Why do you think people try so hard to stand out with Satanic imagery?

[quote=“Makkos, post:21, topic:117049”]
Why would anybody want to have sex with a piece of shit like this? Smh.

You’d be surprised at the amount of people that run to dipshits like him :man_facepalming:t2:


I don’t care whoever burns whatever. Everyone’s got his own beliefs. I only care when somebody’s been mean or good to me. Either way they’re relawrded.
I don’t share the wide spreaded belief by the Bible that we’ve got to be humble, obeying, to turn the other cheek etc. but it doesn’t bother me to be nice to somebody who does believe in this. It doesn’t bother me to crash him down the time he becomes mean to me as well.


It seems to me that on its burning cover its written “holy bible”…

This is kind of how I feel about people who do this or feel a need to defile the Christian bible as well are usually ex Christians who can’t seem to let go of a victim complex and instead it just becomes more of a edgy tryhard mentality.


Most youth take refuge in the egregore of “the occult” that pop culture has created through the influence of Hollywood, media and the music industry - mostly as a reaction to splitting away and rebelling against the religious egregores of their upbringing. A lot of newbies in the occult (including me in the past) fall into this trap. The true mark of progressing is realizing which ideas, practices, and concepts deserve our time, attention, and energy - and which are simply food for the egregoric entities that direct most human activity on these paths. Energy is currency, and discernment is the most important skill to possess on this path.

Another impetus is the freedom the LHP gives to people who feel rejected by traditional socioreligious structures in their lives, but make the mistake of thinking that just because they can, they should. Sure, you can be a Satanist - but does anyone stop to question why? Rarely ever.

Acts like burning the Bible are only feeding the very egregore this edgy boy wants to disassociate from.


@Lil The book in his left hand is the satanic bible. The one not being burned.

Idiot. One thing for sure - he had not read neither one of them. Other thing for sure - except playing a big guy after smoking one cigarette if being put in a real situation he could not defend in any way his beliefs but will ask whom he has to kiss by the ass.


You won’t see me burning a Bible. I respect my family relationships to much. Flow, like water! Message I have received during my journey. :grin:


I think I just found a new drinking game.


Because they got people’s attention. Attention = Status; by default.

It’s Mercury Retrograde, go easy on me. :smiley:

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Yes, this kid and his posse play the victim card very frequently. They grew up without fathers, live such a hard life, have to sit on house arrest because they play with illegal guns and sell drugs. The typical scumbag Satanist. Your post spoke to me because this is exactly him.


I agree. I broke away from Christianity and thought it would be so cool to become a Satanist. I grew out of it like you and realized like wow, I really don’t want anybody’s attention anymore I want results…


I believe the Satanic Bible is more of a prop for him than actual literature. He holds it up in every single social media post. I’m sure he has read some of it but to what extent I am not sure nor care. He clearly missed the point of it if he’s sacrificing live animals…


I would never burn a Bible just out of respect to people who would get offended… I wouldn’t want somebody burning my sigil of Belial in front of me and then bragging about it. I’d be pissed.


I believe attention = status only when you are under the age of 25… Sure there are some adults that act like this but the majority of people grow up and realize like, “wow, this is actually making me look stupid.”


How does looking stupid lower your status? There are many stupid people with high status that can use the status to sell products and get donation money, even after they get blown out in a debate or by a debunk. Those people have more money, power, and influence than I do.


Because the stupid people with high status are not stupid, my friend. They are actually quite intelligent and play the act of stupid… It takes a genius to make it to the top.

Or a diamond mine in South Africa: ahem, Elon Musk, ahem.


Well, there goes the theory about bible-burners being unattractive pieces of shit. :man_shrugging:

Back to the drawing board, Makkos.


That… is pure cringe honestly…

Respect is earned, Brother. Respect is earned! Never just given.

The only ones who have ever gotten my full respect are my parents and my step-Mom. And my deceased grandparents. 'Cause they’d whoop my ass if I didn’t. And I’m a grown woman.

I’ve got family members I don’t even talk to, because they are fucktards. I’m okay with burning bridges with fucktards - including my own flesh and blood family. I don’t need drama.

Of course you’d be pissed off, I’d be pissed off too if someone set fire to something I considered sacred.

But remember, respect is earned. Not just given in my rule book. I’ll be nice and kind to others. But once a line is crossed, I will gently say my words and let you think.

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Ancestors say: Why should one be offended over burning something?

People who burn things and show it on social media are wanting others to react. Why react?

I guess the real question here is - why get angry about what another person does? Does it affect you personally? Hmmmmm?

“The clown is a creature of chaos. His appearance is an affront to our sense of dignity, his actions a mockery of our sense of order. The clown (freedom) is always being chased by the policeman (authority). Clowns are funny precisely because their shy hopes lead invariably to brief flings of (exhilarating?) disorder followed by crushing retaliation from the status quo. It delights us to watch a careless clown break taboos; it thrills us vicariously to watch him run wild and free; it reassures us to see him slapped down and order restored. After all, we can condone liberty only up to a point. Consider Jesus as a ragged, nonconforming clown–laughed at, persecuted and despised–playing out the dumb show at his crucifixion against the responsible pretensions of authority.” - Tom Robbins, Another Roadside Attraction

Really, only the stupid and the clowns are remembered. :grin::+1:

But in reality, I’m only one person.


Edgelord extraordinaire here. I paint my nails black, rock the guy-liner, have a selection of massive reversed pentacles and other satanic themed jewelry, etc…and I don’t think anyone here will dispute my serious dedication to the occult path.

Some people just like the shockvalue, others just enjoy the aesthetic. I’m a bit of both of those honestly. It’s just my thing, my dude. I wouldn’t be so quick to judge everyone with this aesthetic as posers. Looks at BALGs own Orlee Stewart for instance. She’s as gothed out as you can get and is absolutely on point with her skills and knowledge.