Which celebrities really are into the Occult?

You’re kidding right?

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I think MM is truly brilliant though and is responsible for influencing others to think outside of societal norms and question things. His biography is a great read. He was friends with Anton LaVey who inducted him as a minister of the church of Satan. All I have to go by is a concert friend who passed who knew him back in his Florida days and said he did definitely have satanic viewpoints. I guess the world will never truly know though lol.

Oprah Winfrey

Occult is a very wide subject so there are many celebrities who are into the Occult ( some parts of it at least)

For example, actress Demi Moore follows the occultism of holistic-medicine guru Deepak Chopra. John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, and Kirstie Alley are involved in Scientology ( Jack Parsons - was Thekemite and member of Ordo Templi Orientis adn he worked closely with Ron Hubbard - Babalon Working )

Dionne Warwick promoted a psychic hotline which encouraged people to conuslt mediums . We have also ex-Beatle George Harrison and the late John Denver to Elizabeth Taylor and Shirley MacLaine. The list goes on and on.


Not even slightly.
.0005 seconds on Google will tell you.

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Liberace, Sammy Davis Jr. for a while was into Satanism, I’m sure there are more than we know about.


The video is largely depicting the “Scapegoat” archetype so I would have to say it matches Azazel pretty well.

Danny Carey from Tool is heavily into Crowley’s stuff and extensively works Enochian Magick. Makes sense seeing his drumkit is set up to resemble a unicursal hexagram, his fills make sigils, he writes a lot of the music, and they hit the top of the charts by breaking every possible rule in popular music with the last album.

Every song is longer than 10 minutes, the most “radio friendly” one is over 15, odd time sigs everywhere (Pnuma is in 33/8), they haven’t done anything to expand their fanbase in 13 years, there’s a song that’s just a drum solo in 5/4, the lyrics are all about something deeper than “no u. yeah bitch! jit yea!” or “ooh, ah, baby yeah, I’m all about the lovin” and the songs are all made with instruments.

In 2019.

All that and they sell out every show and 2 days after the album dropped you could not find a copy anywhere. Copies were going on eBay for over $200 and people still bought them.

That’s amazing on another level considering music has become a bunch of rappers who can only count to 4 and don’t know what arpeggio means. You can practically pay an engineer $20 to click out a song for you in 5 minutes and throw your favorite lyrics into a spinwriter to get half your “dope ass rhymes” and still have it go platinum.

The industry became a giant insult contest and they killed it by taking the charts doing whatever the fuck they want without using a single songwriting gimmick (get to the chorus in under 30 seconds, repeat the same line over and over to make it stick, keep it under 3 min so it gets put on repeat, using the “4 chord song” progression, etc) . Most music that still qualifies as music follows all or most of these as a tactic for mass exposure. Spread your cheeks TSwift

It’s abstract as hell so as an artist I salute them even more for pulling this off. They literally just made art how they wanted to and it topped the charts. Damn good magickal workings made it happen; Danny Carey :metal:


Sammy Davis Jr. was a card-carrying member (possibly just dabbling, as he also converted to Judaism at one point). Filmmaker Kenneth Anger had some affiliation with the early Church of Satan, and it’s rumored Liberace was a member.

Two other card-carrying members: Matt Skiba and Derek Grant of punk band Alkaline Trio (Matt is also in Blink 182). Matt keeps changing his story, calling himself “agnostic”, “pagan”, “witch”, and has said he’s more into the aesthetics…but most recently he claimed the Fyre Fest failed because he hexed it. (The Fyre Fest was such an organizational shitshow that it would have failed anyway.) Let’s just say I’m finding it hard to believe that :roll_eyes:

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Thanks for the info! Knew about Sammy Davis Jr. Not the others.

Aerosmith Check out the music video for ‘it’s amazing.’ I’d be guessing Temple of Set or some other Egyptian traditional practice.

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Oh yea, I definitely believe it. Heard some rumors while I was in music biz. How seriously Steven Tyler is into it Im not sure, but I do know some of them are very open to it.

Grant Morrison and Alan Moore, 2 very popular comics writers. Kenneth Anger. Political figure Augustus Sol Invictus. I would say Elliot Hulse, fitness YouTuber certainly is an occultist. Styxhexenhammer666 aka Tarl Warwick, another YouTuber. Nergal, vocalist / guitarist of Behemoth In addition was on Poland’s version of the show the Voice. Boyd Rice… William S Burroughs… Genesis P Orridge… Author Jack Donovan… I’m certain I can think of more but these immediately came to mind and have not been mentioned yet

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Paul Chek is a fitness expert who trains a lot of professional football players and extreme sports athletes. Aubrey Marcus, co owner of Onnit. Alex Grey, painter. If you want to get into the sphere of Black Metal, the bands, Dissection, Watain, the Devils Blood, all contain legitimate occultists. Michael W Ford was in a band called Black Funeral. Occult writer Paul Waggener is the head of Operation Werewolf and the Wolves of Vinland has a Neofolk music project called totenwolf, black metal band called Hunters Ground, and solo stuff under his own name thats more oldschool outlaw country. David Tibet…

Vice Diacara was the guitarist of a new York hardcore punk band called 108 in the 90s and is a vedic astrologer. You can find great videos from him on YouTube

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What did you do in the music industry?

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Vincent Castiglia and Stephen Johnson Leyba, are 2 fine artists I know of are definitely both occultists

I am a singer, keyboardist, drummer and lead guitarist. I didn’t get as far as I could have, it was a personal decision I made. Played professionally for awhile in several bands, worked as a studio musician. Was offered a contract but decided not to, because I had small children and the music life was already very demanding on me and my time. I played jazz, classic rock, eventually out own brand of metal. Now I’m much older, so I really just tinker around with my Gibson SG and Les Paul, do some song writing and lyrics. Make noise with my drums, occasionally jam with friends. Not currently in a band.

That’s awesome. You’ve got talent. You ever thought about being a music teacher, or being a ghost writer?

No not really. I enjoy what I do now because I don’t have the pressures I had before, but it’s a thought. Thanks!

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Bro, yo bro–fuck that boring ass job bro. You’re a motherfucking musician. Get them royalties.

Word. Don’t bury your gifts. That pressure tends to bring about timeless classics. And I get the sense you can do this in your sleep.

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