, Itz ranchu mantantu…

I stumbled over the incantation as I was simultaneously reading it from a card while I tried to gaze into the Square. Eventually though, the repetition allowed me to focus directly on the Square as I chanted.

The lines of the Square began to wave and bend, and certain parts began to take on a 3D look. Once I thought the Square was open, I picked up Pendralion’s sigil, and placed it over the Square. I held both in my left hand and gazed into the sigil, calling out, “I call thee, Pendralion, Grand Demon of the Second Kingdom of Flames.”

As the lines of the sigil began to fade in and out, I repeated, “Pendralion, come.”

I don’t know if opening the Square helped, but the sigil seemed to open quite quickly, taking on a 3D shape very rapidly. I felt a shift in the room; it was very subtle but I don’t think I imagined it.

In my mind’s eye I glimpsed the shape of a figure on a throne. It could have been a visualization conjured up from reading the description of the spirit in KoF but I heard a noble voice say, “I am here.”

I say noble because it reminded me of the way a king is recognized no matter what they are wearing because of the way they carry themselves.

I greeted the Grand Demon, “Welcome, Pendralion, and thank you for coming. I have some questions for you.”

This is what I received:

DK: It is written that you have complete knowledge and influence over the currents of material power, wealth and stately influence. Could you please elaborate on what that means and how you can aid the magician?

P: I can elevate the material life of those that evoke me. Money, Power, and Influence are my domain, and for those that seek them, I am the greatest of allies.

DK: What do you mean, “elevate the material life?”

P: I mean moving into a life where lives can be ended with the merest whisper. Where the magician may, with the wave of a hand, raise up or cast down.

DK: Thank you, Pendralion. Can you help the magician alter probability and gain wealth by winning the lottery?

P: laughter I can, if you can handle sudden wealth. Can you?

DK: I think so.

P: more hearty laughter We shall see.

DK: Thank you, Pendralion. How may you aid me in my Ascent? Is your power limited to physical manifestations of money and power?

P: Your Ascent is directly tied to the physical world. Money and Power are both necessary for mastery of physical life.

You seek immortality? You must master your physical existence. Work with me and I will show you how.

DK: Thank you, Pendralion. What does “stately influence” mean? Can you bring fame?

P: Of a certain degree, yes. To have stately influence is to be written large, to make decisions that affect thousands, millions.

DK: Thank you, Pendralion.

P: more laughter Are you going to thank me after every question?

DK: I desire wealth and fame as an actor and a writer. Would working with you help me to achieve this?

P: Yes, and so much more.Though there is much work to be done to accomplish this from where you are right now.

DK: Is the Law of Attraction really able to bring wealth?

P: Yes, if you are capable of feeling wealthy when you are not. I can help you with this.

DK: Do you have any final advice for me regarding my goals and Ascent?

P: Trust in yourself. Fortune smiles upon you but you cannot see it. I can make you great, if it is your Will. Call me again in the hour of Jupiter.

DK: Thank you, Pendralion. Is it okay with you that I share what you have told me?

P: Yes, so others may call me.

I again thanked the Grand Demon and gave the license to depart.

This time, before standing up, I counted up out of trance so I wouldn’t fall over like I did after talking with Raphael :slight_smile:

I also repeated the banishing from Kingdom’s of Flames 3 times to clear out any residual energies.

This was the first time I’ve had a spirit laugh at me, and I felt a little embarrassed. It’s strange to be embarrassed by something that may or may not actually be there :slight_smile:

Edit to add: My friend’s kitty, who i asked Raphael to help, is doing very well and has been exceptionally playful. Yay!


Awesome! I’ve had spirits laugh at me or even worse, don’t worry, it happens - what I find interesting there is that he affirms that the LoA DOES work, and I’ve heard that consistantly from spirits as well, which is why I always attempt to explain it for people who have the wrong idea, that it’s just wishful thinking and newage fluff.

Great stuff, keep 'em coming! :slight_smile:


You’re not alone, spirits have laughed at me too, but in a friendly way.


Great thread, Please keep this going.

Very motivational for someone just getting started. So thank you for sharing with us.

Seems you are making great progress, Congratulations and good luck on the other three (hopefully even more after).


Writer and Actor huh? Interesting what sort do you want to play in?

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Go for it DK.
You went through a lot of shit so far with your life.Time for things to change.


Thank you, everyone for all the support. I’m glad others are learning from my Q&A’s.

Q&A #3 - Paralda, Elemental King of Air

Okay, so I did this one a little differently. I decided to do a basic evocation rather than a just sigil opening. In EA’s Mastering Evocation course, he has a basic evocation of Paralda and that is what I followed.

The preliminaries were the same: the cloud exercise and a countdown.

I spoke, “In the Temple of My mind, in the Silence of My Soul, I am ready to do the workings of My Desire.”

I stood up, and Parted the Veil.

I sat down and, after focusing on my breath for a minute, vibrated the Air mantra (given to Arcane by the God Thoth and posted to the forum). I did this for a couple of minutes and it deepened my trance state. In fact, my head started to feel very “spacey.”

I lit the two light blue candles on the table/altar.

