Where are you going when your time is up?

The typical pagan heaven is summerland if I recall lol. The lots of female soulmates sounds more like what those who believe they will go to a place where they get 72 virgins xD

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Maybe :). actually I have very vivid visions of my personal afterlife paradise and what will I do there, it keeps me alive. though I am dazzled whether this is going to last forever and repeat in cycles, or there is something ontologically different from this world, something intangible that would constitute for a true heaven. you know, without matter or totally different realities

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Lmao, “hopefully.”

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Funny Answer

This be me:


“Hell got all the bitches.”

Serious answer:

At least this is what I hope for. Sometimes I think we’re here to learn lessons and grow then take it back to the before. :woman_shrugging:


Valhalla! :fist:

Where I will just keep on, keeping on.

The fight never ends… :sunglasses:


i’m going to Disneyland.



That’s one of my favourite places to reincarnate, or maybe Asgard



Valhalla is within Asgard lol.

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short answer is die…Dunno whats next…Dying urts, death is the end product once we have died…Bloody hope Solipcism is real, the idea of taking all of reality, and all that exists out with me upon my departure is soothing. Misery by its nature invites company, and dying is misery…

Don’t honestly care whats next…dont want there to be a next…tempted to say Im done, but i gave my soul to another, who will very much use me until my purpose is served, or until it delights by which to utilize me again. I rather this be it… and maybe this is …maybe a god lives and dies, and so we be in the abode as gods of gods, and we live to die…and not knowing this, the beings of an aethyric nature see this and are held in awe, they being things with no beginnings and ends, who can not perish…some of them anyway (wont speak for all) …

So now, how am i to comprehend what awaits after death? Scientists who study it give us facts.

-common motiffs, crossing a river, being approached by loved ones, going into light, a prearatory process before final passage.

  • Strange occurences like clcks stopping in other locations, and synchronicities involving loved ones at the moment of passage do arise.
  • THings are seen, felt, observed beyond scientific understanding during the process.

Absolutely none of this convinces me there is a continuance of the consciousness through which we experience the world around us post death. Your memory may remain in other’s minds, maybe some fancy computer of the future could reconstruct u and ur personality, data, by a mere strand or hair or something should we advance further. However, none of this suggest, the you reading this now, your flow of experience, time, events, internal external awareness, the observing agent will remain .

I am Lucifer’s and most certainly my own demons have said unto me that my end will be very real in this life. It seems to be how it is for us in this realm. I expect to have worked to his (our ;SIC) ends before my conscious agent expires and is of no future or further use to him. While I delight as one created by Lucifer, to be utilized to some end in another lifetime, it probably will be not so, and something within yearns to sleep and not awaken to conscious awareness…the split internally is real.

I have this life to use , and when it is here no longer…i guess its over, and what disturbs me, terrifies me beyond words in a way one can call existential horror. I do not wish for any to ease the fright or burden of fear in regards to what non-existence must be like? What is it life to lose every sense one by one? Sight, sound, taste, smell, proprioception, and the others not named in what is almost 2 dozen sensory input systems we have…22 senses thus far, 1 by one shut down, lost…

If i meditate, I still am, I can not feel any loss. But dying is LOSS after loss after loss until I have no capacity to imagine …blackness, white light, are still things that can be percieved by sensory input or the lack of…When there are no signals running through the brain of visual input, what will be left? The physical body will still have cells living, growing. Hair, nails, intestinal gases will build up. Bloating, rigor mortis, the stages of putrefaction in which in natural means entails being eaten from outside and inside to nourish other things…But those things will NOT be the centralized, focused vehicle of internal external awareness we seldom think about…

I had been addicted for nigh 10 years to a dissociative; a very dirty substance because the disociation made reality so sharp, as if to the point one is glass that will be broken to pieces (during the come up of the high)…Then watched as thoughts grew scattered, visual things implied themselves, although not there, vibrations, and in higher doses, being so dissociated one feels one is no longer so…Just a pair of bodily fuctions, responses, but no central awareness point…even this doesn’t touch upon what dying must be like.

