Yahweh punishments

Headache was a symptom that sometimes I connected with interrupting Christian prayers. Once in a while I “use” them as a spiritual practice, although I’m more inclined to other orientations: yoga, besides magick etc. Anyway when a tension is broken such things may happen.

You bring up a good point that perhaps finding the spirit that resonates with an individual is like finding the widget to make the electric connection flow; everything else doesn’t work.


Shinri what??? Don’t go Dude, heal that thought distortion - you are welcome here and I want you here for one and others too im sure! I think a lot of people like jousting, a good sport, and learning through contrasting dialogue. I shy away from it myself which is why i ran away from France, but am getting my confidence back up here. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sometimes when the toilet is taken and i need to piss urgently, i go outside and piss on the walls of a synagogue near my house.


@shinri Hi Sir, I need more material or reference on this submission. QUITE DEEP AND INSIGHTFUL. I am an open minded jew, christian. I am currently facing spiritually battle which i believe I am winning already but the evil witch may change strategy and strike back real hard.


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Hi buddy, the bible has been rewritten by people that know precisely how to entrap a soul in self-deceit and has nothing to do with Yeshua Christ, I actually met him and he points out to my own christ consciousness, which is the ‘divine human’
archrtype which everyone has on a deeper level of oneself. He showed me that all are equal, and he is a soul assisting others to realize their own godhood-

He is a soul that chose to take office in a particular position in the Godmind that is a very central one, yet every soul can take office, through cosmic ascent in a particular position,it’s a cosmic game. He’s a cool, and helpful dude actually

He once said in a channeling ‘throw away all these books that say you are separate from God’

If you want a great representative book on Yeshua Christ himself that can help you deprogram you from false christianity, which is a great combo with balg, life and teachings of the masters of the far east, it talks about accessing your own godhood, physical immortality, levitation, shape-shifting, and much more… With this site, you can’t miss. It’s a book that shows you the fundaments of how to go pro into that state of being. (It’s also a practical guide). It reveals through direct experience in the science and storyline where all of reality comes down to. :wink:


Really, a nice idea. :blush:

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Hello, I was considering just PMing this to you, but others may find it helpful as well. The following suggestions utilize magick of mostly Hebrew origin, though it has been updated and modernized. I know that not everyone here finds such methods agreeable, but I see no reason to shun power.

First of all, I would highly recommend that you check out the book Magickal Protection by Damon Brand. It contains a fool-proof talisman to cancel any curse set against you, regardless of who cast it, how experienced they are, or what methods they used. The Sword Banishing and Master Protection Ritual are also very powerful, and will help you out of this situation.

Make sure you read the first part of the book as well, as it contains important instructions for working the magick. It is very simple, but there is a section that describes what you should do if you are under attack. I know you must be eager to seek protection, but trust me, this small investment of time up-front is well worth it. Remain calm, and everything will work out just fine.

As for the archangels, I would suggest Archangels of Magick by Damon Brand. It contains everything you need to know about contacting the archangels in a simple, effective manner, while providing very useful descriptions of their powers and qualities.

If you are concerned that your enemy may continue to attack you, then I would suggest Magickal Attack by Gordon Winterfield. It contains an angelic binding ritual that will not harm your enemy, but will remove their ability to harm you in any way, as well as a ritual to bring peace and the end of war. This is what you want - an end to the conflict. Once you have protection in place and have bound your enemy, make peace, and they will trouble you no more.

If you find that your enemy is rather persistent, then it may be necessary to use more aggressive methods to force them into submission. For this, I suggest Angels of Wrath by Gordon Winterfield. There are rituals to destroy defenses magickal or mundane, blind an enemy to your workings against them, to cancel another’s magick, to force exile, to wound with fury, and many others. These angels will only work for you if your desire is sincere. If it is, they bring Justice.

I make these suggestions because you have indicated that you know that you have an enemy that works against you. One thing that I would like to emphasize, however, is that it is rather easy for occultists to be paranoid about people attacking them.

Most of the time, it is highly unlikely that someone is doing so. When you read about curses, it is all too easy to look to random minor events in your life that are similar and assume that you are being attacked. This is much, much more rare than you may think, as most people don’t care enough about you to curse you effectively, to put it frankly. If you are under attack, you will know, assuming that you have protection in place. Otherwise, you are worrying for no reason.

