The problem with OCD

OCD has terrorized me for many years expecially when it comes to sexuality. I cannot imagine a nude woman without she have a D. In the beginning I believed it was because I suppressed my sexuality that I was really bisexual (bisexuals I guess feels sexual stimulation of shemales) but according to a OCD psychologist I was to it’s because of the opposite in the sense that my brain creates these unwanted pictures because I’m not bisexual and have got shocked by the imagine of a shemale in the past. I tried to solve the problem in many years. I cannot formulate the exact petition because I don’t know where these pictures in the mind comes from. I was researching the pineal chakra because I experience when I try to remove the D from the woman I imagine I get headache located in the pineal (between the eyes). Some has argued that it will all go away if I have sex with a woman but I refuse to accept that as I don’t want to have sex with anyone. I don’t watch porn either because I don’t like it so it’s a huge problem that I cannot imagine my dream girl without a D because I use imagination all the time for masturbation.

Some of you who have been into a situation like that? What causes it?
Malfunction in the brain?
Imbalance in the chakras?
Parasites in the aura?
Being cursed?

When I do divination and ask that I’m cursed or have parasites in my aura I get the answer “no”.
Are there gods and demons I can invoke to fix the problem?

Please take it seriously because it really bothers me and have bothered me for years now.

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This might not be the best place to ask for advice, because my guess is that none of us are in any way trained and/ or licensed to deal with serious issues like OCD.

My biggest and only slightly educated guess is that the root of most OCD symptoms are somehow linked or adjacent to a feeling of loss of control and a way for your mind to regain it. Even if it feels like your mind is sabotaging you, it might only try to do it’s job in keeping you feeling safe and in control.
Do you have a way to work on this further with that OCD psychologist, perhaps try to get to the root of it?
I think once you know that or an approximate root/ cause, you might be able to find a solution, either mundane or occult

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I would but he was to expensive, so I had to stop. I forgot to mention that in my post.

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The issue is mental, it is nothing energetic, nothing spiritual, nothing physical this is in the realm of thoughts and if you cannot control your own thoughts then you should not be working with spirits on the matter as they will only exploit that weakness. Hypnosis is the quickest method whether performed by another or done through self hypnosis methods. It is very effective if you get the right pattern down to your mind.

Then again how do you feel about this image without any of the bullshit of society or what psychologists say, without labels of bisexual or anything else. How do you feel looking at that image without any of these burdens?

Find your true feelings on the matter without preconception. Work to emotionally detach yourself from all things. It is all information, data, structure and pattern and you are pure intellect devoid of emotion or feeling except that which you desire. Then shape the image as intelligence and not a being of emotion. You control these things but you have forgotten and lost control of yourself so find your true emotional standing and then let it go and work from the point devoid of such trivial things until you have achieved your goal and attach emotion to it if it pleases you.


OCD is usually represented by the compulsion side of it. This would be like Monk in the TV show. The compulsions are actually only 20% of the sufferers. The 80% of us suffer from the obsession side. These are effectively videos that play in our heads. I saw blood from as early as I could remember. If I saw a pencil the next moment I saw it through my hand etc.
It can be treated by anxiety meds or some antidepressants that lower anxiety.
It is true that you see pics of what would shock or annoy you.


What is the mind? According to physical science the mind is a result of the brain.

What would you suggest of self-hypnosis methods?

Don’t worry about me. I have worked with demons without any problems. It may be because I do demonic sigil works and it’s done in an elemental balanced circle.

No, rather what I find disgusting.

Physical science is notoriously wrong in regards to reality for powerful magicians. Consciousness is the mind it is what creates and destroys all as ideas. Consciousness shapes matter you change that part of yourself the physical will begin to follow.

Various methods but what matters is how you respond to these methods. One method might do nothing for you but another will work wonders. It is all very dependent on you yourself though anyone can be hypnotized it is just about finding the proper method. You can look into various methods such as subliminals and how to make those,

There are some good videos you can find youtube. This channel is rather good and most techniques can be adapted to your needs even those meant to use on others you can with some creativity adapt to use on yourself.

I haven’t referenced these videos in so long I don’t remember off the top of my head which ones were my go to references for new people but you can also likely find some free books on hypnosis in general though there do tend to be a few common lies hypnotists like to propagate for the sake of their reputation and careers but those shouldn’t matter much in this context.


