You aren't sure how to call a spirit? Why not write them a letter?

Hi how are you iam doing my request now through my rituals that i do

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Nice enjoy :hugs:

I’ve consumed a petition before (not a burnt one). That sigil under the glass is neat. I might have to make my own variant on that. I’ve watched a lot of burnt paper and that color was a bit different where the picture caught it. Neat. I’ve journaled letters as well and reading old ones can make you wonder if you really wrote it. I have some writings I really scratch my head at.

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A pretty neat and clever idea though.
I will try that idea definitely.

Infernal Blessings!


Those evocations I performed I wrote the invocation down in the color associated with the demon and I read it up during the invocation. To send request I had wrote it down also with the color associated with the demon I read up and then burn in the offerbowl. When I thanked the spirit I burn also the sigil in the offerbowl. The burning represents the element of fire which is the manifestation of desire.


More ideas on this please, be as simple as possible.

Infernal Blessings


Well, it isn’t all that tasty but I guess fiber is good. I wrote in blood so avoided ink/graphite but if I were to do it again then maybe I’d use beet juice or something sweet like chocolate sauce and maybe use edible paper or panties.


Noted, I will look at it and whenever I try any of the mentioned methods, I’ll update the forum here.

Thank you

  • Hi! Can someone give a hint or information on the forum - how can I activate the sigil of the goetia demon? I printed it out and circled it by hand, then anointed it with blood as an offering as a permanent communication channel. Said ANN. Did I do everything right in terms of steps? The sigil is now active. I was talking to Lucifer…

Full instructions for opening a sigil are here: the very first newsletter link called “The 7 Steps For Using Spirit Sigils To Get Anything You Want”:

And as this OP is no longer around I’ll close this. Feel free to make new topics to ask questions, and don’t forget this forum is 11 years old and has a wealth of information available using the search at top right. Use the keyword “tutorial” and almost anything and you’ll get beginner level guides.

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