Who is the best wealth demon to get a specific job and who is the best love demon to make my target love me forever?

Yeah, there’s a few Goetic entities that work with love and attraction under different circumstances.

  • Beleth brings lust, and love from lust, but rather excellently, he is good for enhancing all sex magik, so is ideal to call alongside any other entity for love workings, and call for actually doing sex magik with a partner.
  • Sitri can urge someone to leave, incite temptation, encourage sexual passion in a cooler relationship, make you appear sexually desirable, or a mix of these
  • Eligos can cause blind affection
  • Zapar brings romantic passion (but can also make someone infertile)
  • Botis - to read thoughts and feeling that can help you get closer to someone, and bring courage
  • Sallos - passion from affection, create a captivating aura to be appealing to stangers (use before going on the razz!)
  • Gaap - provoke irrational lust (use to fuck someone up, not get them)
  • Foras - fascinate the jaded, specifically to reattract someone that is bored of you, understand a loved one
  • Dantalion - to attract potential lovers, know the mind of a lover, influence feelings

Combining more than one in a working to tailor the energy seems reasonable to me.