Why are humans or any other living beings stuck here on planet Earth?

Earth is our home.
We don’t consider ourselves stuck here

Thanks @LightFire

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  1. There are 2 possibilities:
    because magic is not real or because people think is not real
    If everyone knew about magic imagine all the chaos there could be, also I have this theory that magic is an energy that comes from somewhere, if everyone knew about it everyone would use it and there would be no sufficient energy left for everyone but heyy thats just a theory

Yeah, I also think that everyone will be fully independent and that will could force all to have mutual respect

There’s a theory that we are on earth for soul growth. TO lean lessons . The hardships make us evolve soulwise. Those who are more evolve are spirits that want to help us physical folks to learn and growth our soul. It’s said this earth is hell and we will repeat until we evolve our souls. Each person made a contract before being born to learn certain lessons. So we have certain hardships to teach those. That’s one theory.

Thanks @anon37593562. First time I hear about it but it has some logic. thanks.

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No one is stuck here. We have higher selves who decided that physical experience was the way forward for expansion. This is the leading edge.

We’re here to have experiences and through our experiences, decide what we want/prefer and expand, and keep up with our expansion. That last part is where most people trip themselves up. We’re learning to keep up with our expansions.

I personally ignore the theories that say that we’re here to grow and learn, and that we’ve been lured here and tricked into reincarnating. To me, they are BS theories that propagate because people can’t or won’t accept that there’s one very simple purpose for being here.

For a start, we were not born unworthy. We don’t need to learn anything that we weren’t born with.

And secondly, people have the free will to decide that if they’re unhappy, they can and will change it. It’s taking personal responsibility for ourselves and our realities.

Thirdly, it’s not a soul that decides it wants to be here. It’s the higher self/godform/inner being that makes the choice to plonk a soul down on Earth. :wink: Do you really think a higher self would hand its power over to an Archon or whatever it is that supposedly tricks and traps us in the reincarnation cycle?

Question where you’re getting your information from. Then go from there.

Read Abraham Hicks or watch their videos on YouTube to learn more about why we’re here. Now why do I say these things as if they were factual? Because this information came from Source energy, and it was free from anything like fear or doubt. It resonates with me.


I chose to reincarnate for curiosity, no contracts, no higher self, no came here because observing wasn’t doing much lol. Though each time my curiosity got more and more interested in the changes that were going on lol.

Does your soul’s origins come from Earth?

Archon could be stronger than your higher self.

You’re not REALLY stuck on here if you learn to soul travel

and that is really hard to do

Thanks @InfernalUnicorn,
The question is what triggers the higher self/godform/inner being to reincarnate.
Is it possible to exist in multiple different planes while here on earth and consciously be aware of it.

Once we have learned and expanded, what is next. is it possible to know. Or maybe we would get tittles like saints, angels…and son. Will this cycle ever end.

Let me say this. I believe you can expand your lifespan with magick, I believe you can toughen your flesh. I believe you can make yourself damn near immortal. But I don’t usually work with absolutes. I think the idea of absolutely, definitely, positively being unable to die for any reason isn’t attainable. It’s like a scale that slides forever.

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There’s many frameworks that trigger reincarnation. Greek pantheon, Egyptian pantheon, Celtic, Norse, none, etc.

I do not view myself as being “stuck”. For a lack of a better word, this is almost like a form of boot camp. Repeating cycles of destruction and creation, life and death, shaping the individual into what they choose to become. At death, I view that as stepping onto the field, going off wherever one needs to go. Sometimes it is back here, other times it is else where. That is how I view things at least.

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Your misreading it. It’s one’s own soul ,ourselves, that decides it. not another being. It’s our free will that decides to be here to learn for growth by way of physical world. Reason we don’t remember the past is cuz we do that so that this lifetime is a clean slate. It’s like an empty canvas so that we aren’t influence by the past incarnation.

Unless your true self or “higher self” is an archon reincarnated :wink:

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No way. They’re weakling pipsqueaks by comparison.

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