Hmmm wouldn’t say science is wrong. The scientific explanation is just merely not the full explanation, but still usually a valuable explanation to take in acccount.
It’s good to remember a scientist always has a specific expertise and usualy researches a specific area. So their findings might be right, but only relate to one area of a specific field, maybe some overlapping areas at most, but not the bigger picture. It isn’t meant to be, either. Neiter is it meant to explain anything beyond what can be physically tested. If the testresults aren’t in yet, it’s a theory or hypothesis and mostly up for debate even among fellow scientists. I find keeping in touch with the scientific explanation of things helps get a fuller picture of the metaphysical things. I know this sounds cheesy, but “physical” is still part of metaphysical ;p. It’s always going to be a mirror or a representation of the metaphysical.

As for “mind” science has yet to actualy even really define “mind”. If you’d ask a neurologist you might even get a different answer than if you’d ask a psychologist.
However there’s been and currently are quite some scientists that seem to agree at least that the mind is not confined to the brain or even the body.

When I visualize and concentrate I can feel it between the eyes and I can get headache. It was said that I got a brain damage during birth which influences my cognitive functions and I think the root of my OCD kind of symptoms comes from there. There is a connection between mind and brain. There is no doubt about that as we also can see in the case of dements for instance.

No i see no curses.
Ocd has similarities in electric - Fire wiring locaed central-back of the 4 hemispheres. The area where wiring is somewhat differently Fired up. Its not a structural issue. Its not a curse or fault, its the wiring.
There ways to focusing the points :point_right: :point_left: :point_down: in these to ahoot stronger and weaker depending upon what you are most desiring in your body nt what your Mind is telling you.

The brain has 5x Major electric power-points which are mirrored in the Cervix and Woumb for a Woman and the interior of the penis schaft of a Man incl for each of the two Sexes the Perineum.

For the lower Dantien is the inverted Pentagram and the brain has the upwards pentagram.

You could begin a focus on electrifying these then feel the vibrations.

When you are ready start to enblacken what you are Firing up.

The changes you experience occurs slow / rapid /irregular but it works.

Will this Fix ocd adhd asd dyslexia symptomatic or differently functioning patterns.

But it dose alter .
Personally do not like prescription medications especially knowing that medicines are no more evolved than a jungle doctor on mushrooms.

Spirits that are Capable of shifting the issues,
Azazel Beleal

Lilith is Ishtah sister in that she is Ereshkigal.

In a way you work with both.

Welcome to the forum @Wildkia!

Please be aware that we ask new member NOT to perform magick including scans for people until they have completed 90 days of reasonably active posting to build some reputation here. Posts of this nature will be redacted or removed until your 3 months is up.

Mod hat off: practitioner hat on…
Imo Ereshkigal, as my Matron and I have zero sense that she is anything like Lilith, so was on of the first humans and from a much later semitic lore, and not a ruler of Kur. Ereshkigal is also not an evolution of the Lilim. There’s no reason to conflate these two. Lilith has no sisters she was the first and only woman according to the Hebrews and certainly not a god, Eve was the 2nd after Lilith ran off. I’m afraid I don’t agree with this statement. What makes you think this?

Please do make your next post your Introduction here, which we need per the forum rules and see our posting guidelines in the FAQ.

Points to cover:

  • Do you have any practical experience in magick?

  • If so, what exactly do you practice and how long have you practiced?

  • Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

  • What are your areas of interest?

Here is a getting started with magick guide. You’ll want to get your spiritual hygiene sorted out, and start work on developing your astral senses, then when you can know you have a decent chance at avoiding impostors and parasites then try the evocation guides we have on here.

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I am well experienced adept.
I have given truthful info.
I do not go and read Wiki.

@Wildkia Please follow the link and do a proper introduction. It is a rule here and required.

I don’t understand what you are saying…

I think he is saying, that if you do qigong to balance your energy system and clear blocks it will fix the OCD. I would agree with this.
He also recommended several entities to work with.

I would also personally use dry fasting as that has cleared parasites and blocks for me I didn’t even know I had until I saw the relief, and it’s very easy to do. But dry fasting heals everything and not necessarily in the order you want, so it can take a few fasts over a couple of years to get to everything.

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I have experience in working with Belial but I cannot see how he is associated with something that can fix OCD.

Belial is the 'Breaker of Chains", he’s called for addictive behaviors a lot. If you try the search you would notice this is a common subject for Belial on this forum.

My problem is not addictive behaviors. It’s something in my mind or my ability to create inner images.

It’s the same idea, whether you call it addiction, obsession, compulsion. You have lost control, you are chained by a thing, and Belial will help you break the chains and get it back. Don’t get hung up on the works, words are an approximation, work with the feelings.

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