Yes. I talked with both. I detailed my experience here:
This Q&A was the most difficult. I had a difficult time establishing a connection to the spirit, and even when I did manage to, it was quite tenuous.
Q&A #4: OCH, Olympic Spirit of the Sun
I set up my chair and table facing South, in the centre of my UC. I began my initial meditations a half an hour before the Hour of the Sun so I would be ready to call the spirit at his appointed Time.
This was the first time I attempted a ritual in the middle of the afternoon. Usually, I prefer the hours of…
Here is my second Q&A.
2: Aratron, the Olympic Spirit of Saturn
I wasn’t sure which cardinal direction to face for Saturn, so I went with South, which is my default, and placed my chair facing that, within my UC.
This was performed on Saturday, in the Hour of Saturn. I didn’t have any candles in the appropriate colour so I just went with what I had, light blue.
I performed the cloud exercise and the countdown to get into trance. I focused on my breath for a few moments to stabilize my trance…
I’m not sure, but I think my difficulty in connecting with Och was because I did it in the middle of the day and until that point I had done them all at night so it was harder to “get in the mood” so to speak due to the conditioning.