On and off I used monsters like Salvia Divinorum, but that was like this reality was a hallucination and I was always some mutating morphing amorphous shape in 4 spatial dimensions outside of time , and I was heading back to sleep into this reality. I don’t condone the use of chemognosis…I use this to set an example of my dilmena…

My brain , even without external noise, will generate its own. When the internal noise is quieted through meditation, there is a place in which things come or go, gather or disperse, but its there, vast and I am accutely aware of it, albeit lingual faculties are held in a state of quiet. I can not fathom what it is NOT TO EXIST, and this profoundly disturbs me, because I have only known existence from birth to this point, and this itself has seemed like I cant quite remember there being a beginning, just seemingly without end right now, but this can change abruptly any moment.

To enter this world like the Headless one, no beginning or end can I comprehend, to face now the notion of a very real cessation, in which …And i can describe nothing.

When the spiritual experience of death subsides, and the light or whatever u make consciously ceases because oxygen stops flowing through the brain, it is damaged and dies, THEN WHAT???Not much one can do, all will experience it, but beyond that remains inconceivable, beyond my imaginations desire or capacity to fill in the blank , because the notion that this place, of self, this location can be rendered no more and will is existential terror to me beyond universe devouring Lovecraftian monstrosities.

In regards to dying i like to think “u first, not i” , but when its time to walk the plank, i mentally do not look forward to this at all. Admission of the fearful!

You either choose to reincarnate, or what afterlife to go to, given that these realms permit you entrance. The only exceptions I am aware of is that if you have bound your service to some entity for whatever reason you must serve your time/fulfill your end of the agreement before being let go, or for whatever reason you don’t move on because of whatever personal conflicts you have with yourself or your past life. (As cheesy as that last one sounds its supposed to be the reason for why intelligent hauntings exist and the activity in said area is not just an imprint/scenario on replay for the rest of time. Its sorta like you never forgiving yourself or getting past some trauma and it just rules your existence and actions until you conquer it. I have personally gone to heavily haunted areas and used things like pendulums or dowsing rods to inquire about this).

As for the other bits, that sort of enlightening moment came to me when my subconscious proceeded to take a plethora of knowledge, duct taped it to the end of a nine iron and proceeded to smack the hell out of me so hard that the epiphany finally dawned on me.

Im going to do my best to become an ascended master,I knw that would super crazy hard but fuck my soul thrives for the divine.

In all practical terms, short of the intervention from another party, you get whatever afterlife you feel like you will get. The trick thing is that if you have a set goal for what afterlife you want, and are resolved to get that afterlife, you can get it.

Regardless of whatever afterlife you choose, you end up unifying with The All eventually.

Actually, it’s extra interesting because with the fluid nature of time, you experience your entire afterlife in the last instances before you are fully dead and slightly after, before you unify with The All. So yeah, your eternal afterlife takes place in a split second that lasts until the end of time.


That’s more if you feel you will, otherwise you won’t.


No, everything unifies with The All eventually. Whatever afterlife you experience lasts only as long as it’s meant to, until your entire spirit is fully ready to let go and return to what it came from (The All).

We are all just aspects of The All, and we all eventually return to it, regardless of whatever plans we have.

Next time, read the rest of the post instead of stopping 2/3 of the way through.

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The all isnt the same for everyone, but I’m 100% sure I won’t unify with your all.


@Anziel_Merkaba that is the reason why people are trying to ascend so they can keep their ego after death and their soul does not return to source

It’s not my all, it’s The All. Literally All, but I guess some people can’t really grasp the concept.

That’s the trick thing about it. Your soul is The All, because you are an aspect of it. Well, more specifically your soul is an aspect of The All, and you are an aspect of your soul. But your soul is really just a fancy name for your higher self/godform/hga, which is The All manifested into a being. Your higher self is already unified with The All.

It is unified, but it is still conscious. In a total merge with the all, you would cease to exist as a being.

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