Occultists generally have much better things to do with their time than to curse people. The people who expend most of their magickal effort on cursing are usually beginners who are going through a period of growth. That, or they happen to have many enemies in their life that need to be dealt with so that they may have peace. I have been in such situations myself. It took some time and strategy, but after I discovered magick, those who sought to harm me were no longer able to do so.

Remember, this is the goal of cursing. Your enemy has harmed or worked against you in some way. This has taken you from a state of peace, into one of anger or weakness. Through magickal protection and attack, we change these emotions of turmoil, into emotions of peace and contentment.

The wise warrior does not attack just because they bear arms. The wise warrior only exerts as much effort as is necessary to obtain peace. The wise warrior uses their opponent’s own energy against them. The wisest warrior of them all spends more time in contemplation and calm meditation, than in the fury of battle.

I wish you peace, my friend.


I haven’t experienced any dark moments with him but I do see why more people are turning from him today. Mostly because he’s a hypocrite, and contradicting, especially; when it comes to the old testament. Mostly with the ‘10 Commandments,’ for example, “thou shalt not kill.” You’re gonna sit there and stay face by making it a law to not kill when you’ve killed? Yes, I do believe it is wrong to straight up murder people in cold blood and you should only destroy your enemies when they either try to invade or force their own morals on you. However; according to the Book of Exodus that talks about Moses and Ramesses, Pharaoh of Egypt. God smites all the first born of Egypt according the Pharaoh’s own son to force him to release the slaves. So, you’ve murdered and try to say that we shouldn’t be allowed to kill, including in self-defense when you’ve done it? That right there is hypocritical straight.


Have you considered that many of the supposed “laws” professed by JCI religions are in-fact human constructs imposed upon the Divine that were representative of the prevailing culture of the time, and not Truth, if such a thing could be said to exist?


Marriage and Morals a book by philosopher Bertrand Russell explains that in a way.


which of the magick have you personally used and it worked out well as expected or stated in the book? i have bought many books on this subject but to no success.

Any jewish, hebrew magick you know which works practically?

which site Sir? which source book are you talking about?

I rejected Yahweh and we have a real nice “I don’t fuck with you, you don’t fuck with me” thing going strong for a number of years now.

His power comes from his worshippers, he is truly a God in that he has power that has been devoted to him by his billions of lemmings, but he doesn’t use that power to help anyone, he simply soaks in the narcissistic joy of being worshipped.
He has the ability to fix the entire universe, but lacks the motivation, or perhaps, the knowledge, to do so.

He has had a hell of a run though, and i see his fan base dwindling, he’ll fade away soon enough.


There is a way… but Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel, Selaphiel, Raguel / Jegudiel , and Barachiel must be summoned… and then you will see the power of the metatron…

Note the body seems formed without the extremities and that’s where the two other angels are. I couldn’t divine their summoning.

And when he needs help he creates a clone… and the blazing sword of the spirit.

I have used all of the mentioned books extensively, to great success. The magick is mostly derived from Jewish Kabbalah, so in a sense it could be said to be Jewish magick, but I don’t personally see it as such. The origins of the system are Hebraic, but Kabbalah and the angels have been around for much, much longer than Judaism.

Some people choose to see it through a Jewish lens, and it’s fine if you do, but you should know that the reality of the angels is quite different than what modern Abrahamic faiths teach. This is why you will often see the word Qabbalah with a “Q” rather than a “K,” which has Jewish connotations, or a “C,” which has Christian connotations. I would suggest that you let your personal experience of the angels guide your beliefs, not the words of any supposed spiritual authority, though they may certainly be of value as well.

Again, my first suggestion for you would be the Protection book. It should solve your troubles if you read the book thoroughly and practice the magick as instructed. It is not difficult, but it requires your focus and commitment.


I must disagree with this point. I could continue to say that which I have already said extensively on this forum, but instead I will take a different approach. The Lightning Flash that is my self has almost worked its way down to Malkuth, though it seems that there is more wisdom to share.

