Why so many love spells?

Love magick is probably one of the most potent forms of magick there is. Its ability to completely turn a persons thoughts, body and soul towards you is scarily powerful. I don’t judge folks for using it, but I do always exercise caution. It aint no joke. It’s the kind of magick that can lead the target to committing suicide if not properly thought through.


It didn’t work for me. I guess I probably did it wrong, same as all others it didn’t work for here in the forums. Lusting for results and all that.

Perhaps. But in your case? probably not, based on what I’ve observed. For your case in particular, the issue is more clear.

I’ll bite, what is my clear issue?

I think in my case the person just wasn’t for me, and I’m not mad at the spirits anymore (I can’t believe I was!). It’s not that they didn’t listen… it’s just that they knew better.

I ended up cursing my target so, of course, I can’t (and don’t want to) cast any love spells on them anymore. I just want to see them burn.

Looking back, I think I was the only one affected by love magick. Maybe love spells need some feeling to already be there within the target, so the magick has something to attach itself?

I also remember casting a spontaneous love spell I just made up on some other guy a year ago. It worked, but then it sort of faded out. We’re still in touch and in good terms though, so I’d call it a win.

I’d say this is even less likely. It’s not the spirits job to determine who is “good” or “bad” for you…unless you ask it to do so. You are at the top of the hierarchy in the ritual circle. If you want to date a shitbag because you find him hot and want to shag, then discard him afterwards…the spirits will oblige (with the exception of certain angels)

What I think your issue is, is this: I do read your posts, although I don’t engage much…but over the last few months I’ve noticed that you’ve been struggling to get the results you want across the board, whether it be baneful magick (such as your master curse) or your money magick (such as your job seeker ritual). This suggests to me one of two things:

  1. Either there is something wrong with your approach/methodology to magick in general, or…

  2. You are doing everything correctly, but the system you are using is ineffective.

Neither option suggests to me that love magick just doesn’t work for you. Its very very clear that the issue has to do with your method. Now lets go a little deeper to figure which of the two options above is the problem.

Could you be doing something wrong? Perhaps…but I wouldn’t rule out option two which I think is the most probable of the two. You have a sufficient work ethic from what I can see and I believe you probably do you best to follow the instructions to the letter. So I think the most likely cause of your repeated failures is the method you’re using.

What I’ve noticed about each of your workings is that there is one common denominator, besides yourself. This denominator is the Gallery of Magick. I want to correct you slightly on something you said a few months ago:

Out of the question? I wouldn’t say that. Its effective for many, yes…which is why I suggest it often to newcomers (specifically Demons of Magick) because they seem to latch on to the straight forward step-by-step approach…but it doesn’t work for everyone, especially this emotional transmutation method they’ve come out with (I’ve noticed you’ve been dabbling with this too).

Over the years, I have created a short list of magicians that have passed through these forums whose opinion I have high respect for due to their vast amounts of knowledge and practical experience. @PrinceX was one of those magicians. He had deep issues with the emotional transmutation method (as I do). Here is his response to someone else that was not succeeding with the Gallery of Magick books (as you’ll see, its not just you):

Gallery of Magick systems (especially damon brands stuff) are using emotional energy. When someone uses this technique too much, it drains and corrupts the aura. Especially when negative emotions are involved. Their “emotional transmutation” (as I see you’ve been employing) method requires raising negative emotions. That’s a dangerous gamble unless someone is cursing. Because when cursing, the negative emotions are so strong, they do not affect the person himself… they’re all sent out. But they don’t mention the importance of that in GoM books except in Magickal Attack and Angels of Wrath.

So my first suggestion is to not bother with the emotional transmutation stuff. It doesn’t have a great track record imo.

Secondly, even if you don’t use the books with that method, Gallery of Magick has another problem that sometimes messes people up. I’ve talked with PrinceX back in the day about this as well concerning the Demons of Magick book in particular:

His advice was good. Repeating the rituals several times can help with this issue. Or you can use what I use, which is EA’s invocation of omnipotence. @DarkestKnight was gracious enough to write out the steps to it here. It comes from his Evoking Eternity book.

