What's the most retarded thing you've done in the occult

Telling me incubus to do his worst, after a fun filled night. Then waking up the next day physically drained, I was in bed for a week, had to go to the doctor. I was lower in vitamins & proteins and still have the scars to this day


After a bit of more experience on my hands (not that much, I mean…looks at the date) I think the most retarded thing that happened to me SO FAR is to not listen to my own divinations and disregarding them as rubbish. If it wasn’t for some very alerted spirits my ass would have been in deep trouble by now because of my ignorance and my low trust into my own abilities/instincts.
I paid for that error but it surely won’t happen ever again, I think :slight_smile:


O my dark gods, let me count…surprised I haven’t been reduced to a pile of cinders. :rofl:

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Casting a love spell on someone who ended up being a POS before the spell manifested.

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That is a good thing

Egregore on a web forum. The other user created the sigils. I proposed I test a hypothesis in seeing if i could call down raw, undifferentiated demonic energy to create…I do remember flickering or something being an aspect of it…since i assume it either is in use or was abbandoned, there was no oath of secrecy taken so i talk about it…

So i do my ritual to call down raw demonic essence into the sigils. I’m standing there in my room with an arm strtched into the sky like im gonna channel lightning or something, and then in front of me is a kinda misty looking figure about 2 - 2.5 feet tall. It was transparent, but what I made out was a head that was like a cone, very small, and I can see on the floor a strange kinda light where it walked…I laughed rather than doing the strongest banishing i could…watched it dissipate, and went to bed…

Well there was a flickering alright and it jarred me awake, but as a result , I think something else had come through because my head feels like its gonna pop, my body is moving on its own and i keep having an irrational fear im going to cut myself to death, my body walk like 5 ft, and i see a cloaked man, wearing my face, bright yellow eyes, cat like…and so i finally banish…back to bed…again, dreams were really off , saw figures that looked human but felt wrong like i was in danger…scenes flicker, im awake again, and pulled into sleep paralysis this time…This went on for days. He informed me he had gotten results working with the egregore…My job was to channel life into it (he had no experience in the matter, nor did it) and succeeded…Sleep however is an enormous price to pay…ok when ur younger, but the damage of the brain not clearing the free radicals stacks; it’s cumulative.

During the partial possession, i could not feel my body as it moved…I am willing to write it off as a partial seizure perhaps, as i will often attribute things to realistic causes before beleiving it to be an entity, or magick…however in this case i dunno because it was 2 times… There was a feeling in both cases not of a panicked fear, that makes one scream, but a cold dread that pierces into the body even though the mind ignores it…Goosebumps that i didn’t know how to interpret…
1-Dont make eggregores with ppl u never met in person. Had the guy held ill interests towards myself…id be all the more unlucky the sucker for it.
2- I’m not gonna quite say banish, because they clearly DID NOT work for me…but I willparaphrase Lovecraft and say, don’t call up what u can’t put down (The Case of Charles Dexter Ward) …so i clearly could have gotten anything. I wasn’t prepared
3- It can be done, giving a Qlippothic, demonic, or even angelic, divine essence that is formless , a form by sculpting it…Fast way to make servitors even but it feels like they are offended by it if u don’t ASK first…

In the end he got an egregore I was more than happy to part ways with…or i maybe still connected to it…not sure, but i certainly got a lesson in calling shit down without being preparede (literally had just a sigil and a circle drawn in chalk, no objects symbolizing power and authority ;hence i recommend evoking the old fashioned way over just using energy…theres a logic to the madness and “Stuff”, especially if ur a beginner ))

Sorry if I’m being nosy but… how did that happen
I’m assuming that entity tried to hurt you?

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Ignore the comment if it’s too personal, I mean no offense

Here’s goes…

Calling an entity a penguin during banter battle


Jeez that sucks. I’m glad everything is ok tho

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Fabio, is that you?

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Damn girl, be my gf lawd.

I don’t like the r word. I’m autistic and have been called it many times.

Hm, the stupidest thing was when I thought like “yeah, banishing and protection is for pussies” and got attacked by something, probably a parasite… got panic attack-like symptoms, but unlike the usual 30-60 minutes I got 6 hours of pure suffering and emotional torment :sweat_smile: I couldn’t get myself together to perform a banishing, but I remembered V.K. Jehannum’s “An Incantation to Murmur for When Spirits Are Fucking With You” and managed to read it out loud. After I said the whole thing, the suffering ended instantly… after that I was like “Yep, it’s time to learn banishing!”


Also I heard stories about people initiating through all of the Qliphoth in one night, while on acid, so I thought “I’m tough and I can do it too!” and took some acid… after the fourth or fifth ritual my whole body was shaking, like it was saying “Stop! I can’t handle this!” and nearly passed out. So yeah… the conclusion was: it’s important to know your limits and also don’t do dumb things based on assumptions :sweat_smile:


The dumbest I’ve ever done was soul bound with my pyschopath ex, who loves to put spells on me, and manipulate me.

I ate a piece of food that was left as an offering. I choked on it.


Unfortunately I’ve done this to.

Although I actually ditched the room I was in, since the entities energy was so intense, and didn’t come back till things felt normal.

Asking the whole heaven literally all types of angels to interfere with my life, never felt so uneasy in my life I only lasted for a day lol