I’ve looked over some of my earlier notes, from before the false shell of my self was cracked open, and before Metatron’s Divine sword rent my consciousness asunder, and there is much that may be of interest to those who want to know what the angels are up to in this day and age, though it would perhaps be unwise of me to divulge all of our plans. Know that we do not work against the demons, but in harmony with them, for the betterment of the human condition.

I ask that you judge יהוה‬ (EE-AH-OH-EH) and the angels not by any religious teachings or preconceived notions, but by the quality of their wisdom, and the might of their power.

The great angel Haaiah, who is known as the Breaker of Chains, Giver of Wealth, and Bringer of Freedom, said the following unto me:

“Think of the universe like a box. You can put things in and take things out, but the box always remains. You are the box, though you cannot be destroyed. You are also that which puts into and takes out of the box. There are other boxes near you, and sometimes your contents are also put into theirs, and what is taken out of yours is also removed from the boxes near you. You are the only true box within yourself. Only you hold up the foundations that create your reality. All things exist inside of you, yet there are many more boxes within. These boxes think that they are the one true box, but they are deceived and blinded by their own lack of power. Take pity on them, for they do not realize how truly weak and lacking in majesty that they are…”

The angel goes on to say:

“We have great things in mind for you, and we know that you will enjoy them, for that is what powers our work. Without your enjoyment and pleasure, we are powerless and can do nothing for you. Enjoy what we bring to you, and we both grow ever stronger by the minute.”

Indeed there is some truth to the statement that “his power comes from his worshipers,” though I cannot say the same for the rest of your comment. I would agree that his “fan base” is dwindling in the sense that more and more people are awakening to the reality of these beings, rather than the religious distortions that have been sold to them for their tithes.

There is more that I may share regarding the statement “He has the ability to fix the entire universe,” but I think it is important to remember that very few see from anywhere near the perspective of the Divine. All have this potential, though it is the destiny of but a few. You are free to reject destiny, however, and to witness for yourself our own becoming.

I do not aim to preach, but to share what has been shared with me, by spiritual beings of great power, for those who seek great power and wisdom. You are free to involve yourself in whatever system of attainment best floats your boat, but I think that there are those who appreciate my sharing of what I have learned from mine, as I appreciate their sharing of what they have learned from theirs.

Peace be with you, and so too the might, wisdom, and blessings of the angels, should you wish to receive them.


Someone just PMed me asking about the differences between angels and demons, and as my understanding of this has developed since I last wrote about it, I will post it here. Apologies for the spam.

Greetings, now that is a rather large question, and one that I am still learning about myself, but I’ve found that a good way to think about these things is in terms of their function .

All things are made of Divine Light. The trees and stones, angels and demons, you and me, everything is, at its most fundamental level, Divine. Reality can be thought of as being comprised of different “levels,” sometimes called “vibrations.” At the top is the Divine (Source, God, what have you), and at the bottom is the manifest material world.

Generally, things flow down from the Source like this:

Divinity - Angels - Demons - Physical Things

The quality of the Light at these different levels is different, but ultimately it is all still Light. By quality, I do not mean “good” or “bad,” but different types or sorts of being.

Each of these levels may be manipulated directly, which will cause change that reverberates across all different levels. For example, if you use money to cause a house to be built, you have changed reality through material power.

Demons typically work by taking the Light that is already close to the material, and will manipulate that Light to cause change. For example, they may change the state of a person’s mind from one to another, by manipulating the fundamental essence that makes up that individual.

Angels typically work by taking Light from the Divine, and bringing it down to the material, or by taking Light from the material, and bringing it up to the Divine. Thus the classification as “messengers.” For example, they may cause you to discover a new website by setting into motion the events in the material that caused that website’s creation from a very early stage, such as the birth of its programmer.

The Divine may also be worked with directly, to change Light within the first moments of its creation from the Nothing. This applies to both the microcosm, and the macrocosm. For example, you may remove the internal barriers that prevent you from enjoying prosperity, thereby allowing prosperity to come into being.

Things are surely more complicated than this, but this is how I understand things. There may be some errors, but I’m confident that it is generally correct. I’m open to being wrong, as it is always good to be, but I base this off of my own experiences and directly received understanding.


Honestly, all of my personal resentment towards Christianity aside, this is becoming an incredibly informative thread. The sheer amount of information that’s being given out here is awesome.


That was a purpose of that :smiley:

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