Why Do So Many People See Demons as Evil?

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The mistake so many people ignorantly make. They believed demons are the evil workers, they didn’t know there are other Spirits that are more dreadful than demons. Even demons avoid them.

Religion has taught many lies as truth.


What’s the fastest way to destroy something? Destroy the things it is based on. The word demon derives from positive foundations. The largest cult in the world transformed the word into something meaning evil even though the pagan followers had no evil intent. It has gone on from there. Let’s not forget during the witch hunts and middle ages if you lived during torture you were a witch and if you died you were human.


It boils down to perspective. All of these negatives/positives are the illusion of the persona/individual because choice is an illusion: one cannot actually create separation in the Infinite Unity. However, the illusions are real experiences–just not the true reality. It is because you cannot actually create separation in Infinite Unity, i.e. your True Self, that you feel negative emotions towards things other than what you seem to “prefer”. It’s like insisting on wanting only one part of your Self and that’s always going to cause problems. Demons and angels are One–two sides of the same coin. It’s the emotional essence of your perspective that determines how you experience aspects of the Infinite.


I concur with what is said and I walk the LHP and am firm with it. There are two sides to each story in a nutshell the LHP does not worship and conform to a god or laws. This gets misinterpreted as evil but that is not the truth. LHP and demons wish to retain their values, opinions, and right to question. I firmly do not believe in condemning anyone due to their race, sexual orientation, or even religion. As long as people do not harm innocent or defenseless thing like children, animals, elderly, handicap, mentally challenged or unstable even other adults for no intent to just harm.

This is really a common consensus among the LHP and those practicing demonology to each their own. If someone does cross you or a loved one or say you see for example someone hurting a child you may retaliate. There is no turning the other cheek hoping it is part of a plan the LHP is you make your plan and you may take action because no one else will. You do not have to forgive or pray for an enemy you may punish, for they will turn on you.

If you look at the other side of things and the polarity of the Bible a lot of these “evil” demons are mainly guilty of one of the seven sins known as pride. Before god and the creation everyone had power everyone was a god they simply did not wish to hand it over. Which makes sense to me it would be foolish just to submit to another being. This resulted in their banishment, in the Torah for example Lilith wished to be Adam’s equal. When she was told she must submit she refused. She found the demons treated her equally. So a lot of these “evil” things are pertinent issues like Lilith and woman’s rights, and sexual liberation. She did not feel comfortable having Adam on top of her however I believe anything beside missionary was considered taboo. Lilith like many of us disagreed variety is the spice of life.

So that is why people think demons are bad but I challenge them to evoke and talk with them. They would shit their pants seeing results.

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History is written by the victors, so naturally, after the Christian Church came through and eliminated the pagans, and we’re able to set up shop, they had close to 2,000 years to work on formulating systems of control, this includes forbidding demonolatry and working with demons, or other entities.

It’s simply negative control programming, pass through the Christian Church, entering your mind via media, and being reinforced with weekly visits to a big building being hosted by a guy in a suit.


Because Demons are White Cats…white being the color of death to the chinese. It might be a conspiracy that parts of the christian government are run by chinese communists.

Chinese communist cats, the CCC.


Also…Kommando Kommunist Kitties = KKK


Firstly, the definition many people use is from Christianity where demons are always evil ,

Secondly, many ritual magicians compel beings into doing what they want by putting them in a triangle and often times threatening them if they don’t get what they want. Obviously, if you are going to use that type of obusive behaviour towards any being, you are going to need protection for the back lash,

These are the 2 main reasons why people view demons as evil

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Because most are brought up being told they are evil by religion, family, society, movies, books. Very few people if not raised in Magick are going to get to that place of Not seeing Daemons as Evil without out a lot of study and work. In my opinion. It took me quite a while to even start calling on Angels let alone Daemons. I now have worked with some Daemons and it has all been a very positive experience as has it with Lucifer/Enki/Shiva.

I also had a discussion with people yesterday explaining to them about the Origins man and Ancient Gods and how they were Daemonized. Most people are not ready to hear about them and you may isolate yourself by scaring people off.

If they learn over time after seeing you and as a good, benevolent, prosperous person. Then they might be open to hearing about it.

One of the best things I have experienced from working with Lucifer and Daemons is the shedding of many layers of fear and fear based programming.

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I agree wit most of that… But would like to add that in my experience and opinion there is a deeper level as well. When you don’t always feel a need to retaliate because you see it as a lesson to show you that you must look within to see what beliefs and programming you have that manifested that even or situation in your life in the first place.

Sure you can curse or attack back and stop that person. Just as a person that attracts fights can fight every new person as they attract altercations. (and some people clearly enjoy doing that), but for others if they don’t enjoy it and they don’t deal with what is within that is attracting it, they will keep attracting over and over until they learn the lesson of if you don’t believe in lessons, removing the programming that’s creating it which would actually be more accurate.

Like people that keep attracting abusers or always get scammed, or or have bad luck, etc… They can fight all of those battles over and over or they can fix what it manifest it over and over.

And I’m not saying don’t defend your self but also address the issue just as you would with anything else.

Just my personal observation and personal experience, absorb what you find useful.

To put it in even more simply, demons have been, for lack of a better term, demonized.

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This happens in Magick all of the bloody time. I’ve seen it - over and over again as it turns out. Happens on both paths.


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This topic is really for all newbies if you want to do something magical and the thought of doing it scares the heck out of you, but your young and you think let’s see what might happen, You can easily be traumatised by an immediate result that comes out of stage left and is terrifying. But if you read everything you can about that subject both positive and negative, that same possible negative response becomes "Oh yes someone told me that could happen"and because you have been fore warned there is no trauma one of the 1st books read on ouija boards told me that the board tells lies sometimes so if it tells you you are going to die tonight take it with a pinch of salt
the 1st time I used a board it told me I was going to die in a car accident that evening on the way home everyone wanted me to stay the night but I went home and nothing happened I am still here and even on that night wasn’t even apprehensive. so to any new persons out there get the knowledge first and then dive in at least then it won’t be your first and last time, and the first time will be enjoyably weird rather than horrific, and you will get a glimpse of the fact it’s nothing like Hollywood. It’s better.

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If you want to use a Ouija board use a pendulum by yourself. Most people just call in whatever spirits happen to be around and then believe everything that they are told. It’s a lot easier just to go to a bar and start believing and obeying whatever you’re told by the resident drunk.

I use Seals under the board. Once I got the answer ‘Britain’, but I disbelieved. Twenty-four hours later I performed the exercise again, but this time had the board on its side (or upside down, I forget) and sure enough the answer I got was different. The second time I got the answer ‘United Kingdom’.

Whenever I use divination I have the attitude and expectations of a King/living God seeking counsel, but if I was using divination for party time questions the calibre of the answers received would be for party time questions. I saw a lhp Magician ruin his life and lose his wife and young family using the board. He didn’t use Seals either.


I think this trope right here applies to Demons quite well: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DarkIsnotEvil

Part of it is religion, part is misconceptions, and part is because there are bad entities that parade around saying they’re demons but its lies.


Yeah I think the majority of hauntings and “exorcisms” are from either parasitic or human spirits who say they’re demons. They know most humans are afraid of demons and use that fear to their advantage.