Yogic and Chi-Gong Exercises Taught By Demons

Zach your a slippery genius! I’d suggest following DKMs example and putting up a video clip or wav file with a chakric harmonising melody based on your system…Inspired

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I will do it as soon as I feel it’s ready to go.

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[quote=“ZachD555, post:40, topic:67”]Chakras Color Pitch
Root Red G
Sacral Orange A
Solar Plexus Yellow Bb
Heart Green C
Throat Blue D
Third Eye Indigo Eb
Crown Violet E



ZachD555, YES!
Awesome! I love it! I’ve always felt that the traditional western tone alignment was off somehow. Amazing!
Funny thing is, I’ve been planning on making an alignment “album” as that I am also a music nerd. I will, of course, try it out first - but if it suites my purposes (which I get the feeling it will) I will definitely use it in my project. :slight_smile:
I just have to say again, AWESOME! :smiley:

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@ ZachD555 - This illustrates exactly how the effects of “misunderstood” Knowledge became so pervasive it eventually turned into commonly ACCEPTED Knowledge (fact). Thanks for explaining this to us!

Maybe you 'n DKM ought conspire together on this New Music … the world of Jazz will never be the same! :wink: Z

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@ ZachD555 - This is a fantastic discovery. So many composers have try to extract meaningful links between sound and spirituality (Satie, Messiaen, etc) and I think you may have just built an interesting and previously untouched bridge. Initial experiments with the harmonies have convinced me that this will produce some really exciting music. Nice work.
It would be fascinating to see if certain pitches resonating produce any significant effect on peoples energy work too. Unfortunately I am a complete noob on this topic, so probably wouldn’t be the best subject for such testing. Anyone have any advice on a good place to start with energy raising, particulary from a LHP perspective?

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Thank you CEdward,

I’ve confirmed the scale as new in light of my most advanced scale books and compendiums. I’ve also asked my professional composer and arranger friends to take a look at this scale to see if I’ve missed something. So far, everyone agrees it’s new hip and worthy of exploring. As far as creating and raising energies with it, I’m personally singing the notes while concentrating on the energy centers in my body. It feels right. I’m looking for help from my physicist and chemist friends to help me find the equations that link sound light and brain waves. The theory needs a little tweaking but I think it’s solid.

A couple of my questions concern the accepted tuning of 440hz with the light color orange, which band or shade of orange is it. Also which brainwave is triggered with this particular color. And then the occult application of using these colors to affect the aura you’re projecting. Also the male voice is naturally tuned to G, I’ve forgotten the natural tuning of the female voice. If that tuning is to C would that change her chakra colors?

Still working on this folks, your input is appreciated.


Zoe: I like the idea of composing new music with a fellow sorcerer like DKM…but the devil is in the details, and distance…possibly an astral meeting?

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@ ZACH (tee hee) You never know what’s around the next bend. How many times have you thought you knew exactly HOW something was gonna show up - or in what form? Indeed the devil IS in the details… :wink: Z

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Indeed. I’m currently in a bend on my astral travel abilities. It seems the past month I’ve not been able to get out. I have a feeling I might be under some form of attack from my old teacher since I left him. He’s called me a few times since with a strange intonation and I’ve been skipping moments in reality like a scratched record. It’s actually quite frightening. I’m going to work with Marbas tonight, hopefully I can iron some of this out. As soon as I get this resolved though, I will be more than happy to attempt a meeting. Though I can’t guarantee an exit at every attempt, I can get out one of three main attempts.
Also - making music in the astral? Dude - GENIUS! haha, freaking awesome idea! :slight_smile:

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So, I just had a nice chat with Marbas. I’ve been worried about a few things and had to talk to him specifically.
During the end - as always :stuck_out_tongue: heh, I asked what I can do to open my astral eyes more. I received an immediate impression of several red vines of energy springing from the spine of a model’s back, coming up and over its shoulders in a sort of odd wing like arch. So, while I was already heavily in trance, I pushed red tendrils from my spine, up and arching over my shoulders into the air as instructed.
Immediately visions began to open in front of me - it was quite chaotic until I brought it under control. Very intense.
I would like to hear your experiences with this technique should you decide to try it :slight_smile:



I’ll give Marbus a call and see where he leads me. I was blocked from astral travel for a couple of months, it wasn’t until I did a lot of research and learned how to use various other forms of Magick, before I resumed astral travel. After my first evocation a couple of weeks ago (thanks again Zoe) my ability to astral travel returned, as well as receiving the ability to see energy and astrally while awake! Also when I’m in projections now, I can speak with the living and the dead. And was recently tasked to give my grand mother an important message from her deceased sister. I can also feel the ground around me, touch objects and they seem real. But I’m looking to expand my knowledge and technique a bit. Ideally I’d like to be able to leave my body at will instantaneously and travel where ever I need. So I’ll return to this thread and subject after researching and evoking Marbus. Then possibly and astral jam session!


Well Well, ZACHD! Didn’t you just kinda “go off like a rocket”!!! Terrif! :wink: Z

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It’s been like a nuclear explosion of magickal light and power that has flooded my life! I’m glad that my temporal state of music lessons has slowed for the moment, and the band has taken a small break because now I can focus all of my energy on ascent! So many things have started to happen for me! I still need to find a way to manifest more business and finances into my life. Although I evoked G-hob and met his Queen of all de Earth lastnight. Hopefully their help will be tangible! Ahh…so much excitng magickal things going on in my life!!!

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[quote=“DKM, post:1, topic:67”]Very rarely do I close an evocation without requesting a few energy exercises. I now have a pretty decent list of exercises, some of which have fallen to the back burner, while others I continue to do daily. Now - when working with demons in this regard, I have found myself less trusting of their exercises, though I will try them out for a while to see what the effect is. At any rate, does anybody else do this? If so - would anybody be willing to compare notes? Examine the exercises, share them, critique them, hone them, and organize them?
The main point to this venture would be to develop an all inclusive, ultra powerful energy system developed through direct and substantial contact with angels, demons, gods, elementals, and planetaries.
heh - we could call it Balg Yoga :stuck_out_tongue: or Chi-Balg face-palm
=== EDIT ===
This isn’t really an LHP topic, but yet it is. However, it seems just as well a place as any. So I just picked it. :P[/quote]

All of these exercised that you have requested have come from different spiritual entities? If they do work out and acquire the results you are seeking, why don’t you publish them?

Just a thought. Thanks.

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[quote=“japerez543, post:53, topic:67”][quote=“DKM, post:1, topic:67”]Very rarely do I close an evocation without requesting a few energy exercises. I now have a pretty decent list of exercises, some of which have fallen to the back burner, while others I continue to do daily. Now - when working with demons in this regard, I have found myself less trusting of their exercises, though I will try them out for a while to see what the effect is. At any rate, does anybody else do this? If so - would anybody be willing to compare notes? Examine the exercises, share them, critique them, hone them, and organize them?
The main point to this venture would be to develop an all inclusive, ultra powerful energy system developed through direct and substantial contact with angels, demons, gods, elementals, and planetaries.
heh - we could call it Balg Yoga :stuck_out_tongue: or Chi-Balg face-palm
=== EDIT ===
This isn’t really an LHP topic, but yet it is. However, it seems just as well a place as any. So I just picked it. :P[/quote]

All of these exercised that you have requested have come from different spiritual entities? If they do work out and acquire the results you are seeking, why don’t you publish them?

Just a thought. Thanks.[/quote]

I have actually been playing around with that idea. In fact, I’ve been thinking of opening a local Energy Training school for this very reason. I’ve had some interactions with a local book printer called DMT Publishing and am currently awaiting for them to reply with an estimate for 200 books. I don’t really consider myself a master by any means, but then again, do any of them? They all started somewhere, right? And I can’t deny what I’ve been taught by these entities - and I can definitely vouch for their effectiveness - so yes. I have absolutely been toying with the idea. :slight_smile: hehe

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I know we’re supposed to clean up really fast and make a sandwich after an evocation - but I just had to drop a line in here.
I evoked Hent’yos this evening and got some pretty intense information. It’s about two pages of info, so I’ll have to take some time tomorrow and detail it all out. But all I have to say is, HOLY FUCKING SHIT! This is some of the most intense shit I’ve heard as far as energy goes. haha - WHAT?!
aaaany way. Get stoked!
Also, some of it was vague and I didn’t catch it all - so if anyone wants to perform an evocation with Hent’yos to help confirm and clarify this stuff please feel free. I’m not uber evocator yet and some of this stuff slips by me or comes through slightly foggy.
Gracias! :smiley:

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I can’t wait to hear this shit DKM! Where did you find the sigil of Hent’yos?

