Your Personal Power Level

IT’S OVER 9000!!!

Just kidding, you expected that anyways.

I was reading a response on another thread about your personal power level and wanted to take it another direction and see if that’s really a thing? Strength and weakness is obviously a thing, but how does that relate to personal power?

I could be totally off base with this and just in another dimension / left field. When researching spirits or energies I often hear of white orbs floating around. The chakras are always depicted as round. Every energy source is always a round ball. I visualize this energy as a blue white light that illuminates from my core. I don’t know if that’s something I’m just making up or if others think the same way.

To take the next step into immaturity, I often visualize this.

I’ve read stories of people in the astral realm that can just imagine things and bring them into manifestation. Such as, spiritual weapons. They imagine a bazooka in the astral and BAM! E.A talks in a YouTube video I saw about dipping your fingers in water with salt and using the energy from your fingertips to drive things away. Flicking them at doorways and windows. Again, I could be wrong and there is no astral realm, and these people are psychotic. I figure It’s a healthy, strong image to have of myself at any rate. Even if it is an empty flex and I’ve just lost my mind.

What about you?

How do you view your energy? What’s your power level? Do you think that’s a even a thing?


I don’t believe in power levels or percentages, I view my energy however I see it/others confirm it to be, but my chakras don’t really follow the common trend and often look more like stars in various places throughout my energy body, usually with major chakras appearing as larger ‘stars’ compared to the minor chakras.


Makes sense.

I don’t believe in any actual number, that was just a silly example. More along the lines of an energy source that resides in your core. Some may call it a soul? For me it’s like a pulsing power orb.

I lack the vernacular to describe it in a way every one can relate, but I think most people feel something there and use it in a way.

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For me, the concept of “power level” is a relative concept. Of course, with the help of certain practices, mantras, visualizations and other methods, you can develop your abilities, but for each this happens according to an individual scenario.

I see the energy of my essence as a blue-white, fiery light.

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In my experience the core is within the soul and that is the source of one’s direct energy.

Unless they are using external sources such as the universe, or planetary bodies, or demons and such.

Examples of me and a friend on the forum sharing readings of each other’s core and energy:


Objectively my power level is somewhere between a stale and lukewarm energy drink and an overcooked cabbage. It HAD potential in the beginning.


What is the formula to translate between power and power level?

Great question. I think they’re synonymous. At least I meant them that way in the context of this thread.

What thoughts do you have on the topic?

If power level is a unit of power then it would be possible to convert between
(W) and power level with multiplication. My microwave also has a power from 10 to 1.

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I find this article very intriguing about spiritual level and strenght I personally think there are different ranks and scales of powers. Some have more some have less.

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I think that’s just called potential not necessarily levels in which case I do believe people have various potentials when it comes to mundane and ‘occult’ things.


Do you mean potentials in the means of bc every human has different baseline of occult or spiritual abilitys and skills that each reached level activates each potential and skill into fruition for its particullar growth or what exactly you mean by that?

Did you read the article?

Essentially yes.

It’s tapping into that little kid we all were once. Where you could imagine a stick was a “gun”, and other such things.

Its part of the psychodrama.

Watch the fight scene from the series Legion.


I meant in general levels is more exact. While potential is more vague to a general subject occult, mundane, etc


my power level is at least seven and under 40 billion million. sorry for the vagueness there but 7 is pretty high ngl

i wish i could just flag a person to be checked and get some tangible number (or infinite) from them in regards to power but it’s not gonna happen the way it should

When I retain my sexual energy I can sleep 2 hours a night and feel perfect :0 , most of energy/ “power level” is controlling your sexual energy and diet and directing mental force in positive ways , then of course you born with certain chakras more stronger than others , from basically what your soul has collectively worked on , ie past life trauma and strengths and abilities manifest in this life , but can also strengthen/ grow each energy center by focusing on the aspects the chakra is tied with , so power level for me would be controlling diet , sexual energy and strength of my chakras

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After reading that link I don’t think that’s a good way to define levels as it shows a clear biased perception of what is considered “spiritually high level” and “spiritually low level” based on the usual delusion that the ego is a bad thing and merging with “God” is a good thing.

Spiritual maturity shouldn’t be defined by such a thing as ego being low and lack of ego being high.

There are various people on this forum who are ego driven and their energy just by talking to them feels way more potent than most.


how would you measure “power” then? if that’s too vague a question, no kidding

Power is the rate with respect to time at which work is done; it is the time derivative of work:

{isplaystyle P={rac {dW}{dt}}}