My working with the daemon Vapula actually started out kinda out of necessity, when I needed assistance with a test that was coming up. I basically hand-drew her sigil and evoked her without much ceremony and carried her sigil with me throughout the test period. Normally in such a time I would be nervous and rarely ever truly confident due to a weird belief of mine. Anyway, during that time I was surprisingly not nervous, just calm within, having a strange sense of peace. Unsurprisingly I did not fail, but surprisingly, I did much better than anticipated.
She has not failed me thus far and I know she won’t from what I have experienced so far. From what I got, she is not sociable per-say but loves knowledge and sharing it. But that is just my limited experience talking. Anyone worked with her/him?
Okay, to update, I did a pact with Vapula, on the acquisition of knowledge and surprise, surprise, she did not fail me and actually was really helpful in her assistance. In this I want to acknowlege her and let every one know that when it comes to guidance in the sciences and passing test, Vapula has proven to be one of the best, at least to my limited experience. Thank you.
No problem, if you’ve never did an evokation I propose to first work on developing your abilities because otherwise you wouldn’t be able to hear or see them.
Yes! You can start with the void meditation just search here on the search bar and you will find the post by @AdamThoth another thing is here you will find all the basic informations you need :
Dude, stop asking this question. You have already made a thread about this topic and been given all you need to know in it. Start following that advice.