So in conclusion, this issue for you is hardly that love spells are ineffective. That would be an odd conclusion to come to given that your lack of results is occurring across multiple fronts within your magickal practice outside of love magick. The most likely cause is that you are leaning to heavily on Gallery of Magick. Not every method works for every person…regardless of its popularity. Again…even for myself, the Gallery of Magick system has a less than stellar track record…and I consider myself pretty diligent when it comes to doing the homework and properly carrying out rituals. Besides what I’ve already suggested, I would also suggest giving a different system a try. Its not always your fault.


I’m feeling so watched right now :sweat: I said so many cringe-worthy things in moments of desperation! Please skip my most cringe-y comments! lol

Regarding the Magickal Job Seeker rituals, I did notice that as soon as I stopped (doing rituals to get noticed by recruiters), the invitations to interviews stopped coming. As soon as I did the rituals again, boom, I had invitations back in my inbox. The problem was me: I wasn’t able to do the test tasks I was instructed to do, so this made me realize I have to study more.

Now, when it comes to the Master Curse, I was sooooo frustrated to see no effects, but I recently did it all over again but with extra rituals (opening, authority, etc) which I hadn’t done before, and it felt quite different. I did feel at peace after every ritual, which is something I hadn’t felt before.

Sigh… I have such a hard time doing that. How are we supposed to let it go so easily if we have to feel everything so intensely, right?

I never had issues doing more “spontaneous” magick (I think it’s usually called hoodoo or folk magick, but where I come from it’s just being a witch, super common).

What if I make up a big bad hybrid of the two? Or… what if I use GoM’s methods but without the “emotional transmutation,” and only focus on what I want to manifest and that’s it?

You’ve given me quite a lot to think about…!


You can still use emotions. In fact, you need to. Sigil magick doesn’t really work without it. But the particular way the emotional transmutation method makes you conjure these emotions has had mixed results with folks. It’s not super reliable. Works for some, but not for others. If you remove it from GoM’s methods, that may work. Just remember…there are many many other systems of sigil magick out there that provides results. Personally, EA’s method is the one that works best for me, and frankly its far simpler too.


You mean to basically imagine the end result as here like usual with the added emotion of gratitude, excitement if need be and knowing of it being done while using as many senses as you can conjure up without doing the 3 step of feeling lack, feeling you have it, feel gratitude of it already being a past thing. I do the singular step myself with talismans ie I just visualize my intent as here now, imagine scenarios integrated into my life, feel the senses, hearing, feeling, smelling, taste if possible etc and feel gratitude that I have it and that relief of it being here now. Then thats it I pump that out into the ritual or breath it on a seal as energy etc. I myself couldn’t get used to this emotional transmutation stuff.

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Also to the points in this post. What a lot of magicians seem to forget is the mundane life is all influence. You get influenced each and every day and if you dont influence back it sure dam will influence it for you without your control. When you talk to a girl or boy you are influencing them by your tone of voice, your jokes, gestures, perfume, natural odor, clothing, style, posture, expressions, emotion. No one starts off loving anyone and you influence them in mundane to bring it out by doing the above and going on dates, texting, talking, going on walks or for food etc etc. Magick just cuts all the bullshit out initially and goes from A to Z instead by building that emotion, influence, feeling, thought process up within the other person. You still then need to do things with them and not fuck up by being a dick. Its not wrong its simply cutting the chase and getting shit done quicker or let someone else influence them for you and feel left out. If you put a general glamour out to be attractive its still influencing people into seeing a mask of yourself and is no different. If your putting magick out to get a general relationship that suits you. Again its influencing someone into coming into your path and being attracted to you. Magick is influential regardless of wiccan love and light stuff. You want to find some money, it may be that it influences the person to drop it OR it influences you to find it.

GOM’s does not work for me either maybe try pathworkings.

Hi, I’d like to know your opinion on this love spell.

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