Who is "The Dragon"?

I don’t know what the hell it was. I summoned something and do not who it was. And will probably never know. But it was dark and yes, scary.


Never thought of that before.

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I can promise you it wasn’t Lucifer, or any demon king. Theyre not out there to harm you.
Here’s what you can do:
Cleanse yourself. Take a shower, imagine all the negativity is washed away from you, there’s nothing left.
Don’t do any Magick for a week, don’t even think of Magick.
If you feel the negative energy coming back, visualize a light orb around you. No negative energy can enter, and it cannot steal your positive energy.
After you feel completely clean, you can start again. But don’t forget, you are more powerful than those lower entities that may try to harm you.


And remember: light doesn’t equal good, and darkness doesn’t mean evil.
But I think you should know that now.


^ This is very good advice, IMO. :+1:


I agree though.



Regarding approaches: whatever you do, whether it’s cracking the whip, addressing them as aspects of your own consciousness (which some on here truly believe, and my own husband believes this as well, and he gets results) or literally grovelling and begging, and offering traumatic ordeals as a sacrifice, there is ONE thing I believe is an absolute: you must OWN the practice, and the worldview which supports it must be clear and unhindered by any contradictory values, and possessed with a burning faith and fury.

(I mention contradictory values because you seem to have a feminist concept of Lilith, so be careful how this interacts when dealing with male spirits, I don’t say this to get “political” and I am not trying to tell you what to believe, but simply to start the ball rolling of checking for values clashes, especially ones between your true desires and your social conditioning, which can itself also be deeply contradictory in nature.)

Back to the wider topic, I’m going to share below something I posted a few years ago which I still stand by, when a member was having difficulties with Lucifer seemingly not coming through on a deal - note that this is the business side of magick, if you choose to have an erotic relationship with a spirit that delivers some kind of D/s dynamic, be careful that’s not just rationalising their failure to deliver for you:


I too find it interesting.
I “met” a dragon that looked like it was made silver, almost like what we’d call a Chinese dragon over here except is features from the side were beautiful and not scary,recently until it came near and faced me.
Then it’s face look white.
Absolutely beautiful.
It wanted me to kiss it then asked for a name.
Strange indeed.

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It sounds like your in a domineering relationship from what I’ve read this isn’t a demon or anything to do with magic but your own frustrations of daily life, so I am confused as to why you have posted this to BALG.

Your Dragon is a symbol of protection. Day dreams of a Dragon represent your own fears or hardships. My opinion, the dragon is a magical, intelligent, powerful creature of myth and legend. The dragon can be seen living in caves protecting treasure or it’s home, the whole focus is your Independence and your hope day and night that you will be rescued by something that will remove you from your oppressors or life of drudgery.

My advice instead of looking for a dragon, dump the domineering boyfriend and move forward with something that gives you some Independence and freedom with your own lifestyle choices.


@Extermly_Exploring. I highly recommend this video. Watch, rewatch, take notes. There is great wisdom here.

Breath of the Dragon - YouTube

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Okay guys ENOUGH witch-hunting(no pun intended)
@Extermly_Exploring I am so sorry you now have to go through with well…this abuse due to a mistake you made.
@lawclerk this is a very interesting explanation you gave there! I like a good dream interpretation !
@Lady_Eva PLEASE close this topic as it has gone too far IMHO. There is no reason for more replies, as @Extermly_Exploring has gotten the message alright.


You’re right I have moved it to the lounge and I have flagged it for mod attention.


I removed some of the more recent replies, which seem to have been another member talking about themselves, and have moved it back where the OP can find it, and will close it. :thinking: