Who would you bet your money on?

  • Guy A
  • Guy B

0 voters

So let me set this up.

Suppose there was an attractive girl in a college class, and two guys were interested in her. Guy A is physically unattractive (below a 5), not a PUA, but knows Magick well and has Sitri as his ally (A spirit who btw, has the power to not only create attraction but destroy it as well, on behalf of the operator) Guy B is fairly attractive (above a 5)…but totally unaware of magick, with solid PUA game as his ally. Who would you put your money on as to which guy will manage to fuck the girl first, Guy A or Guy B? Can Magick only work, in your mind, if the individual gives it every helping hand imaginable (ie. Learning a bunch of PUA, becoming more physically attractive, etc)? Or can it overcome physical obstacles in favor of the underdog? Curious to see what people think


Guy B wins the battle,Guy A wins the war.


Currently 80% guy B. Damn lol


Girl fucks B,A kills B,girl fucks A.


Guy B is just faster because he might be used to how to court someone and he knows how to use certain attributes.
Guy A has to overcome his insecurities on the long run and shit takes time, spirit in your back or not.


Guy B, not because he’s more attractive but because he isn’t insecure about himself or doesn’t show it. Confidence in a man is very important and if you don’t have it, fake it til you make it.


It is a trick question since Guy C is the one who wins since he knows and is a pro at both PUA and Magick. Because you have to cover all of your bases to ensure victory and it may be over kill but results is what counts.


So I am the only sinister person on the forum huh ?


I think you’re not :slight_smile:


Good to know.


So for me, when I asked myself this question…I broke it up into two parts.

Part 1: is Magick capable of stopping a guy who the operator views as competition, from being appealing to the girl he is targetting? Is this too difficult a task, given all the things I’ve seen Magick be able to do? My answer was yes, Magick could stop the guy from getting her, given that I’ve seen Magick do much more difficult things. It’s an incongruence to me that Magick is able to send a able bodied man to the grave with zero mundane assistance from the operator, but incapable of stopping an attractive man from winning over a woman.

Part 2: Can Magick make an attractive girl be sexually interested in an unattractive guy? Is this too much for Magick to accomplish. Well, I would say that lust Magick…by its very nature, is used largely by guys who did not win the genetic lottery. If they did, it’s unlikely that many of them would bother using Magick to begin with. So given the routine success of others who lacked what it took, one way or another, to get the girl they wanted via purely mundane means, I believe that yes, Magick can do this for a guy.

Given my answer to both questions, I’d bet my money on Guy A personally


Why is everyone and his aunt assuming that “Attractive girl” is never interested in “not so attractive guy”?
“Not so attractive guy” might have a way with words, maybe he is a great story teller or maybe its just a pleasure to be around him. Magick could work on that a great deal, enhancing whats already there (and there is often a lot to work with)


Probably neither


The girl is a lesbian. Neither wins.


I know that it happens. I agree. As a matter of fact, that was another argument I was going to add. Even in the purely mundane world, you see attractive women with unattractive men. So it should be even less outlandish to believe that Magick could give the edge to the unattractive guy in this scenario :slight_smile:


Preach! I’ve dated guys more for their personality & how they treat me. I remember thinking my first boyfriend looked “meh,” lol, but he was wonderful!


What’s funny though is that if she actually we’re a lesbian, Guy A would have an even better chance of beating Guy B, as evidenced here by @Norski. I mean think about it…her being a scissor sister would completely defeat Guy B, but with Magick, Guy A would still have a shot :slight_smile:


Am I the only one who voted and then read the text below ?
I’d go for the better looking guy with game. Magic isn’t that useful, if you’ve got no game. The guy with magic will get stronger attraction but the guy with fame does better in the long run


Guy A made quite a comeback, wow


Guy A used Magick to sway the vote. That’s why he wins at life