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Ok, so I evoked Hent’yos.
Wow - I was way over-amped in that last post. heh, I was pretty excited though :slight_smile:
I learned quite a lot from Hent’yos last night. My primary purpose was to ask for help with a few things in my life. I have to say, however, this was one of the most energetic evocations I had performed to date. I was closer this time than I have ever been of a full materialization. I was sure it was going to happen. I got vivid outlines, poignant mental impressions of the spirits appearance, and a few times the incense started to “fill-in” the perceived outline. Almost as if the vapors were settling into and filling out an unseen glass shell - then it would re-disperse before me.

In The BOA, EA gives no description as to the appearance of Hent’yos. I would be interested in hearing how Hent’yos has appeared to others so far. The image I got was a tall and slender black figure. A very tight fitting hooded outfit. Almost a sexy sorceress shape with a fragile feminine feel to it, but a masculine energy and hold. Almost like what you get from a fun sexy gay boy. Know what I’m saying? Like, they get that sexy feminine appearance going but it’s definitely a dude. Kinda like that. The skirt of the mock started to flair at about 3/4th the way down from the shins, continuing on out, flowing and slithering across the surface of the floor. I am definitely interested in hearing how Hent’yos appears to others though, so please, if you get around to working with Hent’yos. Defectron, I know you’ve worked with Hent’yos. How does my description compare with what you’ve experienced?

Ok. So, after we dealt with the necessities, as always, I start asking about exercises, energy, how it works, what they know about it, etc. This was especially exciting for me because of Hent’yos’ specialty. The capability of raising the spiritual vibration of anything. You’ve gotta have some knowledge of the stuff to be able to do that. heh.

My first question was concerning amulets, talismans, and other magickal objects. How to, for my self, raise their vibration and, to some extent, manipulate it’s frequency for charging magickal devices.

The first answer. Now, this is EXTREMELY profound, mostly due to its extremely simple nature. Simply spin the object. Ok, as usual, this was accompanied with a detailed visual of what he meant and how the energy reacts. It turns out, spinning any object at a high enough speed, causes some sort of spacial twisting around it. This “winds” the energetic flow of the object much like you would wind the spring of a clock. How insane right? I was shown a simple device. It’s appearance can be likened to a large dreidel. The box part may be opened, the object placed and fastened inside so that the axis of spin goes directly down the “center” of the object. Unlike the dreidel, you don’t just let it spin around where ever it wills to go. It must be anchored to a hole or some sort of ball bearing assembly. The top probably should be anchored to, just to keep it well in place. Now, whether you want to construct some sort of pulley or gear assembly, allowing you to spin the device at large speeds - that’s up to you. I’m under the impression, however, that it would be quite sufficient to just fastening a large round “handle” (or maybe even a bicycle tire would work) to the energy dreidel, using your bare hands to throw it into a spin and keep it spinning or spin it up to higher speeds if you wish by “spanking” it faster.

