Which demon/entity is more powerful than Jesus Christ?

I think - but I may be wrong - the answer is really up to your belief system. I’d say Jesus has the power over spirits, it has been discussed here endlessly, but would really go to the church, attend masses, go to confessions so on so on? I personally just don’t work with Jesus and I am not irritiating myself with the question who is more powerful. But Jesus in itself is not evil probably, though the Church may seem so.


Yea i agree… but it shouldn’t be only about someone belief. There must be an order, a truth somewhere… Haha they left us the human,lost and full of questions among this chaos :joy::joy:

basically i think that every demon with black light is stronger.
but they are opposite.


Going by the idea that jesus isn’t a egregore then any being would be more skilled than him in varying topics, but he also may be more skilled in other topics. I normally don’t follow the idea of “who is more powerful” but many entities do have more time over him if he was real.

There’s a few ideas of the existence of jesus christ as he has no place in Yahweh’s original mythology and is more of a much much later creation.

An astral egregore
An ascended master
A demigod, child of Yahweh and the human Mary


Lol I’m making a point here bud.

it’s not Jesus they hate. They hate the manipulative nature of organized religion. They also hate how an entity which is supposedly full of love and light neglect and restrict his own people in horrible ways. The worst is what he says he’ll do if you break those restrictions.

What happens when people believe this is they bring to the physical world the hate and negativity of Yahweh and his model of hate. They hate this because your rights consist of freedom, power, and individuality.


@anon48079295 eventually noone can say the truth 100% about his name but I wonder how and who wrote down all those miracles that are written in the books…
The “practs of Apostols”, the old and new Testament all those myths around his name that created a whole religion…
Which of those are real, and which not… And with what kind of abilities and blessings did he do all those miracles?
As it is written, he gave life again to Lazarus after 3 days of his death, he walked on the water , he turned 3 fish and 2 pieces of bread to hundreds of people, to be able to give enough food to 5000 people in Capernaum…
But again who can confirm and guraantee the validity of those myths which are being followed by thousands of people through the years?
Is there any other religion based on a Messiah of God like him…?
We will never be able to know the precise truth…

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@Nolan_Toney I totally agree with you.
And its people’s creations afterwards who build up all those strict stupid rules and involved the character of punishment in this religion.
Personally, Im still Christian but not orthodox anymore… Im against so many rules and opinions church is teaching, but again, im always seeking the truth…
If its possible ever to find it…

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truth is always subjective, almost never objective. Your truth might be different than my truth, but it’s still THE truth.

Ι got what you mean… im just talking specifically about the validity of Jesus miracles and if indeed the demons are such powerful and helpful, as its said or if they are playing a huge mind game with the humans…
As i have noticed here, maaany ppl have mental issues, depression signs, difficulties in their sleep and so many more consequences, as a result of their relationship with the most of the demons ( if not all)
So im even wondering, are they indeed helpful for the human race or just playing a very smart, tricky game, trying to earn slowly our energy, thoughts dedication, our whole life…
Okay i just created many enemies in here as i can sense :joy: but really just think about it.
Are they indeed help the people to be a better person in this life or are they slowly pull you down in a well hidden, dark vortex…
Just food for thought :sparkles:

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well i know mine do. it’s easy to get into the mindset of “is this real?” if you haven’t experienced enough to really answer that for yourself.

If it is a mental illness, it’s not a problem for me. Even if they are hallucinations they help me become a better person. Besides, there are some things that are too grandiose to be coincidence. In my life, and in other’s.


Ι don’t have so much experience with demons, i feel my energy is not compatible with theirs. I do like and started building a relationship with King Paimon tho so I can’t say much.
What i just wrote was a personal conclusion/ thought, of many experiences from others here, who are working with demons for years. Our minds can be very easy lost in their own enormous complexity…we don’t even know our true selves almost till our death.
And believe me its very easy to get into a dissimulation of the reality…and so difficult to get out of there.

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Jesus was thought to be a myth taken from various older myths from egypt and such of the likes.

I personally do not believe in the name “jesus” in terms of the one that exists in religious means, there’s also belief he was just a normal practitioner. To me he’s just as much an egregore as the people who went on about fighting yahweh in the astral or killing yahweh in the astral, their own collective egregore. Sure my belief is open to changing in the sense he might of been an ascended master as I’ve met a few of those.

A book can say many things, his miracles could also be lip service given at a time where humanity were even more gullible than we are now.

There’s no physical proof he existed, but there’s also no mention of him in earlier text besides the fact he might of been a copy and paste of Horus the Younger or a older Mesopotamian mythology.

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Thank you dear @anon48079295 for your insight, much appreciated. I respect your experience and i love reading your posts here, such as @Anassa, @Lady_Eva and @Faustus. As some of the oldest members you are here, I m always also open to learn different and new things which can develop and form my old beliefs, shaped by my strict Christian family.
I have already learned a lot in here and I’m so grateful for that.

Could you please mention some names?


St. Germain I’ve experienced with through Archangel Zadkiel’s violet ray.

Paul the Venetian through Archangel Chamuel’s ray as well


The way I see it, it’s not that they’re more powerful, but they use different techniques. There’s a very wide range of dieties to chose from. Oddly enough I sat with this the other day, came to the conclusion that Karma actually holds the most power. Everything feeds into it, The true force of the Cosmos that’s keeping balance, intertwined in everything. e0618549ccfba074fb23cabd949eb211--tattoo-karma-karma-tattoo-ideas


In my own life, demons got results. Jesus did not. I know which horse I am betting on.


To my personal life i have seen results both from Jesus and Holy Mary , she seems to appear more often and help the people who really need it. But also i have heard successful stories with demons who helped a lot.
Now the big difference as i have realized so far is that Jesus would never help someone who wants to interfere in someone else’s decision/ life , whereas he supports and respects the free will and would never go against it.
In contrast, demons would happily go to someone’s life if they are requested to, and they would easily harm or affect anyone. What they need is just some offerings, a petition and someone’s intention if I’m correct.
So eventually, how ‘our friends’, how nice are the demons if they can get involved like this to our lives, because just someone else wanted to… :confused:

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Be careful about something. When you speak of Jesus or the Holy Mary, you speak of one single person and their opinions. But demons includes a whole race of beings, with different personalities and agendas. Not all demons answer all requests and interfere with someone else’s life just for a candle in return.

Some people resonate with demons, some resonate with Jesus, there are infinite possibilities about that.
That’s also why the discussion about who’s the most powerful will never lead anywhere.