I picked up the sigil of Paralda in my left hand and gazed into it. It opened very quickly, the lines actually floating off the paper, something I’ve never seen before.

“I call thee, Paralda, King of Air, to appear before me, in beholdable form, and speak to me in a clear voice I can understand. Paralda, come.”

I repeated,“Paralda, come. I call thee, He who is the Wind. Paralda, come. Paralda come.”

I rocked back and forth as I chanted. I stirred energy with my right hand, and pressed it down into the scrying bowl in front of me. I felt the brush of a light breeze along my arms. I sensed what felt like the buzzing of a storm gathering around me.

I heard a voice say, “I am here. Speak your desire.”

I looked into my scrying bowl, searching for a vision in the water. I saw nothing.

DK: Welcome, Paralda, King of Air. Thank you for coming. I have some questions for you.

P: Speak your Will

This is what I received:

DK: Please explain to me what the element of Air governs, and how it may be of use to the Ascendant magician?

P: Air is the mental plane/realm. It governs the intellect and all its manifestations. As you already know, it also rules the weather of the physical world. It creates, and quells mighty storms that can uproot the strongest tree. Is that not of use? What is your next question?

DK: Is the realm of Air only pure intellect, or can you also stimulate creativity?

P:Yes. What you call creativity is an aspect of the intellect, and so is within my power.

DK: Thank you, King Paralda. Can you help me to open my spiritual senses?

P: Yes, if it is your Will.

DK: It is. Open my spiritual senses, expand my ability to hear and see into the spiritual realms.

At this, I felt the middle of my forehead start throbbing, and my gaze into the scying bowl deepened. I didn’t see the white mist, but I could no longer see the bottom of the bowl. I saw darkness, like looking down a well and I got the impression of a figure.

DK. Thank you, King Paralda. How can you aid me in my Ascent, besides opening my senses?

P: By mastering each of the four elements of the physical plane, you gain control over them. Control over the elements is control over your world. Master each within yourself and the physical will bow to your Will.

At this point, I was jolted out of trance by the telephone. Once the ringing stopped, I focused on my breath, and gazed into Paralda’s sigil to reconnect to him. Once the sigil began flashing, I dropped my gaze back to the scrying bowl.

DK: I apologize for the interruption, Paralda. Do you have any final advice for me?

P: Be consistent. Practice opening your senses again and again. But be patient. You are walking the path. Already your senses are improving. Continue your development. Call upon me again to help you.

DK: Thank you, Paralda. May I share with others what you have told me?

P: Yes. I approve of the space where you share knowledge.

DK: Thank you, King Paralda. Go now and return to your realm, ready to come when next I call you. My Will be done.

I didn’t have to count up out of trance this time. Once I had given the license to depart, my scrying vision naturally closed, and I regained normal consciousness.

I performed no banishing this time.


This Q&A was the most difficult. I had a difficult time establishing a connection to the spirit, and even when I did manage to, it was quite tenuous.

Q&A #4: OCH, Olympic Spirit of the Sun

I set up my chair and table facing South, in the centre of my UC. I began my initial meditations a half an hour before the Hour of the Sun so I would be ready to call the spirit at his appointed Time.

This was the first time I attempted a ritual in the middle of the afternoon. Usually, I prefer the hours of Darkness.

Once the cloud exercise and countdown were completed, I lit the candles on the table. I used the same light blue candles that I used in the Paralda ritual as I didn’t have any other. I didn’t think it mattered as they were only for illumination.

I vibrated the mantra, “Om Ma,” that Raven posted on the forum, to try to deepen my trance. After a few repetitions, I switched to vibrating the Seed Sound of the Sun, “EE.” This I vibrated for 5 minutes, though I lost track of time so I’m not sure how long it was exactly. Doing so caused me to become dizzy, and start to sway.

I gazed into OCH’s sigil. “I call thee, OCH, Spirit of the Sun, to appear before me, in beholdable form, and to speak in a clear voice I can understand.”

I should note that I pronounced the name with a hard “CH,” like in “school.”

The symbol started to flash, the lines becoming three dimensional, and blinking in and out.

I moved my gaze to my scrying bowl and began calling, “OCH, come.” I chanted the name over and over again, as I scried into the bowl.

I couldn’t feel anything, though I got a sense of something just out of my perception. I continued to chant, but still couldn’t grasp the elusive thing.

I moved my vision back to the sigil, to reestablish the connection. Once the flashing started again, I moved back to the bowl. I stopped chanting, and just rocked back and forth, as I gazed.

Suddenly, I got a sense of movement in the water, like a shadow glimpsed in my peripheral vision.

I called out.“OCH, are you present?”

I felt a subtle whisper which seemed to confirm the presence of the spirit.

I greeted OCH and welcomed him to my Temple.

DK: I have some questions for you.

O: (silence)

DK: What is your nature?

O: I am Fire. Expansion. Growth. I am the force behind everything. I am Light. I am…

Here I lost the connection. After gazing once more at the sigil, I went back to scrying.

DK: I’m sorry, OCH. I lost the connection.

O:…I am Creation…Destruction…

DK: Thank you. OCH, I have read that you have a secret name. What is this name and what is its purpose?

