Wife's low libido

@Lotuslouvena royal jelly can indeed probably help, as I seem to recall true royal jelly contains a testosterone analogue. However, I don’t want to go that route as my wife has seen an increase in her allergies over the last few years. Btw, the risk of allergies naturally increases as one gets on in years.
Also, my wife has asthma.

However, I’ll agree with you that royal jelly is definitely an interesting substance !

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It has helped me a lot and believe me I have a ton of allergies x

Give it a try anyways if possible and you still have the 2nd enochian key x

yeah I thought that locally sourced honey was actually a good remedy for allergies… :woman_shrugging:

@GaiasGirl Wrt copper IUD, this is something I need to look into : Copper IUD - Wikipedia

Testosterone Rx are most definitely available, but there are risk in using HRT, that is exogenous Testosterone. HPT (in this case ovarian instead of testicular)A shutdown being a significant one. Another is polycythemia which increases the risk for a thrombus. However, women using a Testosterone cream require significantly less of a dose than men do. So, I’m unsure whether the risk of polycythemia applies to women as well as men.

it’s always best (unless medically indicated) to keep your HPTA axis working on it’s own.

@Lotuslouvena this is interesting. I’ll look into it.

To the women who have commented, have you found spirit magic has led to improvement in your sex life ? If so, in what way ?

@chip pls try this first of all. Why first of all, its super simple to do.

Get one Laser pen/pointer
Get one pic of your wife where you can point to her pelvic chakra
Hold the laser in your right hand
Put your left hand at the center of an amplifying pattern.
Focus the laser on her pelvic chakra and
Think about what you would want to do with her

Thats all!

Credits to @ZAMRAN for the link and Method to Charles Cosimano.


Garlic is said to increase sex power and hornyness :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:
Ask her to eat 1-2 flakes everyday for a week or so.
Dont overdo this otherwise her Pitta will increase. Pls consult an ayurvedic doctor before going down this path.
Ayurveda has many tonics/capsules to increase sex power and interest naturally. Seek a competant doctor :wink:

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@ElectricDragon She’s tried all adaptogens : KSM-66 (i.e. ashwagandha), rhodiola, and PrimaVie (i.e. purified shilajit). Out of those, the only one that helps a little is the shilajit. Actually, cordyceps Militaris does a better job in this regard (that is, as far as she’s concerned).

She tried garlic for two weeks - while it’s a really good health supplement, it didn’t have any effect on her libido.

Thanks for the suggestions though. I’ll give the laser pointer a go - I’m curious about those things.


I am happy to help :slight_smile:
DO let me know the results of the laser pointer :wink:

and believe me, I appreciate the effort.

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You can count on me to keep you posted.


You could supplement the results with the help of mudras. Do that max of 45 mins, no more than that.
Each mudra gives different results and has different requirements. I have used some of them and got good results. Mudras Work!
Have them in your arsenal as an add ons ^^

So far i’ve worked with Journeying and the spirits there I’ve encountered. With this I’ve found it’s better than meditation alone and they can help a great deal with anxiety and stress which lower libido.

This has helped me think about it more without the hubby talking about or initiating it if that makes sense.
This is just the tip of the ice berg to me though, I haven’t tried anything like what JD Temple offers.

I feel the results are positive and intend to keep working with it.

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Is there a specific brand you would recommend? And this works for females?

20 years is long enough you need to simply be honestvwith her that you have needs andbshe isn’t satisfying them. Therefore if she wants to be married to you she needs to let you go out and get yourself some strange. :wink:
Think about it like this, if you were starving and needed to stop at the diner and grab a bite but she refused you simply because she wasnt hungry…would she expect you to starve untill her appetite returns?
Tell your wife to go out and find a Low T dead duck for a husband and that it’s time for you to move on to someone who actually cares about you for a change.
Now when you go out looking for a new wife be sure to cut loose the dick teases immediately as you notice they have low libido. That way you won’t end up in the same situation. If you are a horny toad you need a partner who is the same otherwise there will be problems.

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@chip did you try the laser thing yet?
Was it successful ?? :wink:

Hello ! I’ve often thought about you over the last few weeks. I’ve tried it thrice thus far. Honestly, I can’t tell whether it’s worked or not. I’ll try it again and as I said before, you can count on me to report back.

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Try googling bee-pollen-buzz from Canada and royal jelly

Will do.