The next method (and this one came it a bit fuzzy, so I might have it wrong) was to get a water bath, put two electrodes in it. Attach the electrodes to a power source with variable voltage settings passed through a frequency modulator. He recommended that most objects placed within the voltage bath would accept a frequency modulation from 40-60 Hz. Again - there were quite a few details I didn’t nail down with this one - so take it with a grain of salt, talk to Hent’yos for clarification, and/or experiment yourself :slight_smile:

Next device for amping the energy of objects is the - let’s call it the magnegizer :smiley: hehe. Ok, so - basic idea. Get two round neodymium magnets and mount each one to a small spindle connected to a motor, so as to rotate the magnet along its axis. Place one on a table so the magnet is spinning like a record table. Get the other magnet and set it up high, facing down toward the table magnet. Set a glass or plastic platform just barely above the rotating table magnet. You want just enough space so it just barely doesn’t touch it. Set whatever you desire to charge on the plastic/glass platform. Now - there are two different setups here. One is to press similar poles in toward each other, and the other is to restrain opposing poles from attracting one another. What I mean by this is, in setup one, you will have either S and S facing each other or N and N facing each other. The second setup is attractive, meaning you have a N and a S facing each other. Ok, this is a bit foggy also, but the opposing setup is best used to CLEAR the energy of an object, whereas the attracting setup is used to super charge the object. You do want to bring the magnets in as close as possible without touching the object being charged. The closer, and more pronounced the magnetic push or pull is, the more intense the charging will be. OH! I almost forgot the most important aspect of this. The motors MUST be spinning in opposite directions whether you’re using the clearing/opposing or the charging/attracting setup. In the attracting mode, the opposite spins “twist” the vortex energy going through the center pole of your object, much like the first technique, it “winds” the energy like winding some spring powered device.

ok, now onto the energetic exercises.
These are extremely unique. I’ve never heard of anything like this before. But, I tried it last night after the evocation. I got so much energy whipping around me, I actually started to get dizzy and experienced momentary vertigo. I laid down to go to sleep and nearly popped out of my body after about only 30 seconds of relaxing into my bed. So, yeah. Fuck yeah! :smiley:

============== WARNING!!! ==============
I WILL NOT be held responsible for any misuse of this knowledge. BE CAREFUL! Cool, calm, relaxed yin energy is most always the best way to go when working with high energy body exercises. If you start getting hot or worked up. Feeling strange or sick, if you start hallucinating or any of your organs start aching, for god’s sake, STOP! Rest. Take a day or two off. And come back carefully and slowly. Don’t over do these exercises. Pushing high energy exercises to their limit is ALWAYS a bad idea. Like, not just a bad idea. A horrible idea. Please don’t do it.
There were a few people who messaged me last time, or who had some strange experiences with the previous exercises, and I had to explain this to them. So, I thought I would save everyone the trouble, and be careful this time by posting a warning up front :slight_smile: hehe. The last thing I want is to have somebody get seriously hurt because I didn’t take the care to post a warning up front. These exercises are by far, the most powerful energy exercises I have EVER used. So please - be exceedingly cautious. Respect the energy AND the exercise. However, if anything does happen, and you feel like you were being careful, contact me. The sooner an energy issue caused by misuse of an exercise is brought back to balance, the better. I won’t get mad so long as you did everything in your power to be careful.

OK, MUCH LOVE ! :smiley:
Now onto the insanity :wink: hehe
These exercises require a quartz crystal ball and an obsidian ball. The reason they can’t just be a piece of quartz or obsidian will be explained. Hent’yos showed me a board about two feet long with a hole in the center, large enough to set your crystal sphere without it falling through. So you have a decent portion showing underneath and the majority on top. The more exposure you can SAFELY get on the bottom, the better. The reason I say SAFELY is because you don’t want your crystal ball accidentally making it’s way all the way through the board as that you will be holding this over your head. Again, perform this at your own risk. I don’t want any of you guys dropping a crystal globe on your head. I like you all THAT much :slight_smile: hehe
Seriously though, no concussions, please. Even though the ball is securely fit in the hole, I highly recommend a top-down fastening system. Whether you get another board, put a hole on it, and secure it across the top of the ball and fasten the two boards together, or some other device of yours, please make sure the ball is secure in every way. Now, when I did this last night, I simply held the crystal ball itself over my head with my hands and it worked fine. However, Hent’yos showed me the use of it with a board. For what reason, I cannot say. Just something to think about. Perhaps the “torsion” effect of having your hands out so far from the center of the crystal, or merely having no physical contact with the crystal is important to get the full benefit and power of this exercise. Actually, now that I think about it, holding it may induce some current that you don’t want. So yeah - the device, I think, may be a critical part in this. The following simple table describes rotation, crystal usage, and purpose:

Quartz - Clockwise = universal / inner body / internal / spiritual / yang
Obsidian - Counter Clockwise = outer field / earth / yin

So obviously, you don’t want to do a clockwise exercise with obsidian - that’s basically what should be gleaned from this.