O:…It is not for you. You are not ready to know.

DK: Not ready? What do you mean?

O:…much to learn…more to become… (I only caught pieces of words here)

I was startled by the phone ringing. I struggled to reconnect to the sigil afterwards.

DK: How can you aid me in my Ascension?

O:…Growth. Expansion. The Divine spark that becomes the raging Inferno…

DK: I don’t understand.

O: (No response)

DK: What aspects of human endeavor do you govern?

Here I experienced a sharp pain in my Ze’Al chakra and my Ajna, so I decide to close out the ritual.

I gave the license to depart and extinguished the candles, bringing myself out of trance. Had a glass of ice tea to ground.

As I stated, I had great difficulty with this Q&A. I don’t know if it was the time of day, the rain outside, or what, but I just could not connect with OCH. I may try again with this spirit at another time.

Tonight, for the final Q&A, I have chosen Mephistopheles.


I have found myself very drained, doing these Q&A’s back to back. So much so that I have fallen asleep and missed the day set for Mephistopheles. My 5 days became 7.

Finally, I spoke to Him last night.

Q&A #5 - Mephistopheles

The table and chair were placed in the West within my UC. I performed the cloud exercise and countdown. After the countdown, I visualized the room, trying to get a sense of the sentient Darkness, like the meditation from WoD.

I began chanting, " Itz Rachu Mantantu Vespacha Kaltamu…"

I rocked back and forth as I chanted. I experienced an interesting sense of observing myself chanting, like something in the back of my mind was detached and watching.

I gazed at the sigil, calling, “Mephistopheles, Lord of Black Magick, I call thee, to appear before me, in beholdable form, and to speak in a clear voice I can understand. Mephistopheles, come.”

I repeated, “Mephistopheles, come. Mephisto, come. I call thee.”

The sigil began to flash, its lines fading in and out. I suddenly experienced a massive shiver going through my body and I broke out in goosebumps.

I sensed a massive presence around me, and heard a clear voice say,“I am here. Speak your Will.”

I continued gazing at the sigil, and greeted Mephistopheles, welcoming him to my Temple, and thanking him for coming.

DK: Mephistopheles, I have some questions for you.

M: You already know what you need.

DK: Mephistopheles, what is the nature of Black Magick?

M: Black Magick can only be known through experience. It cannot be intellectualized. Walk the path laid out before you.

DK: Thank you, Mephistopheles. Do you have any advice for me regarding my own Ascent?

M: Walk your path. Dive deep. Drink well of the blood and flesh. Reap the rewards of the gods. Seek ever for more. Archaelus has opened the door but you must walk through.

DK: Thank you, Mephistopheles. I ask for your blessing and guidance on my path.

M: You have it. It shall be done.

Here, the centre of my forehead began to throb.

M: Call upon me again and again. Power awaits you. All you must do is take it. Reach out and remove all obstacles. Your Ascension has begun. Be the Power upon the Earth.

At this, the presence of Mephistopheles began to fade. I thanked him, and gave the license to depart, even though he was already leaving. I turned the sigil over and meditated a few moments on what I had just heard. Shivers still ran up my arms and through my body. I was shaking.

It took me awhile to come down, and I was still lightheaded an hour later, even after drinking some juice. This was the first time I have had a spirit leave before being dismissed.

I have learned quite a bit doing these Q&A’s. I have been told by the spirits that I am walking the path, doing what I need to be doing, so it sort of validates the whole thing for me.

I got a sense of the different types of spirits. Some came through stronger than others. Paralda, and Pendralion were the strongest, though Mephistopheles was pretty strong as well. Raphael and Och were the weakest.

I also plan to contact a godform through journeying. I’ll add to this thread if I get anything from it.

I appreciate the support I’ve received since starting this thread. Thank you all, and I hope the new members may learn something from my experience.


When you say cloud exercise and parting the veil what do you mean?

Some spirits do dismiss themselves.

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The QA wih Pendralion was great, mephistopheles came through kind of stern, good channeling sessions!

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Hi Turbo, the cloud exercise is an exercise EA gives to help get into the Theta/Gamma sync. It is basically visualizing a cloud above you and then feeling it descend down your body, relaxing, and calming you. The Parting of the Veil is a gesture to “soften” the reality around you, to make it easier to sense spirits. It’s simply inserting your hands into the space in front of you, and pulling them apart as if parting a curtain.


OK thanks for the answer.

Hey All,

As these Q&A’s were a hit, I’ve decided to do 5 more.

The line up is as follows: Lilith, Aratron, Belial, Sandalphon, and Ra-Heka.

The focus this time is purely on Ascent and the first begins tomorrow :slight_smile:


[quote=“DarkestKnight, post:19, topic:7212”]Hey All,

As these Q&A’s were a hit, I’ve decided to do 5 more.

The line up is as follows: Lilith, Aratron, Belial, Sandalphon, and Ra-Heka.

The focus this time is purely on Ascent and the first begins tomorrow :)[/quote]

Great, glad to hear your are going to continue this :slight_smile:

Cant wait to read more of your sessions.

Thanks again and good luck.

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