Would you hide what you believe if…

Would you hide your beliefs if it was to your benefit to do so and possibly detrimental to you for them to be known?

In asking out of curiosity.

I’ll start: Yes I would and have (I’ve hidden my beliefs in order not to be disinherited from my parent’s will). I’m going to inherit a house I couldn’t afford to buy (may not seem like much but it is to me so I hide my beliefs for my future benefit).


I never really hide my beliefs, I just don’t flaunt it.


Like this :point_up_2:

I feel like not everyone is going to agree with me and that’s fine. Im not interested in being validated by other people’s acceptance at this point. I’m not going to hide it but I’m not wearing a sign either.


I wouldn’t lie about it because I’m not ashamed… If I’m asked I will answer honestly. But as others said, I won’t go flaunting it.
In my line of work, it will be looked down on and could potentially affect my career, because of peoples misconceptions and prejudices so I wouldn’t wear signs advertising it.
But my beliefs work for me and I am happy. So I don’t feel the need to shout it from rooftops , shove it in peoples because I don’t want to waste my time hearing peoples bullsh** opinions


One time I openly admitted what I am doing to a classmate of mine, like two years ago. I was just a newbie back then and was talking about possibilities that could be done with practice.

This motherfucker goes on to gossip about me to his friends and tell people ‘I can dreamwalk’. Lol thats something I only achieved once. Anyways, an unfortunate event happens and I meet this guys friends. One of them stands out, asks me if I am that mage, lol. Me being suprised at that moment I just said yes and then this motherfucker asks me to dreamwalk into him.

So I considered my options, I am pretty sure this all-so-knowing non believer guy in front of me is going to press me harder if I back down, so I decided to insult him, said:

‘Who the fuck are you supposed to be that I will dreamwalk into you?’

Motherfucker wasn’t expecting that :laughing: and backed off. But I learned my lesson: Do not talk about this out of nowhere. Just don’t.


One of the Four Pillars is to “Keep Silent”. One meaning of this is literal, keep quite about what you do and only speak with those also initiated. Another meaning is that in the silence you can connect with your Higher Self, Ascended Self, the part of you that is Divine.

Also remember that sometimes when you expose yourself, you may be exposing others, if you work with others in person and people know that you have friends who do the Work with you, then you are exposing their beliefs inadvertently.


Yea, because I see no benefit to having my family or employer think I’m insane. My beliefs are also not my identity so I don’t feel like anyone needs to know what I believe anyway.


In the modern world, it is detrimental for 99% of people to talk out loud about them communicating with demons. And not to mention, no one wants to hear about someone else’s beliefs unless they asked. I mean, look at how Jehovah’s witnesses are treated when they try to barge into people’s houses, talking about their beliefs. It is a personal topic and many people might feel uncomfortable if you bring this up out of the blue.

If it can bring ruin to my job or my connections (and in most cases it can because intolerant muggles are the majority), I consider it to be a foolish thing to do. What is the point? Why would I damage my well-being and create additional problems for myself?


To know to dare to will and to be silent


It is to my benefit to do so, so I do. I want to be taken seriously by colleagues/friends so I don’t go off spouting about talking with demons and angels. The most I’ll do is discuss Law of Assumption with friends who have independently found and read Murphy and Goddard; or I’ll occasionally tell my friends about AP/OBE adventures, but I phrase it as “lucid dreaming”.

Unfortunately I look a bit like a goth (never grew out of the habit of wearing all black…) so I occasionally cop a joking accusation about me being a witch. In which case I enthusiastically agree to the point of parody/sarcasm and make the usual jokes about sacrificing babies on my altar or making voodoo dolls.


I don’t have any need to promote or push my views, so few people have any idea what I believe anyway, It wouldn’t exactly be a change for me. I generally keep myself to myself, and look like an average middle-aged man so, with the exception of some knowing smiles at my Azazel and Belial t-shirts, and some compliments on my inverse pentagram pendent, no one notices or cares, and I’m fine with that.


I have embraced wearing all black.

I don’t see a point in telling them to begin with. I opened up to one person here because I recognized a space as a concealed altar. I have nothing to gain from telling those who don’t practice.


If I had like you the benefit to inherit a house of course I would keep my mouth shut until I get the house.
I m not really hiding that I m in the occult. In the country I live ppl don’t seem to have a problem with it. The only downside is some of them ask me for free spells and readings as soon as I tell them :roll_eyes:… others, think I am trying to be Harry Potter and tell me it is not true… so I tell them to mind their business :woman_shrugging:


Nein, I refuse to hide my beliefs.

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I respect that (wish I was in a situation where I’d feel I could be like that. Maybe someday)




Nein, I refuse to hide my beliefs.

(Edit add: I obviously respect both sides if I respect the position that’s the opposite of mine so don’t fear to post if you disagree with my position your views just as welcome as agreeing ones@anyone reading this edit comment)

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Try attending events and joining groups for people with the same beliefs. It worked for me.

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I have a phobia of cults. When I first became a student of the esoteric, I worried I was willingly walking into one. Now not so much, when you realize how…“open” the occult is you lose all fear or risk being suckered into worshipping some grand I.M mysterious.

As for my family, they don’t have that enlightenment.

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I have in the past, but I am not so sure if I would now. It is nice to express your beliefs and views.

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I feel the need to share what I believe. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to do otherwise. Unfortunately, the temptation is strong and don’t always remember.

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