Where are you going when your time is up?

Has anyone done so much research and/or got convinced by an occult writer or got told by a spirit, where you would go after you die?

No lies please. You must have experienced it for real, and I’m curious if anyone has done their research on this.


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Neither, I convinced myself by exploring my inner temple during soul dives and seeing my time during reincarnations and between them. I plan to go “home” and resume my duties. I do partially to this day, but more of taking on them fully.


Through my own experience soul diving myself and reliving past life memories and shared personal gnosis.
Once I die I will return to the underworld, to be more specific the infernal nation and resume my duties once I’m home. Incarnating on earth was a vacation for me, I wont be coming back to this planet however.

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Don’t plan on going anywhere.

I’m gonna yeet myself to the void and sleep, that’s it. No reincarnations for me. No thank you.


What are your duties? And why would you go to the underworld?

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Same. This will be my last show. I have one last song to sing and thats it.


Do you not want to find out how to reincarnate in paradise or so?

No. I won’t come back so there is no need to.


Paradise is what you make of it, maybe to some sleeping for eternity is paradise.


A mortician singing her last song? I’d fancy that.

Let me know when you’re singing.


Don’t know probably my home planet I had a shaman tell me I was a pleadian citizen and then I got to play telepathic games with aliens to confirm it

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No more going anywhere this will be my last
Im already tired


no one knows


When the physical body dies , there is still
The other bodies like mental body still alive, there is almost 0 chance that death is the end of your consciousness

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Death will hurt. I think the numbers of ppl who die violently or in accidents is like 5 %???The rest of us die from a sort of suffocation. The heart stops, lungs fill up with fluid…Thats a good 95 % of us…Shit’s gonna hurt.

When my time is up, i shall hope I carried out my mission upon Earth effectively enough to become a god. Either bypass death or ritual suicide. I shall have the joy of being the last living human on Earth for brievity, before hallucinations, delusions, and a painful insanity drive me to desire suicide (as madness does occur after prolonged isolation)

I should have fullfilled the requirements to self deify by then (no more commentary) . I will use it to leave the device that projects all reality simulations, manifesting int their abode (the realm of the gods, spirits, etc) as a being who passed from Universe A to B ? This realm for me but a stepping stone within a tireless ambition and rage, used to push me through.

. No place in this realm or theirs feels a welcome, and after death, I will prepare to WAR ONWARD…for nowhere after my physical passing will be home as mentally, nowhere was home in this realm. The breadth of my full ambitions, be not appropriate to share.

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Oh I just plan on sticking around for a bit, frighten the crap out of people for shits and giggles. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Then after I am bord of that, I will decide what to do next then.

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I decided to go to my spirit husband’s realm and recover, before I head back to earth to enjoy some more magickal moments.



either stay in the spirit world, or incarnate into a higher vibrational planet here in the physical plane.

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I will likely rejoin my dead with the ancestors for a time before wandering elsewhere.