So, there are three options for performing this.

First exercise is to hold the crystal above your head, standing up, and spin your entire body in the direction associated with the crystal. The crystals act as anchoring points, and most importantly, in fact key to these exercises, they are lenses and focal points for the crown chakra/port.

Second exercise, or option really, is to stand still, but use your hands to keep the device in a constant fluid rotation over your crown.

The third option (and my favorite) is to use intention to cause a “ratcheting” effect. Stand still, spin the device in the direction of your choice until your arms can’t go any further or you feel a strain, mentally detach any energetic flow, rotate back in the opposite direction until you hit the opposing point where you cannot rotate any more. Mentally re-initiate the energetic flow and function of the exercise, and do another rep. This should be a fairly fluid motion - swishing between clockwise and counter clockwise rapidly, in a similar fashion to a washing machine’s agitator. This is why I like to refer to this one as a ratchet effect. Effective in one direction, not in the other … uh, like a ratchet :stuck_out_tongue:

So, as I said - extremely powerful exercises. Like “holy shit that’s intense” kind of powerful. So please start off slow and small. Maybe do 5 to 10 reps and see how you feel in 20-30 minutes. I can guarantee you, a good heavy 10 reps - and you will most likely still be feeling it 45 minutes later. This is no joke. I’m actually quite blown away by these, and I’m really trusting you guys to be safe and use your common sense when working with these.

NOW! hehe - for a quick third eye boost, you can ratchet a crystal in front of your third eye. Again though, I did it for just a bit too long and got quite a migraine. So - I just can’t stress this enough - take great care working with these. pleeeeease :slight_smile:

This was at the end of the evocation, and several of these exercises are muddy and nonsense scribbles in my notebook. But the one thing I am capable of knowing for sure was received the way it was intended to be received is to draw, on a large piece of paper, an all seeing eye within a triangle. Draw radiating lines coming from the triangle, much like Crowley’s gig. However, for some reason it is important to draw the lines on the sides as slightly bent upward so as to give the entire picture the sense that the all seeing eye is a shooting star whipping down from heaven and you’re looking up at it. Charge this, and open it as you would open a sigil. Place under your head during a projection attempt.
There’s this other one, shaped like a bean, multicolored and coordinated with each chakra with roots growing backwards (or upward I should say) from the chakras and this strange ven diagram / inter-connection thing going on. But I’m way foggy on it - if it ever comes to me as to what it means, I’ll make a post.

Well - there you guys go. Sorry about the book, but hey :stuck_out_tongue: heh

Man, I’m all yang-ed up just from writing this.

Again, please take great care when working with these. Last thing I want is for somebody in here to get seriously hurt because I thought it was a good idea to make this available to the public. :slight_smile: hehe

Much love!

~ Namaste ~

===== EDIT =====
I’m sure you all noticed, ramping the energy up for anything can be done, or has something to do with, twisting up the central energy channel or axis. This is the same “channel” that is the center of a torus energy form. Because everything has a torus field around it, twisting and winding the central nexus up actually makes quite a bit of sense. Just something to consider and meditate upon. I found it absolutely fascinating.


Hent’yos is in The Book of Azazel. He is in The House of Anatel :slight_smile:


This is great…but please explain what you mean by rachet a crystal in front of your third eye. No matter how I try to mentally picture this, I do not know what you mean…thanks in advance.

Uncle Fester

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Interesting account of the charging of magickal objects. I have my own take on it though as to have the energy spiral/spin around into the object. It reminds me of my contemplation of YOG-SOTHOTH as the opening of that gate required one to turn or rotate or walk a circle to amass the energy to open the gate. Another thing is in reiki there is a symbol resembling a spiral and its function is literally to take all the power of the universe and focus it to whatever you draw the symbol on. Helpful? Thoughts?

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