Working with the Elemental King of Earth Ghob!

Hi everyone!

In this post i’m gonna Share my Experience With the Elemental King Ghob!
I decided to Evoke Him since i needed to learn to Ground Myself, to balance my Inner Element and also due to some Working i have done with the Archangel Sandalphon.

So Before the Evocation of King Ghob i draw is Sigil, and take incenses(Frankinsences) my Note Book and get to the Wood Behind my House to do the Evocation, After tracing the Circle and the Triangle on the Ground with a Stick (I traced the Triangle to the North since its the Direction associated with Earth ) I kneel in the Center of the Circle and Put Myself in a Meditative State or Theta Gamma Sync if your prefer,

As i started gazing at the Sigil of King Ghob and Repeting his Name again and Again i could feel Energy starting to rise from the Ground around the Circle and condensing into the Triangle at the North, i could see that this Energy was coming from the Soil, The Tree, the Plant , the Insect etc.

After Sometime King Ghob apperead before me, He was looking like a Dwarf, no more then 4 feet Tall, Wearing a Kind of Copper Looking Armor with a Green Cape in his Back, he had a Little brown Beard(I was pretty surprised since Most Dwarf are depicted with a Big Beard) and he had very short brown Hair. He was Carrying a Staff and a Axe

Around him i could see many Animals, Like Rabbits, Birds etc…

I saluted Him saying : Salutation to you King Ghob.

After giving him the Request i talked about earlier in that Post he Taught me this :

Each Day, you will go outside and you will contemplate the Tree, Their Strength, their Equilibrium, their Peace, You will then go toward a tree that you feel attracted too and Touch it while Saying :

‘‘Elui Teno Am, Elui Teno Am, Ma’ari Kalam’oun Ma’ari Kalam’oun.’’

This mean Oh Great and Eldest Tree, Oh Great and Eldest Tree, Give me your Virtue, Give me your Virtue.

While your reciting this again and again feel yourself connecting to the Tree, feel his Energy coming into you, grounding you, Balancing You and bringing you Peace.

By Doing this, you will attain Equilibrium.

I hope the Teaching i received by King Ghob will be Useful!


I forgot to mention that I received that Teaching two Month Ago and I tested it Before Posting it on the Forum, To be sure it was Working and Potent. What i have seen is that after only two Weeks of doing it Daily my Earth Element in myself become very Balanced, I became more and more Grounded and was even Able to stop doing it after this period of time, It was very Effetive and whenever i feel the need to Ground myself i just do it again a Few Days and it work well



Since i started Working with the King Ghob, I’m so Much Down to Earth, My Skepticism and my habit to Question Anythings i didn’t experienced by Myself have Drasticlly Increase, I see this as a Very Good things, especially in our Field of Work, as Magician, since it is easy to get Insane or to Start Leaving in our ‘‘own Imaginatary World’’ by Practicing Magick.

Working with Ghob make me See even More clearly and Understand even More clearly how much Being able to get ''Physical Concrete and Clear Result, that can be seen and Witness by us and Other, With our Magick is of Vital Importance.

I never was Down to Earth like that, i never was Rational and Skeptical Like that and personally i love it. This doesn’t mean i’m closed-Minded, it only mean that i’m grounding my Practice, Paradigm and Belief down to our Earth.

Ghob make me see that Our Physical World, is the place to Manifest the Reality we want, Clearly, Powerfully and in a Healthy way.

I’m very Grateful to Ghob for his Teaching and Help,

Best Regards!


[quote=“Mephistor, post:1, topic:8100”]Hi everyone!

In this post i’m gonna Share my Experience With the Elemental King Ghob!
I decided to Evoke Him since i needed to learn to Ground Myself, to balance my Inner Element and also due to some Working i have done with the Archangel Sandalphon.

So Before the Evocation of King Ghob i draw is Sigil, and take incenses(Frankinsences) my Note Book and get to the Wood Behind my House to do the Evocation, After tracing the Circle and the Triangle on the Ground with a Stick (I traced the Triangle to the North since its the Direction associated with Earth ) I kneel in the Center of the Circle and Put Myself in a Meditative State or Theta Gamma Sync if your prefer,

As i started gazing at the Sigil of King Ghob and Repeting his Name again and Again i could feel Energy starting to rise from the Ground around the Circle and condensing into the Triangle at the North, i could see that this Energy was coming from the Soil, The Tree, the Plant , the Insect etc.

After Sometime King Ghob apperead before me, He was looking like a Dwarf, no more then 4 feet Tall, Wearing a Kind of Copper Looking Armor with a Green Cape in his Back, he had a Little brown Beard(I was pretty surprised since Most Dwarf are depicted with a Big Beard) and he had very short brown Hair. He was Carrying a Staff and a Axe

Around him i could see many Animals, Like Rabbits, Birds etc…

I saluted Him saying : Salutation to you King Ghob.

After giving him the Request i talked about earlier in that Post he Taught me this :

Each Day, you will go outside and you will contemplate the Tree, Their Strength, their Equilibrium, their Peace, You will then go toward a tree that you feel attracted too and Touch it while Saying :

‘‘Elui Teno Am, Elui Teno Am, Ma’ari Kalam’oun Ma’ari Kalam’oun.’’

This mean Oh Great and Eldest Tree, Oh Great and Eldest Tree, Give me your Virtue, Give me your Virtue.

While your reciting this again and again feel yourself connecting to the Tree, feel his Energy coming into you, grounding you, Balancing You and bringing you Peace.

By Doing this, you will attain Equilibrium.

I hope the Teaching i received by King Ghob will be Useful![/quote]

Thank you for posting this. King Ghob sounds peaceful / strongly rooted. I know a lot of people who could benefit from such equilibrium.


Its a Pleasure to Share my Friend!


Sorry to raise such an old thread, but how would you pronounce this properly?

Many thanks.


Can I get the details of the rituals to summon King Ghob? Or can I get your number?


The OP hasn’t been on this forum for several years. He won’t reply to you.


Dude that was 2016???

Why can’t you just run this like a normal evocation? Do you know how?


Am new to the site and also am new to magic please

That’s not how things work around here I’m afraid. You’re going to spend a great deal of time and energy looking for someone to summon King Ghob for you and get very little I’m return. Your best bet is to use the search function and read tutorials that will help you understand how to do this yourself.

Here are two guides to evocation. The first is exquisite. The second also excellent I wrote myself.



Ok I don’t have any specific book about evocation of King Ghob.
Can I get any subtitle of any book about evocation of King Ghob?

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Mmm I think you might like Konstantinos book summoning spirits.

Or evoking eternity I heard is really good too.

But please you didn’t complete this one

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What didn’t I complete?

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You were given illustration of evoking and you mentioned the items but you didn’t complete

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Did you click the link. It’s a link, you click the top of it and it leads you to the whole thread :open_mouth::smiley:

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I have checked now, it’s complete

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Can I use same to summon any spirit or Angels

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You’re welcome :smiley:

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